Karin Greenwood


Kloof Kwa Zulu Natal 3610

South Africa

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I went on a book binding course with Cheryl Penn and she asked me if I would like to join her mail art group.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
31 Quentin Smythe road,
Kwa Zulu Natal, 3610.
South Africa

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  • La Koki

    Sure! when did you sent it? 

  • La Koki

    I got your postcard! :)

  • E

    Hi Karin,

    Your passport request is here 


    and here


    Passports are in manufacturing in our printing office of Utopia as well as the various to rubber stamps officials. A little of patience will be needed to receive them in your mailbox.

    A bientôt.



  • Emmy Verschoor

    Thanks, Karin, I will send you a piece of mail art tomorrow!

    So nice to share mail art with you!

    greetings Emmy

  • Emmy Verschoor

    Thank you for letting me know, Karin, I am glad it arrived.

    Some of my mail disappeared without a trace.

    Happy weekend! Greetings Emmy

  • Marcela Peral





  • laurence gillot

    Super ! I send a MA from France to you ! At soon, Laurence

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Nice to meet you! here's an add & pass A4...

    nice weekend :-)

  • Cristian Sima

    hello...i see you paint some angels...i send you an angel made by me (ceramic and metal)...

  • Cristian Sima


    Guido Vermeulen saids : rebel angel



  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    I'm so excited.I've installed suares of cork on my wall and am displaying as many of my cards as possible. I have a square devoted to many of my MA friends ( YOU) of course. I'll try to get a picture that I can post. Thanks so much for the support. 

  • laurence gillot

    I posted a mail art for you this morning !

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    No, no no. Maybe, when I'm looser and more uninhibited.

    I've tried to devote space for particular artists. Your ' gallery room' is right in front. Can't wait to photo or film it. Now when I'm blue all I have to do is look at my beautiful art and know there are wonderful, generous artists.Instant lift.

  • Emmy Verschoor

    Thank you so much, Karin, for your beautiful mail art card and the gorgeous envelope!

    The postman was turning your envelope in his hands on his way to our frontdoor.

    I am very happy with this amazing piece and will try to blog it later this week.

  • Frieder Speck

    Karin received your beautiful mail Thank you very much.

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Thank you for the beautiful envelope and set of ATCs. You're a very accomplished artist!

    I'll be posting a scan in the ATC Rebels group so that everyone can enjoy these lovely angels.

  • prettylily

    You are welcome, Karin. Glad you enjoyed it.

  • Susan McAllister

    Another beauty! Thanks.
  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Karin Greenwood

    Like your picture, But pray what does it mean. 

  • cheryl penn

    Many thanks for your mail - so glad to see you in my mail again - did I owe you??? Sorry if you're one up - I'm getting back on track :-) XX

  • Cristian Sima

    hello, karin...happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Good wishes from another continent.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this angel pray for you...


  • Cristian Sima

    and the song of this bells for your birthday...

  • Lilian Mariutti

    Happy birthday!

  • Karen Champlin

  • Susan McAllister

    Wishing you a fabulous birthday.
  • Frieder Speck

    Happy Birthday!!

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Happy Birthday!!

  • Alicia Starr

    Happy B'day Karin. 

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Gosh- love the new look and size. Your ink find was fun. Is it hard to locate a particular type of ink or in general? Thanks so much!

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi Karin,

    Well no, I di not forget you and mailed ages ago a painted envelope. Did not get a reply and thought, okay, my mail is lost in the mail (this happens, 10 percent of the mail gets lost).

    You were on my list of people to mail a large painting, so I did this to renew connection.


  • Sandra Lefever

    Hi Karin. I've just posted your mail and already sent you something in return. :)

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi Karin, this is a poem that I wrote around your SHADOWS OF RED AND BLACK, received today. Thanks!

    Shadows of red and black

    are gambling with the light

    like little children they beg

    for some small candy dropping

    from the sun in the lap of time.

    How to grow up when you are a shadow?

    Is a question they ask not.

    They prefer to play with feathers dark,

    imagine they can fly as larks

    far away from mum and dad

    to live with white horses wild,

    some lizards and iguanas 2

    but their shadows tie them to the ground.

    Guido Vermeulen

    June 2012

    Poem around art by Karin Greenwood

  • giuli.fiori

    Hi, Sorry for the late answer! Love your card, thanks a lot!

