Shab Levy


Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love it. I am also interested in kinetic art, stereoscopic photography, bookbinding and creating things.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Karen Koshgarian

    Welcome, Shab!!! It's nice to recognize a new member that I already know! I've been here about a year. The exchanges I've recieved have not been the quality nor caliber that you do, but it's a place to start. -Karen
  • Richard Canard

    15.11.14 Dare Mister Shab Levy, Yes, Welcome!....but I certainly don't know what Ms. Karen K. is talking about in terms of things  "not being  the quality or caliber" that you may be use to.. I don't recall ever sending any of my "shabby" works to Ms. Koshgarian. Best to you. Richard Canard

  • Richard Canard

    16.11.14 Dare Mister Shab Levy,  I have managed to put together a response to your commentary. That is, I  sorta... almost did. I think that I may have shot myself in the foot only to illustrate  my point of view again as I sent the missive to myself....maybe you can figure it out. Best to you. Richard Canard

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Richard BAUDET

    Welcome Shab ! Would you want to share some mail art with me ? 

    Please look at my address on my page , or here :     Thanks !!!

  • Petrolpetal


  • Bill Porter

    Hey Shab,

    Spotted one of your posts here and thought I'd just say 'hi.'

    The Olathe Poste

  • Celestino Neto