i know how much i love getting fun mail - so i hope that whoever receives what i send feels that same happiness! i also enjoy seeing what someone else's hands, heart and mind have created - and that they want to share it with me makes my heart sing!
Earthlings who love to spread happiness are those who we love. We, at Republik van Patland, are anxious expecting your artwork to arrive. Best from Patland!
Mail Art News
May 25, 2016
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
If to spread happiness to those that might enjoy it is the issue, this celestial scribe is ready when you are.
May 25, 2016
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Earthlings who love to spread happiness are those who we love. We, at Republik van Patland, are anxious expecting your artwork to arrive. Best from Patland!
May 27, 2016
Bruno Cassaglia
May 27, 2016