Linda French


Two Harbors, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
A long time.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
My profile photo is part of an artcard I did a few years ago called "Delicate Bridges." It is worked in watercolor on the back of a piece of yellow invoice paper. Since the invoice paper is very thin (what was I thinking?), the finished watercolor is mounted on a piece of heavy watercolor paper.

Sometimes my art is a little serious, sometimes dopey. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. I love sending and receiving the kind of mail that creates happiness.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Linda French
P.O. Box 254
Two Harbors, MN 55616

Comment Wall:

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  • Mail Art Martha

    Nice to be friends Linda, we should exchange soon.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Pensa Linda che è tutto reale! ho scattato la foto nella toilette del museo MAXXI di Roma ... è una installazione-toilette di un artista... un abbraccio , bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    é un gioco di specchi... ;)

  • Catharine Brown

    Nothing yet :D

  • Catharine Brown

    Awesome! :D

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    ecco la tua opera riciclata virtualmente... un abbraccio . bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    L'ho riciclata solo virtualmente la Tua Opera la tengo cos' senza interventi ! bruno

  • De Villo Sloan

    That wasn't much, actually. The MinXus narrative has been growing collectively for two or three years and is hopelessly complicated and convoluted.

    It's only a matter of semantics, but around here those little books you see are called "boekies." I think Cheryl Penn in South Africa started that; "boekie" is Afrikaans, I think. They are artists books, usually one of a kind and handmade - from the book arts field. Occasionally, they're called TLPs (Tacky Little Pamphlets), which is a m-a term going back to the 70s. Supposedly a guy named Wild Billy Haddock invented the TLP. Sometimes the books are collaborative.

  • Catharine Brown

    Yahoo! It arrived! !!
  • Linda French

    Yay! And you'll get something else that was sent this week. hmmm. I think I remember what it was that I sent. 'cats observing the bushes' or 'moonlight garden with cats'. Or something like that. I did those with stamps that I made, 2 versions. Glad it came.   Have a great weekend.  --Linda

  • Catharine Brown

    Haha, great minds! I'll post pictures when I get home.
    Thanks a bunch!!
  • Catharine Brown

  • Catharine Brown

  • Mail Art Martha

    Your beautiful collage arrived today, thanks. It will be shown in the next Front Door gallery exhibition in January, I shalllet you know when it is up.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    "Delight"ful collage arrived here, Linda!

    Thank you so much!

    see the blog:

  • The Blessed Father

    Is that a picture of your cat???? I had a cat that is a twin. BF aka Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    I just read your profile, so that is a picture of your cat. If you can give your email address I would like to send you pictures of Moemo, if not I will be sending Moemo mail art. I have artistamps, postcards, and envelopes with her image. Moemo pasted last year, she was 17.
    Hope to hear from you. Blessed Father aka Rick
  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Hello, Linda. Thank you very much for your friendship. I'll send you Mail Art soon.

  • Catharine Brown

    Great! Glad it arrived! :D

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks, thinks a bit of GREEK "red" warmth

    is headed your way in chilly Minnesota :-) Watch your mil box!

    (Edmund Hippo sent out a bunch :-)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Io divento un bersaglio perchè critico l'arte delle gallerie commerciali... un abbraccio , bruno

  • Mail Art Martha

     Your holy card is super Linda, i will photograph it over colour paper so the holes show. The Front Door Gallery is in the front of my house, the address where you sent your card. At least  it was still there last time I looked but no doubt  it will eventually be bought by the Guggenheim Museum of Art , unless the whole house is declared a Historic Monument first.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Forgot to tell you that I am behind in my hanging, with all the festive chaos, and the next show will be mid January. As soon as it is up I will post photos and let you know. Meanwhile  have a look in

  • stripygoose

    So glad you liked ballet birdie - actually one of my favourites!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Glad that the Holiday greetings are arriving in the USA :-)

    Edmund Hippo is happy , too:

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Grazie Linda! da anni ormai faccio degli interventi di minimal land art ... un fraterno abbraccio , bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Anche io ho lavorato a fare striscie gialle per le strade ... e una volta si è rotta la macchina e ha spruzzato giallo per tutta la strada... una lunga macchia gialla informe ...

  • Celestino Neto

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ciao Linda! è arrivata una cartolina... credo sia la tua... la fotografo con interventi poi la posto qui... buon natale. bruno ;)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    è questa ... ma elaborata da me con altre immagini compreso il mio viso ... la riconosci lo stesso? .... bruno ;)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Hai ragione Linda ! è un po' inquietante! ma io lavoro a livello inconscio...senza troppo ragionare: in questa immagine cito la pittura ... ma in modo un po' ironico e anche con un po' di sofferenza... è un lavoro ambiguo come quasi tutta la mia arte ...misterioso ... un abbraccio , bruno

  • Solimini Renata

    Thank you! Happy holidays! :)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    sono io da ragazzino... ora non sono più così bello ;)

  • Catharine Brown

    Thanks a lot for the card!! :D

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    But why avoid it? This was a Good Hair Day.

    (The shampoo is called 'Orange Delight' -- hang on a minute.... the little jars of pudding I bought the other day are called 'Orange Delight'. Perhaps that's why the shampoo didn't taste so good)

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    I don't know, as I've never tried gelli printing.
    But I do know that with glass prints you can never get two the same -- each one is unique, and it's fun and a challenge to see what you're gonna get

    (For some of my glass print efforts, see the 'Glass Print' part of where there are lots. Here's a sample

    end of commercial. And now, back to the Strudio)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    sono frammenti del mio corpo fotofrafati sul momento ... quindi è come se davvero facessi una performance per iuoma... sì ci sono pezzi di nudo ... ma credo non siano scandalosi... ;) ---

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    invece tu Linda ... non mostri mai nemmeno il tuo viso! come mai? a me sembra bello mostrare il proprio viso con chi si dialoga... no?  un abbraccio fraterno . bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Bravissima! Linda!!! hai capito lo spirito ...le intenzioni delle mie "webperformance" donarmi simbolicamente usando immagini del mio corpo ... W LA PERFORMANCE ART !

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ciao Linda! l'altra faccia è del grandissimo Paul Klee!!! uno dei miei primi maestri spirituali ... un abbraccio , bruno :)

  • Reinhardt Underwood Sevôl

  • EJ Vest

    Good morning, Linda.  I'm excited to receive your mail kit and make something great with it. Thanks for your cool project and letting me participate. :) :)  -EJ

  • EJ Vest

    Yeah, I got you.  It'll be an interesting challenge for me to figure out something to do with things I may not otherwise work with.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you put together in a kit...and messing around with it all.  

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ciao Linda! può darsi che qualche immagine dei cataloghi appaia ... ma non nascono per andare in rete ma per essere donati a mano  agli amici... un abbraccio  bruno ;)

  • Dan Mouer

  • Dan Mouer

  • kathryn corbett

    Hi Linda,

    Yes! I would like a kit.  What is your idea: to use only the materials you supply, or can other items be added?

    Kathryn Corbett

  • carl baker


    regarding carolbook1, that is from a handmade book by carol stetser.

    received 2 books from her today. quite beautiful.

  • Petrolpetal

    Thank you for the wonderful yellow fish card.The colours and textures work beautifully,and so does the woven paper on the other side!

  • Petrolpetal

    Also for the ridiculous bird, which is magnificent!