I sincerely hope you get it... I have read some things that say mail to you is being returned... Wishing you all the best and hoping to hear from you soon. :D
Hi, Richard! As I remember, nothing from you came to me in this spring, I'm so sorry! This is very awkward year when many parcels and envelopes didn't reach me or didn't reach others...
But I love what you do and you are on my mailing list, hope for further exchanges without troubles!
I think your definition of "genuine" might be different than mine. Perhaps you might put on your profile you ONLY accept art that is non-computer generated, that if someone used computer graphics as part of their medium, you'd rather not receive it. I think your language is not describing accurately what you want. Those of us who use computers in our process do not think of that as not hand made.
Je ne vois pas de trace de mes messages. En as-tu reçu au moins un?
Amitiés postales!
A bientôt pour la reprise de nos échanges (si tu le souhaites); en fait mes "vacances d'été" sont consacrées à beaucoup d'entretien et de travaux dans la maison.
Je reconnais bien là votre enthousiasme !! Merci pour l'accueil et les compliments :-D Eh oui, je ne peux pas m'empêcher de garder un lien avec le mail art et toujours plein d'envies. Ma production sera toujours extrêmement faible tant que je travaillerai mais je m'y fait : pas de contraintes, que du plaisir. A bientôt !
Oui désolé Richard j'ai zappé la réponse à ta question because of xylophène et lasure d'un garage en bois de 20 m2 (maison trop petite) plus les autres travaux bref cela me donne des démangeaisons mailartistiques mais le travail d'abord et le plaisir plus tard...
En fait soit tu crées un blog hebergé par over-blog ou blog post; ils se valent ou bien tu continues à les placer sur "encre et lumière".
La 3ème solution plus compliquée serait de me les envoyer par méls pour que je les place dans une page de mon blog!
Voilà, j'espère avoir répondu à ta question et j'ai bien sûr hâte de reprendre nos échanges épistolaires...
Amitiés postales...
As-tu une adresse électronique personnelle qui serait plus pratique pour communiquer? Jean-François Vigeon jfchrisvi@orange.fr Blog http://plus-beaux-les-echanges.over-blog.com
Hi Richard, not only did I recieve them, I loved them! I blogged the blue onehere: http://cranberryislandmailart.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/richard-baudet... and on facebook. The other one arrived in the UK, but I didn't have time to scan it before I hung the show - got back and hung the show the next day! I visited the show today and it still looks great. I'm not sure how much longer it will be up but I will be doing an online catalog soon, so will keep you posted about that. I'll post the other image when I get the pieces back home, too. I appreciate all your support and will be sending you something before too long. I have about 100 people to respond to and it's difficult to fit things in between family (home for the summer). Thanks again and I'll be in touch soon! REBECCA
Hi there! I have received your art---love it! I have been a busy girl the past few months, but sent you something back just last week. It should be at your doorstep in no time. :)
Richard, bon après-midi! J'ai reçu votre enveloppe. C'est beau! Je pense à envoyer en réponse à quelque chose de spécial dans les prochains jours) Elena.
Bonjour Richard...I have received your latest decorated envelope--the ancient epitaphs are so interesting--and the 'year of the horse' stamp is exceptional--merci beaucoup!
Bonjour Richard! I would love to exchange mail with you. I have many young friend in France as I work with exchange students from France each summer:) sending you a card tomorrow:)
Bonjour Richard, I received your envelope this past week; much fun. I posted the back panel on the envelopes group page. Fantastic. Your lettering is premier. Thank you very much.
Yes, this summer the weather was unusually drab. I personally prefer it a compared to the summer heat waves, but that is me. Let me know in advance next time!
Lynn Radford
I sincerely hope you get it... I have read some things that say mail to you is being returned... Wishing you all the best and hoping to hear from you soon. :D
Jul 30, 2014
An. U.
Hi, Richard! As I remember, nothing from you came to me in this spring, I'm so sorry! This is very awkward year when many parcels and envelopes didn't reach me or didn't reach others...
