jon foster


Winston Salem, NC

United States

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Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
If you would like to say hello on facebook, go ahead.

My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Jon Foster
1121 Kenwood St.
Winston-Salem North Carolina
27103 USA

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  • vizma bruns

    Glad you loved my nosy fan mail!! About the CD, nah, send me nothing... I thought I'd write you a list of some of my Oz faves on a CD type cover and send it to you, and if you like them, then you can put them on a disc, or wait until I find someone clever to do it, I'll obviously never work out how to do it on my computer, I just want to throw it out the window every time I attempt something new on it!! Dunno, maybe I'll just buy you a bloody recorded CD!?

  • Dan Landrum

    @JonFoster #Life #MichaelOrr

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Before I respond with a resounding, "sure," could you provide a little more 411 on the proposal . . . depictorial free-for-all, rambling semantic tome, pornographic translation of The Cat In The Hat? Sure, I'm up for any of that . . . or more . . . or less . . . I'm not looking for parameters [f-parameters, eh?], just your general desires of a starting point. Or not.

  • Keith S. Chambers


  • Keith S. Chambers

    Oh . . . I'm assuming that the count of three volumes means three directions to three victims, er, I mean collaborators [wait, isn't that a negative too?] Anyway, if you have your victims list lined up, I can send it onto the next artist after I lay down my brush . . . or is that not how it works, but maybe it is and I'm just a few steps behind . . . watch your shadow, those are just my oafish feet. Oh heck Jon, just send it along with a note attached so I know what to do next. Am I making this complicated?


  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Jon--Thanks so much for your recent mail art. It has been added to my IUOMA photo stream and will be blogged soon at

    FYI: I did read all 30,000+ words of your 'This is not a Fugazi t-shirt' 'zine. I'm tardy sending you my priceless thoughts--maybe next weekend.

    Also I listened to the song, 'Be Productive'-Lots of humor in that one--a commentary on contemporary values. I find creative engagement keeps ennui at bay. 

    Take care

  • E Coles

    Hi Jon,

    Thank you for your "Hey Mister" mail art card - it's great! I'll be working on something for you next week.

    Have a good weekend.

  • Carina

    Hello Jon! Thanks for your great card! Have a nice day.

  • liketelevisionsnow

    Jon - thanks for sending the postcard collage with the tape transfer on it. I appreciate it because it gives me a good idea of how to go about using that process. Thanks again!

  • Carina

    Thanks Jon. The pic is from the "old town" in my hometown. Nothing compared to North-Carolina ;)

  • Tiffany Bahan

    Jon, I love the collage you sent.  It is SUPER AWESOME!  You wrote that it was made with student work. Do you teach, or is it art you made when you were a student?

  • DKeys

    Hey Jon--glad you got it.You complete it and send it back. I have another that I'd like to send you if you want. I had originally sent it to Nadine and she sent it back. i think because it took her so long to do it, but it will complete one of the pieces. lmk:)

  • David Stafford

    That was the right answer, Jon. Congratulations.

  • Lucky Pierre

    glad you liked the card. I am a carpet bagger, a Yankee transplant- I've only been in the Deep South for a year or so and as such don't have very strong opinions of the place except to say the worlds worst drivers live here. I am a peripatetic gypsy: a New Yorker by birth. You can take the girl out of Brooklyn, but you can't take Brooklyn out of the girl. Before Charleston I was in the North Country, not far from De Villo Sloan where I learned the true meaning of unholy = 25 degrees below zero and ten feet of snow. Before that I was in Kansas and I would gladly return there! I do like living minutes from the beach however. And you have to work pretty hard to get a bad meal in this town.
  • E Coles

    I just looked in my mail art sent record book to remind myself which piece I sent you. I recorded the card as "security envelope cut out". I cut out portions of the first piece of paper and then backed it with another piece of paper, then I continued making cuts in the second piece and when finished with the design added another piece of paper of a different colour.

    It was fun to make. Hope you liked it.

  • DKeys

    sorry about that Jon--i tend to go to town when I am mailing an envelope and I'm sure if you check closely, the kitchen sink is in there too! 

  • Lucky Pierre

    of all the places I've lived (that also includes western PA around the time the steel mills closed and the glorious pacific NW before the boom), I feel the *least* safe in Charleston and I used to walk all around NYC in the middle of the night back in the 70s and 80s. I don't think my fearlessness then was a hallmark of youthful ignorance. Charleston & environs are beautiful which obscures a large uneducated underclass prone to violence and crime. That said, I love the raggedy character of Folly Beach but IOP is a short bike ride away.
  • Lucky Pierre

    well if you do make it to Charleston, lemme know and I'll meet you @XBB!
    Shepherd Fairey was just in town and created a bunch of large mural on and around King Street that are fun to seek out. Have you visited Artist & Craftsman off Marion Square? I call it Candyland.
  • Carina

    Hi Jon, I was so inspired by your bat movie, and drawing - I had to make a rubber stamp! Hope that is ok with you... I think the bat has big potential to be somebody.