  • Mary J. Grellner

    Hi Karin:

    Just received your mail yesterday, and LOVED the black and white print on the envelope, and your drawing.  My husband is also retired, so we have something besides Mail Art in common; I will be sending you another note soon and hope you will respond.


  • Susan McAllister

    Karin, I love the postcard - your beautiful style in my favorite colors. Thanks a bunch.
  • Sandra Lefever

    Hey Karin! How are you? I love the postcard you sent recently. I've posted it to my blog here. I hope I'll be able to return it with something > or = to your little painting...

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi Karin, as requested!


    Poem around art from Karin Greenwood

    I am a legend in the sky

    he said to the snails

    surfing on the clouds

    Without me waves would not

    court the sea

    Without me waves would not

    reach for heaven

    Watch me set

    is a better cure

    against depression

    than taking your precious

    sponsored medicines

    Watch me rise

    so oranges can grow

    instead of perishing

    in the moonlight

    Watch me shine with care

    so you can find

    a person lost downtown

    like Vicky Vandermeers

    My secret is this:

    I am pistachio nuts

    because of the lack

    of greens

    If I am patriarch or matriarch

    has no importance

    I am god and when I die and die I will

    I shall shout the rooftop from the sky

    & you will join me in my cries.

    Guido Vermeulen

    7 August 2012

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Thanks Karin,

    It goes in 2 directions for me: a work of art can inspire me to a poem, a poem can inspire me to a work of art. I call this «translations» because in a certain way they are translations but never in the literal sense, always metaphorical. The whole LAMUSAR project was and is intended to promote these kind of cross exchanges.

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi Karin, I glued your art piece already in an artist notebook I keep for writing texts, poems, reflections, diary and dreams. So your request becomes difficult but I made a scan of notebook page next to printed poem and a photo. Both are beyond.



  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi Karin,

    Brussels under a tropical heat wave, drinking 2 much cold beers and worrying about my cats who are outside now ALL the time. Cats can have sun strokes 2, dear sun god.

    I worry less about cat 1 who after all was a stray cat, he knows what to do but cat 2 not!

    When it rains for instance cat 1 is hardly wet when he returns, cat 2 is soked!

    Small but important differences. Okay all differences are important. Saw images yesterday of South African police forces shooting and killing striking miners. Yaks!

    A heat wave suddenly seems minor stuff.

    Trying to make postcard collages now, a bit more difficult because of reduced space but I manage. Here are 2:

    My parents were new born christians and thought that music was invented by the devil while I believed that the devil had invented my parents ...

    Mailing this to Lesley in response to her music collage.

    2 is even more funnier: The 6th sense

  • Mary J. Grellner

    Hi Karin:

    Thank you so much for the postcard and note; also really loved the envelope!! Thanks for sending the flyer for the Ilala Weaver show...their work is beautiful.  Will be returning something soon for you. Mary

  • Susan McAllister

    I love the latest card! The colors are gorgeous. Thanks.
  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

  • Frieder Speck

    happy birthday

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Hey thanks so much for the encouragement! It's true. Nothing to loose.

    CONGRATS on your grand baby! That is wonderful. I know you're counting the days till Oct.We are blessed right? I loved your email about the boy who was saved by the friend on the email. Take care. Time for a nap!

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Karin--I would love to have your unique mail art represented in my mail art project.

    I invite you to send 2D mail art to celebrate IUOMA's 25th Anniversary.

    • 2D Mail art on any theme, any media is welcome. No jury. No return.
    • Postal mail only.
    • Deadline: August 31, 2013

    Please send to: 
    C. Rizzuto
    526 West Fremont Ave 
    Sunnyvale, CA USA 

    • Mail art will be sent to you in return.
    • Documentation on this site and http://decordisart.blogspot.com/
    • A display of mail art answering this Call is planned for October 19, 2013 the Book Arts Jam event in Palo Alto, CA, USA   http://bookartsjam.org/
    I look forward to meeting you in the mail!

  • JOB [5Blanks]

    ok-no problem. i´ll wait until end of time-out. :)

  • Claudia Garcia

    Thanks again Karin. Your paintings are fantastic!!!!!

    Take care!!!!!!

  • Petrolpetal

    HI there

    I have sent you some mail art. I hope you like it and that we can become mail art friends!