But I love what you do and you are on my mailing list, hope for further exchanges without troubles!
Jul 30, 2014
Lady von Halbach
Many thanks, Richard, for the latest you sent me--it's wonderful! I hope to make some scans soon so I can start putting photos on my page. Good day...
Jul 31, 2014
I think your definition of "genuine" might be different than mine. Perhaps you might put on your profile you ONLY accept art that is non-computer generated, that if someone used computer graphics as part of their medium, you'd rather not receive it. I think your language is not describing accurately what you want. Those of us who use computers in our process do not think of that as not hand made.
Aug 2, 2014
Jean-François VIGEON
Bonsoir Richard
Je ne vois pas de trace de mes messages. En as-tu reçu au moins un?
Amitiés postales!
A bientôt pour la reprise de nos échanges (si tu le souhaites); en fait mes "vacances d'été" sont consacrées à beaucoup d'entretien et de travaux dans la maison.
Aug 3, 2014
Mert Yılmaz Kocagil
Hi Richard. I sent a mail art to you . I Wait your mail art...
Aug 4, 2014
Deborah S. Phillips
glad you like richard. i couldn't log in the last few weeks, but now it's working. staying in touch/all the best back, deborah
Aug 4, 2014
An. U.
Thank you very much, Richard! I will wait, hope it will reach me soon and safely!
Aug 4, 2014
Erica Durante
Hi Richard! I'm mailing you something today. Cheers!
Aug 6, 2014
David Stafford
Merci....I look forward to it...I've admired your lettering skills for some time now.
Aug 6, 2014
Mert Yılmaz Kocagil
Thanks Richards I wait your mail art as soon sa...
Aug 8, 2014
leila ubbi baldochi
Aug 8, 2014
An. U.
Got your wonderful envelope today! THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH!!! :))
Aug 15, 2014
Lenka Laskoradova
Hello, Richard! I got your comment about mine envelopes - here you are my address loonylovegood13@gmail.com
I wait your letter =)
Aug 26, 2014
Lenka Laskoradova
Write me via email, please, Richard
Aug 27, 2014
Bonjour Richard
Je reconnais bien là votre enthousiasme !! Merci pour l'accueil et les compliments
:-D Eh oui, je ne peux pas m'empêcher de garder un lien avec le mail art et toujours plein d'envies. Ma production sera toujours extrêmement faible tant que je travaillerai mais je m'y fait : pas de contraintes, que du plaisir. A bientôt !
Aug 27, 2014
Jean-François VIGEON
Oui désolé Richard j'ai zappé la réponse à ta question because of xylophène et lasure d'un garage en bois de 20 m2 (maison trop petite) plus les autres travaux bref cela me donne des démangeaisons mailartistiques mais le travail d'abord et le plaisir plus tard...
En fait soit tu crées un blog hebergé par over-blog ou blog post; ils se valent ou bien tu continues à les placer sur "encre et lumière".
La 3ème solution plus compliquée serait de me les envoyer par méls pour que je les place dans une page de mon blog!
Voilà, j'espère avoir répondu à ta question et j'ai bien sûr hâte de reprendre nos échanges épistolaires...
Amitiés postales...
As-tu une adresse électronique personnelle qui serait plus pratique pour communiquer?
Jean-François Vigeon
Blog http://plus-beaux-les-echanges.over-blog.com
Sep 1, 2014
Rebecca Guyver
Hi Richard, not only did I recieve them, I loved them! I blogged the blue onehere: http://cranberryislandmailart.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/richard-baudet... and on facebook. The other one arrived in the UK, but I didn't have time to scan it before I hung the show - got back and hung the show the next day! I visited the show today and it still looks great. I'm not sure how much longer it will be up but I will be doing an online catalog soon, so will keep you posted about that. I'll post the other image when I get the pieces back home, too. I appreciate all your support and will be sending you something before too long. I have about 100 people to respond to and it's difficult to fit things in between family (home for the summer). Thanks again and I'll be in touch soon! REBECCA
Sep 2, 2014
Brooke Cooks
Thanks for the amazing painting. And just for me! The letter was great to. Thanks again.