    Many thanks for all great cards!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hey Jon, in case this interests you: Washimatta is having a SALE! "$40-50 + dollars (10pcs- different sizes and patterns) worth of tapes for $20.00. Limited stock only though. First in first serve "

  • Carina

    Have to remember to send my sketch of the bat "side view" to your girlfriend. It's probably better than the stamp.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Of course! This is one of my favorite places to buy it in the US. (Click the

    at the top in the "Products" section)

    There are some that are too "cute" for my taste, but a lot of cool ones too!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    btw, if you end up addicted (like many of us... %_^), feel free to join us over at the group

  • Dan Mouer

    Jon Foster's Just Mail Art

    Jon, thanks for the brilliant piece!

  • Amy Morton

    Hey Jon, I just finished my 1. Add, 2. Make, and 3. Send back instructions! Thanks for sending such great envelope with Mail Art inspiration. It was such a fun idea and I'm glad I caught your post on FB.  I hope you enjoy the result...the collaboration is in the mail. Hopefully our mailart paths will cross again! Take Care - Amy

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hey Jon, you're more than welcome! Glad you're enjoying it (I'm a washi pusher, and always glad to help a new convert... %_^) If you like it & want more, I'll be glad to send. FYI - I usually scan the samples I send folks so I can keep track and don't send the same tape twice, but I forgot to scan yours. If you want more, & can scan what I sent you for me, I would be sure not to repeat that way... Just LMK -- Enjoy!

  • Nina Hermus

    Something is coming your way!

  • Dan Mouer


    I don't remember if I thanked you for the recent card yet. Really very cool. Here is where I documented it: Jon Foster's Just Mail Art.

    Thanks again and again!

  • Suus in Mokum

    Thank you for your Mail Art!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Found this in my archives: "Throbbing Gristle" by Genesis P. Orridge (1979).

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Jon--Meatloaf Pants CD arrived  recently and I picked it up today. Thanks so much for remembering me. I'll be listening soon and will send feedback. AND Good Luck with your mail art presentation in September. You have some good ideas to enliven it. Skyping is beyond me, but I'm sure there have to be some iuoma members who are up for it.

  • Tiffany Bahan

    Thank you for the postcard collage.  Your work never fails to impress!

  • Tiffany Bahan

    Pay day= postage day.  :) 

  • Terry Reid


    so did you ever get a workable address for Dean in Seine?   also find myself in quandry as where to reply..............................?

    terryreid (

  • Terry Reid

    good to C there is a richard C fan club

  • E Coles

    I received your mail art postcard. Thanks! We crossed in the post as there is something on its way to you from me at the moment.

  • The Blessed Father

    Thank you for the post card, will blog soon as I get my computer going. I was ready do a blog when my iMac died and lost all the photos for the blog. Have to shoot all new photos of the old mail along with all the new stuff. Rick aka BF
  • The Blessed Father

    Which bars did you go too. . . and where were they?? Rick
  • Amy Morton

    Hey Jon, thanks for the great mail! I picked up your KY whiskey postcard today. It is fantastic! What an awesome surprise. Your work inspired several cocktails tonight! I'll get it posted shortly! Take care.

  • The Blessed Father

    Hey. . . the Star Bar is my favorite downtown bar. You should have let me know you were coming to town, we could have had a few cocktails together. Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    Did you get my postcard yet???? I have a friend that lives downtown and we always go to the Star Bar. All the chicks that work there are Asian and I love Asian girls. Rick
  • Amy Morton

    Hey Jon, sounds great! Do I finish the book or does it go to others afterward? 

  • Terry Reid

    happened to be stumbling around on iuOma ground
    and noticed you had got back to me fast
    thanks for quick response
    (meanwhile, had posted explosive mailing to Dean Marks via Ruud, w/parts, like organs for transplants to correspondence artists elsewhere - trapezing through the airmails)
    best to you, jon foster


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    "Nostrils" arrived in Greece! Thank you, Jon!

    (and for the ORANGE "B" hahaha)

  • Amy Morton

    Hi Jon - your book arrived last week and I've begun working on it! I will send you a note when I put it back in the mail!

  • Tiffany Bahan

    I dig the latest collage postcard.  I share your love tape.  I will send you a washi collage envelope soon ;)

  • Larry Marotta

    Thanks for the art! I'll try to send something soon!


  • Keith S. Chambers

    May! Holy shit~%#* Okay, so you know, I have not forgotten about this project and will put it back on the docket . . . I managed to tear my studio apart today so currently have no room to work [except here at the digital cortex workstation]. Am trying to deconstruct the space and reorg it so I have a better space to work in. In the mean time small projects at the dining room table . . .

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Have you had the other two book come back your way?

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Sorry for the ambiguous message. Its meaning hinged on you remembering that I was the recipient of one of the original three collaborative books. I was just amazed that so much time had gone by when I saw that you had sent them out last May [5 May '14]. Obviously, I have not sent it back to you [so no, do not send me another], it is however a work in progress . . . [perhaps now my original email may make sense?]