jon foster


Winston Salem, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
If you would like to say hello on facebook, go ahead.

My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Jon Foster
1121 Kenwood St.
Winston-Salem North Carolina
27103 USA

Comment Wall:

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  • Keith S. Chambers

    Hey Jon, tonight I found out that I can learn more about Mail Art by attending a lecture [seminar?] at Reich Auditorium with Jon Foster. I was very excited to read this news until I saw the date, 30 Sept.. I could get into my time machine and go back to the 30th, but then I'd still be in Anaheim and I don't remember much happening in Anaheim on the 30th, so that'd just be boring.  Well, I hope the event went well. I enjoyed some of the students' comments and really like the drawing of the laying figure with a book on his stomach — I really like the colors. The shaving diagram is very informative. If I ever decide to shave, I'll make reference to it; in the meantime, I'll just let the beard grow, it saves so much time. Hallo and ciao, thank you for all the informative and entertaining inclusions in today's mail.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    50 starter kits? Man, you are one dedicated MA [not to be confused with a dedicated MF :o]. Seriously, though, fantastic job . . . Jon the MA Evangelist . . . Long Live Mail Art . . .

    Would have loved to see a video of the event, but your account is well enough to satisfy. Ciao.

  • Suus in Mokum

    Nice photo, Jon, your avatar!

  • Carina

    Hi Jon, your add & pass book arrived yesterday! Thank you. Wonderful project and extra materials. I will add and forward...

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Yes, Jon, add me to the Add 'n pass .

    ..even if No1 in BLUE is already  gone.

  • Nina Hermus

    Hi Jon, Yesterday your little red book continued its journey!

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Jon--received the Tucker project info--already have an idea for it. It may be awhile what with holidays coming up, a sketching class going on, etc.

    Best wishes for the new year!

  • stan askew

    jon ... your superb mail art arrived, yesterday. one of my very favorites! wishing you and yours a fantastic holiday season. best,    stan

  • Tiffany Bahan

    The postcard you sent arrived safely. I love it. The vintage swimsuit ladies couldn't be cooler. You definitely picked the right recipient. I'm so happy to have it. :) Thanks

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Jon...thank you for your collage postcard. Have a wonderful day and will be seeing you in the mail soon...
  • Linda French

    Yes, Jon. I'd like to paste some heads.  --Linda

  • Jan Hodgman

    Glad you liked to do.

  • Jim SantAmour

    Happy Birthday!  From Sunny Florida.

  • Susan McAllister

    I hope you're having a wonderful birthday!
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Feliz Cumplaños Jon.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday greetings from Greece, Jon!


  • borderlinegrafix

    Happy Birthday, man!

  • xx Jones

    Hey Jon, did you ever get the bookie No 3 ? - I sent it off to you 6-8 weeks ago.

  • xx Jones

    Hi Jon,  I made sure there are a lot of pages or little flaps with space to add things. I thought you would add stuff - was that a misconception? All the best XX

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Enjoy Jon! Just got back from some shows that Henry Kaiser curated at the Stone in NYC. Do you know who he is? Aaaanyway, It was a really great show... I didn't realize so much of his work was 3 dimensional - really cool!
    There's another wee goodie from the show coming to you also, but I thought putting it in the envelope might dent the cat., so I posted it under separate cover... Be well and creative my friend! Hope he inspires...

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Ah, great Jon! Where it in good health my friend! %_^ (I was hoping you dug Crimson... The bag is an artifact of the 5 shows I saw last Summer/Fall...)

  • Linda French

    Hi Jon! Have you received Tucker as Thranduil? Should get it soon.  Linda

  • Linda French

    Looks nice, Jon! thanks

  • Tomoe N

    Hi it has been a while but I am so behind sending back and organize the older mail.

    Here I got this from you.

  • stripygoose

    Glad to hear it arrived. The book was fun to do. I sent something to France last month and it's not been seen since. By the way, did the Tucker package get to you? That project is so neat.
  • stripygoose

    Thanks Jon - that's great. I'm not very on top of checking what's arrived where and happy just to send stuff, but the recent 'lost-in-the-post' incident has got me spooked. I'm not on facebook, but now thinking I might join. Can I say again - that Tucker project - love it!

  • FinnBadger

    Hi, Jon. I'm the one who sent tucker the cracker of nuts, and tucker Picassod. Sorry if I didn't identify myself well on the reverse.
  • thanks for the extras.

  • Roberto Scala

    Hello Good Sunday mr. Jon
    Do You received my mail art bye snail mail ?

    Please let me know.
    mr. professor Roberto Scala
  • Thanks Jon, I really appreciate it... I guess it probably makes sense including others on a book collab for shorter distances and less expense. In the UK we're fortunate to have the same price whether we send to the east or west coast of the States.

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Jon--your 'add & pass' arrived a few days ago. Thanks for remembering me--I'll be playing with them soon--and thanks for the stickers, too.

  • Svenja Wahl

    Cool, Jon, thanks for the video!! I'm still laughing..

  • Tiffany Bahan

    Your amazing collage arrived safely this week. As always, I love it! Thank you

  • Tiffany Bahan

    Thank you for the great collage that arrived yesterday. I will respond soon.

  • vilivine

    Thank you for an amazing collage card! I absolutely love it!

  • Richard Canard

    14.10.15 Dare Jon Foster, I think you would be absolutely amazed at just how " out of touch"(i.e. "electronically naive- I am a charter member of The Luddite Society) or just plain "naive" ... having trouble with my E-mail  & really have no computer skills to begin with. ...did receive partial phone text from you but no real experience there either  [by the way,should you for some reason wish to actually call me--- the house phone here is (618) 549-1151...always up late & usually always here ])....Alas to the point, but still no real information----off hand, I can't seem to recall the 1979 Winston-Salem Mail Art exhibit to which you refer.. Was it at Wake Forest U.or SECCA???... maybe the Sawtooth Art Center  downtown??? & what is the source for your box of stuff???? Always pleased to hear from you & thanx for your recent artful postcards. Richard Canard

  • Erin Young

    Hi Jon :) I was wondering if you received the ATC's I sent you awhile back? Hope they weren't lost in the mail.

  • Susan McAllister

    Hi Jon, Use the books in any way you wish. Enjoy.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Fast Eyes

    I just finished the booklet- what fun, and thanks. Weather permitting, I'll mail it back Tuesday (no mail going out Minday).
  • Fast Eyes

    Concerned that you don't have it yet. Sent first class, with tracking - thought it would have been there by Thursday or Friday. Will check the status later today.
  • Fast Eyes

    Oh - good - thanks!
  • David Alan Goldberg

    Hey Jon! Thank you so much for the rad "add and pass" assortment I received in the mail yesterday. Working on yours this weekend! All the best... David

  • Fast Eyes

    Add & Pass pieces and other fun items in. Thanks Jon.
  • Susan McAllister

    Thank you, Jon. Fun stuff.
  • David Repunto

    Thanks for mail Jon!!! You recive my mail soon! ;)


  • Brooke Cooks

    Jon.  See the blog post about the mail you sent.  Thanks, so much.  Is that really an intestine?

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Jon, thanks for the PC. I appreciate the fact that it is "NOT IRRADIATED" So many postcards are, these days. The barely visible picture of "Black Jack" is a nice touch as well. I'll blog it in a few days!
  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Wow, what a haul from you today! Especially love the face -- I'll say no more for now. And thanks for all the great stuff! Terrific Ken Maynard. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out your sticker with the Foster's beer on it -- I'm a little slow sometimes. I'll try and blog this all soon. Thanks a million!