Sep 9, 2014
Domi Ribes
Merci pour ton mailart arrivé cette semaine : c'est la première photo dans ma galerie !
Sep 13, 2014
Domi Ribes
Merci Richard pour ton mailart arrivé cette semaine : il est dans mes photos, et c'est le premier :-) !
Sep 13, 2014
Wo Rozynski
Sep 16, 2014
Hello Richard, i'm new here ... it'a again difficult too understand :-)))
Sep 20, 2014
Amber Whitenburg
Hi there! I have received your art---love it! I have been a busy girl the past few months, but sent you something back just last week. It should be at your doorstep in no time. :)
Sep 21, 2014
Eduardo Cardoso
Thank you very much! :D
Sep 23, 2014
Laura Elizabeth
Hello Richard, I received your beautiful piece of mail art today and I must say I am genuinely inlove. It's so beautiful!
Definitely sending some mail art your way ASAP.
Love and Light
Laura-Elizabeth xx
Sep 26, 2014
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Thanks for the mail art. Here is my original blog: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/profiles/blogs/richard-baudet-i-m-ban...
Sep 26, 2014
Pauline Pickin
Thank you for letting me see your beautiful artwork. I will send something soon.
From Pauline Pickin
Sep 29, 2014
Hello my friend - theres something on its way to you too!
Oct 5, 2014
Claire (aka Cleo)
I received your gorgeous envelope! Thank you thank you!
Oct 6, 2014
leila ubbi baldochi
Hello friend, soon I will send a mail art for you
what address should I post? hugs Leila
Oct 10, 2014
Thank you very much !
Oct 10, 2014
Tracy Anderson
Oct 12, 2014
Merci Richard, ta main est bien arrivée.
Oct 13, 2014
Torma Cauli
Yee! :-)) Very good!
Oct 14, 2014
Bruno Cassaglia
Grazie Richard! un fraterno abbraccio , bruno
Oct 15, 2014
Елена Зарубина
Richard, bon après-midi! J'ai reçu votre enveloppe. C'est beau! Je pense à envoyer en réponse à quelque chose de spécial dans les prochains jours) Elena.
Oct 17, 2014
Terry Owenby
Thanks so much for the friend request. I look forward to seeing you in the mail! Terry
Oct 17, 2014
Carmela Rizzuto
Bonjour Richard...I have received your latest decorated envelope--the ancient epitaphs are so interesting--and the 'year of the horse' stamp is exceptional--merci beaucoup!
Oct 19, 2014
Beth Allums
Bonjour Richard! I would love to exchange mail with you. I have many young friend in France as I work with exchange students from France each summer:) sending you a card tomorrow:)
Oct 20, 2014
Carmela Rizzuto
Bonjour Richard--mail art heading your way today.
Oct 21, 2014
Hello Richard...Je t'envoie une petite carte aujourd'hui....
Oct 22, 2014
stan askew
hello, Richard ~ absolutely ... i will put something in the mail to you this week!
best to you & yours,
Oct 22, 2014
Keith S. Chambers
Bonjour Richard, I received your envelope this past week; much fun. I posted the back panel on the envelopes group page. Fantastic. Your lettering is premier. Thank you very much.
See you in the mail.
Oct 26, 2014
Oct 28, 2014
Mim Golub Scalin
There you are, on display.
Oct 30, 2014
Dimitra Papatheodorou
Ευχαριστώ πολύ, Thank you!!!
Oct 31, 2014
Bonsoir Richard...As-tu reçu mon M.A. (envoyé le 22 oct)..Amicalement.
Nov 2, 2014
xx Jones
This is a very late reply, yes I got your letter and something is on the way to you! Thank you!
Nov 4, 2014
xx Jones
Yes, this summer the weather was unusually drab. I personally prefer it a compared to the summer heat waves, but that is me. Let me know in advance next time!
Nov 4, 2014