Dorina Harangus


Hechingen, Baden-Württemberg


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I like the idea of sending something special to a stranger or a friend and to receive as well works with different textures and materials.
Join my mail art project :
Word and Movement / Wort und Bewegung
(the potential dynamic of the word in the image)
The performative exhibitions will take place in 22.04.2023 in Tübingen-Germany and in 14.05.2023 in Stuttgart-Germany and are organized by COLECTOR- a meeting point for Romanian artists who live in Germany .
In the exhibition, each mail-art work will have a QR code which will send the viewer to a video with a movement related to it.
Send us mail art inspired by words and we will transform it into movement!
The event will also contain interactive poetry and dance performance.
Deadline: 01.04.2023 ( 1st of April )
Technique: Free
Format and size : Post card of 10x15 cm or 13x18 cm
Open to all, no fees, no return. Offensive works (pornografic, racist) will not be exhibited.
Please indicate your name, postal address and email address so we can stay in touch.
Send your works to
Dorina Harangus Güngör, COLECTOR
Lenauweg 4, 72379, Hechingen, Germany
Thanks a lot and see you in the mailbox!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
my adress :
Dorina Harangus Güngör
Lenauweg 4,
Hechingen, Germany

Comment Wall:

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Welcome Dorina

  • Giannis Stamenitis

    Hello from the neighbor country Greece.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thank you for your friendship, Dorina ---

  • Mariana Serban

    Dorina, welcome,sau bine ai venit in randurile i.u.o.m.a.!!!!!!  They all are wonderfull friends and wonderfull artists!

    Guido nu uita niciodata sa dea un Bun -venit celor nou-sositi in IUOMA!!!!!  este un prieten devotat!!!!!!!

    ...Guido never forgets to welcome someone new !!!! he is such a devoted friend !!!

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Happy and creative 2014!!!

  • Petrolpetal

    Hi there. I'd like to exchange mail ate with you. Can I send you something?
  • carol quinlan


  • Raphael'L

    Thanks Dorina ...I'm glad you like it!

  • Kim JungYoun

    Hi Dorina,
    Thanks for your comment. :)
    It should be very fun to exchange mail art with you.
    I'll send you something soon.

  • Cem Kara

    Teşekkürler Dorina... Çağla da üye olmaya çalışıyor becerebilirse :)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Petrolpetal

    Mail out!
  • Petrolpetal

    Ha! That is funny - maybe we should see how long we can 'volley' a card, just by having an address on each side, one with TO, and one with FROM - and then just scratching the words TO and FROM out and reversing them when we receive it. We'll have to leave lots of space for extra stamps, and the scratchings out! Am I explaining myself OK - does that make sense?? I'll start if you are keen - I've got a nice big postcard that would be perfect! Maybe we should each send one so we each end up with a card with all those confusing postmarks! The postperson will be very befuddled...but s/he probably already thinks you are crazy with the weird mail - I know mine does.

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for the collage - it eventually landed! Well worth the wait! Thanks.

  • E Coles

    Thanks Dorina, I will let you know when it arrives.

  • E Coles

    Hi Dorina!

    Your mail art has already arrived. Thank you very much. I will send you something back soon. Also, thanks for the "I'm a Walnut Tree" info, I'll try to get something prepared for that soon.


  • Carla Cryptic

    Thanks for friending me! :D

  • Raphael'L

    Fabulous News Dorina! Your MA arrived today... I'm so glad that it's not lost after 2 months on the road :-)