Ray Johnson Estate

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
This account is for the Estate of Ray Johnson.

The Estate tumblr posts new content at least twice a week:

And connect with us on Twitter @rjohnsonestate or on Facebook.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome to the IUOMA!

  • borderlinegrafix


  • FinnBadger

    Great to see you here at iuoma.

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Welcome to the Union! What a surprise to see you here, a welcome surprise.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Lookin' 4ward2 some juicy postings from you. Hello! Welcome!

    Y'r (new) ol' Bud, Fike

  • stripygoose

    I sent these in May - did they arrive I wonder...?

  • stripygoose

    Thank you - I hope they find their way to you! I don't
    often check but it seemed I posted them a long time
    ago. Your page and the project are both very interesting
    for me as a relative newcomer to mailart :>)
  • stripygoose

    I was worrying unnecessarily - there's a moral there somewhere.

    Thanks for the opportunity to take part and for letting me know.
  • Tulio Peraza

    Dear Ray, here an invitation for you, it is a pleasure, thanks in advance!!!!

    "The Camel” International Mail Art Project Tenerife, Spain 2015
