28.01.14 Dare I.U.O.M.A., Please everyone be forewarned: This mail artist has a serious case of "a sense of humor ". In fact, she is better at it than anyone I ever saw. Please secure your helmets. Sin sincerely, Richard Canard
Wow, an endorsement from Richard Canard, sweet! Glad you could join us as friendly and amusing Mail Artists are a good addition. I'm the mentor for January, my last day, but I'll be around - you can contact me via my IUOMA page. Also, check out New to IUOMA and the group Ask Anything. Lots of info there.
Richard Canard
28.01.14 Dare I.U.O.M.A., Please everyone be forewarned: This mail artist has a serious case of "a sense of humor ". In fact, she is better at it than anyone I ever saw. Please secure your helmets. Sin sincerely, Richard Canard
Jan 28, 2014
Richard Canard
Postal Scribbltum: Ms. Jay has always been very friendly & amusing.
Jan 29, 2014
Mim Golub Scalin
Jan 31, 2014
Feb 23, 2014