Amy Morton


Arvada, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It is a joy to create things and release them into the wilds!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Amy Morton
P.O. Box 746471
Arvada, CO 80006

Comment Wall:

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  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Just made a new little welcome image from one of my older pieces of Mail Art and thought I'd send it to you. See you in the mail.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Welcome Amy

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Heaven is ready when you too!

  • Mustafa Mutlu

    ı wainting amy, thanks :)

  • Jay Block

    Welcome, will pop something in the mail soon...j

  • Jay Block

    very cool, glad that you got it... looking forward to yours...j

  • Jay Block

    Amy, thank you for the watercolor... really amazing.  I will post it shortly.  The envelope was terrific too.

  • Suus in Mokum

    Hello Amy, the nose scape card is cool! Thank you very much. Suus

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Paula Brown

    Thanks for the comment! Love the frog in the beaker and collage pcs!

  • Allison Baker

    Thanks for the postcard! I will hopefully get the chance to put it up on my blog soon!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Amy, thanks very much for your comment and friendship. I'm a bit behind, but you will hear from me. Send any time ...

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Raphael'L

    Hi Amy,

    I'm glad you like it.

    Thank you for posting the collage.

    See you soon in the mail

  • Allison Baker

    Hey Amy! Happy my secure lady made it to your mailbox! I look forward to seeing you in the mail!

  • DKeys

    really beautiful!!!!  I love any art made out of or inspired by nature. Your print looks like a sunlight print and I love how it appears to be made with chalk. Thank you so much--something coming your way soon:)

  • DKeys

    ooooh you are badddd!!:)  Your MOBMA entry has landed. After you created the wildly inappropriate category, my son was instantly interested in getting involved. That is his specialty:)  fabulous, although I am not sure what will happen when I post it!!  My knitted award is posted on the fridge. I thought the ribbon part was made of tp, so am glad it is actually sturdy fabric. you da best

  • Raphael'L

    Thanks Amy... Today I received a beautiful card and envelope, really amazing! I love it. I'll post it tomorrow on the IUOMA website but I wanted to thank you right now.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Your cyanotype print "Ice Melt" arrived today, and I don't like it--I love it! Thank you so much, Amy, and for the beautiful envelope as well. I'm a little behind but you will hear from me.

  • Allison Baker

    Your mail is so wonderful, I adore it! I will getting something back to you soon! :)

  • Raphael'L

    Happy Bday Amy!

  • Jay Block

    Thank you Amy, I am having a lot of fun with the pop-ups... they lend themselves to monster movie/sci-fi of the 50's.  Will do a stamp series of the images probably soon, and will send you a set.  Happy Bday.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Cara Ami , ho ricevuto la tua lettera! Grazie , me la farò tradurre dagi amici, ti sembrerà strano ma io non so una parola d'inglese...niente! parlo e scrivo solo in italiano.

    un caro abbraccio , Bruno.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Me l'ha tradotta mia moglie ! comunque fra artisti ci si capisce sempre ... ti abbraccio , bruno

  • Allison Baker

    Thank you for the wonderful mail (it always is!) I'm in the process of moving and starting my career, so I may be a little slower than usual getting back to you! But I'm super excited :D

  • Allison Baker

    I'm moving about an hour and a half north of where I was, up to Annapolis md. So much to do and so many new things!

  • Jay Block

    Thank you for the ' Giant Mountain Squid '.  It is a marvel of science... as to pop ups, you were part of how I started.  Your ink blot drawing, outstanding in itself, was folded ...  the drawing was a woodland with reflection ... I just went with the idea that you had done... my thanks, I am have a lot of fun.  Will post your imagine soon...j

  • olgacorrales

    Mail Art - CONTRA LA TRATA DE MUJERES- Se agradece la difusión

       Hola como estan ? . Les envío la convocatoria de Miradas y Postales para presentarse en el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en noviembre de este año en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca-Argentina  ,por si estan interesad@s , este proyecto en particular  va a trabajar el tema de la trata de mujeres ,concientizar a traves del Arte , el envío es solo por correo postal ,este proyecto se va a mostrar en varios países sea por medio de proyecciones de videos,diapositivas, como por envío postal para muestras en galerías,museos espacios públicos y/o salones  ,la idea es crear una red de información a través del arte .
    El proyecto anterior de Miradas y Postales -Por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres -recibío una convocatoria de 152 personas de 25 países y un total de 256 postales artísticas.

    Muchas Gracias Saludos Cordiales Olga Corrales

    Se agradece la participación y difusión del proyectoMAIL ART-ARTE POSTAL --CONVOCATORIA 2013 - MIRADAS Y POSTALES- Contra la trata de Mujeres -Against trafficking in Women para el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en Noviembre-Bahía Blanca-Argentina .

    Se Agradece difusión Se invita-convoca a Artistas-No Artistas a realizar Arte Postal . Reflejando la situación Sociocultural-Política-Económica sobre el Tráfico de mujeres en sus países ,para el ” Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las mujeres” a realizarse en Bahía Blanca-Argentina,en Noviembre de 2013 en el marco del Día Internacional por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres.
     Técnicas ;Libre( fotografías, collage ,pinturas , grabados, escritos, poemas, etc.
    Todos los escritos, poemas, versos, frases, deben ser pasados al ingles y al español.
     Tamaño: Libre Cantidad :Libre
    Fecha de cierre de recepción: 10-11-2013
    No jurado, , no devolución, no comercialización.

    Todas las obras serán publicadas on-line en el blog -

    Se seleccionaran todas las obras recibidas salvo las que no guarden el criterio de la temática propuesta,por q la intención es concientizar por medio del Arte.

     La participación en esta convocatoria es libre e implica el conocimiento y plena aceptación de las bases de la misma.

     Las Postales deberán ser enviadas en sobre cerrado junto con datos personales a esta dirección Argentina:
    Olga Corrales
    Dirección:Libertad nº3756-Ing White Bahia Blanca-Pcia de Bs As-Argentina
    C.P. 8103
    IMPORTANTE: Enviar las imágenes en formato JPG (preferiblemente no muy pesadas) a las siguientes direcciones mail:
    Serán subidas al blog http://

  • Jan Ketonen

    Jan or Janna- either one works. ;)  It was a treat to see it, and has given me the push needed to try to organize and upload my outgoing work and inbox of goodness too! :)

  • Dan Mouer

    Glad you like te fush, Amy. C'mon back to te fold hen you're ready.
  • Dan Mouer

    Make that "fish.". ;-)

  • stripygoose

    That peacock photo is beautiful - thank you!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Fabulous envelope with marvelous Magritte slides arrived today! I will be blogging it at the postal ledger and here when a few more arrive! Many thanks!

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Amy M.....your arty slides are in the mail!
    Have a great Saturday!
    Hugs <3
  • Amy Irwen

    so glad....and thank you for letting me know that you got everything....enjoy!

  • Jay Block

    Your incredible piece just arrived... thank you for Perpetual #1... it is a beauty

  • Mandy Fariello (FarStarr)

    Holy Crap! Perpetual #2 is phenomenal!!!

    I immediately went off to figure out how to make more...truly cool!

    Thank you so much!

  • Mandy Fariello (FarStarr)

    I did find instructions for the perpetual card. It's funny because I was just looking at some children's books in the special collections room at the San Francisco Library and there was a similar piece. It blew me away...and then your piece arrived in the mail! I'm definitely going to make some.

  • Amy Irwen

    Happy happy day Amy M. <3
  • jon foster

    I think I'm going to keep up with the package of things project. People seem to like doing them and they're something slightly different from Add and Passes so yeah, it seems like fun. See you in the mail!

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Amy, what a nice surprise in my mailbox today! Thank you for "garden plot iv"...will blog soon...great to hear from you *!*
  • PIRO

    Hi Amy

    Glad you received and liked the mail art I sent you.  Enjoy, :)

  • jon foster

    Great, I love being able to support the drunkenness of others! Glad you got the card.

  • Lynn Radford

    Thank you! Something in the mail to you, soon! :D

  • Dan Mouer

    Amy, Thanks so much for your cool little packet of goodies. I have documented it here:

    More To Me 2014

    The Garden Plot II ATC is really sweet! Hope your Bath remodel is going smoothly. I am really Jonesing to have a kitchen back, but I think it will be a few more weeks, at least.

  • jon foster

    Hey there, I wanted to let you know that I'll send the collaborative book out to you at the start of next week. I've made this one wide open for you, lots of room for you to put your stamp on it. Feel free to paint over things, add to, subtract...whatever. See you in the mail.

  • jon foster

    You just add your touch and then send it back to me. I'm going to mail out the book tomorrow so you should get it by the end of the week.

  • stripygoose

    Hi Amy - thanks for letting me know the card arrived. Your page is looking great!