Nancy Bell Scott


South Portland, ME

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
2011 at the latest. (By the way, please NO add+pass. Can't do it.)
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Woke up one morning and there it was, in my DNA.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
47 Parrott St, South Portland ME 04106, USA

Comment Wall:

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  • Neil Gordon

    Nan! I saw Erni's post of your "stream of semi consciousness" card! I Love it! Its my new mantra.. can we bring it in the agoraphobia anonymous club with you , me and Meeah??? Brilliant!

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Nancy, you had me going. I couldn't make out your signature and no return address, I was thinking I had another mystery mailer. Fortunately David Stafford and Susan McAllister set me straight. Thank you for the short lived mystery and the message of forgettable dreams.

  • DKeys

    Hi Nancy-if you said anything about the super grump postman, I didn't see it. I don't actually read through all of the fab stuff you send as I look at it more in its' entirety. Unfortunately our cats have fleas right now. They are all indoor cats so we don't know how, but the vet said they are terrible this year and can come in on people from the outside. poor kitties the flea medicine isn't completely working yet. we have to spray down the whole house now. the things you do for love of animals. they really are amazing. how was your turkey murder day?  that makes me sound like a pita activist which I'n not. hope you are well. this week I'm going to start making stuff out of the ephem you sent.  XO

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Oh, I hope my inquisitive nature didn't ruin your fun . . . I've read too many Sherlock Holmes stories over the years and too often want to do the detective work. But again, thank you for the Forgettable Dreams — I love the line, " Having . . . " and is so true in the waking moments, bits and pieces of semi-conscious memories hanging on a thread evaporating away with the opening of the eyes. The poster side is very cool too. And all the old stamps! I love stamps, old and not so old. Overall a wonderful MA piece. See you in the mail.

  • DKeys

    sorry to hear about Ramsay--16 years is great. I am stressed and it's only the first week of Dec. that really shouldn't be the case, but neverthless...have a good weekend:)

  • Neil Gordon

    Nan!!!! Love the "trashpo" piece you sent me that started out as something different!  Looks like a combo of asemics and trashpo!Thanks for the nice letter too! Always uplifting to hear from Ya! Get out your 3 scrappers and damn the torpedoes!!!!!!

    All The Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • E Coles

    I received another one of your great scrap pieces the other day. Thank you very much! I'll send you something back soon.

  • Eraser Heed

    Many thanks' for the great mail art, love the card board..


  • Jihad Griffin

  • Dorina Harangus

    Thanks for accepting my friendship, Nancy . :)

  • Neil Gordon

    Have a great Holiday Nancy and may next year be less aches -pains and more Art!

  • David Stafford

    Nancy, that card just jumped out at me (from the Flickr site where I filched it) and screamed: "Would you please send me to Nancy immediately?" My hands were tied...Fait accompli, mea culpa, stabat mater....I think you know what I'm saying....

  • DKeys

    Thank you NBS--you are among the favoritist people I have met here at IUOMA and I hope to always be on your mailing list:)  Xo


  • Neil Gordon

    Glad you got it! Take it easy for the holidays and i eagerly await your next masterpiece! Hope you, hubby,& family are well and that you were not touched by the big ice storm in Maine that cut all the  power!!!! keep swimming in that stream of subconsciousness!XOX,


  • DKeys

    sumpin on its way to you!!! congrats to you and Plato!!!

  • DKeys

    wow==he was sure saddled with a big name to live up to. With that name he BETTER have been an intellection. Can't see a garbage man named Plato-nothing wrong with that profession mind you.  I am putting your 'wedding gift' in the mail today and hope it all stays in tact. i will tell you what it is now so you are not disappointed that it is not a useful household item.  It is a trashpo 'god's eye' to watch over you and yours.

  • E Coles

    Glad you enjoyed the mail art I sent.

    By the way, I love your recent minimalist black and orange works - super cool!

  • DKeys

    there might be a chance for the relationship if he lets you deconstruct and reconstruct his pieces--say smashing his glass vases and reassembling them.  it might be a way to ease him into trashpo. or maybe you could start by glueing tiny little pieces of stuff on them.  Before you know it, he won't even remember what the original looked like.  He sounds fantastic if he was flirting shamelessly with you. That takes a lot of confidence and is risky given he doesn't know but you have a huge MMA star for a husband. 

  • Mercedes "La Marquesa"

    The feeling is mutual!

  • DKeys

    MMA--mixed martial arts.  these guys are deadly weaponsThe 'other antiquing guy' OAG, sounds like a candidate for DKult marriage. You need a healthy balance of OAG and Plato. you don't need a functioning house since you can always live at the DKult Industrial complex. 

  • Lynn Radford

    Must've just missed you! And it's odd I didn't see you note until this evening, as I have popped in a few times since you left it! So glad you reached out! I think of you as often as rusty bits cross my path! So glad that the Keep Out sign is in your top 10! No one else would have appreciated it as much. Glad it found its home with you! :)

  • Carina

    Nancy, I received your beautiful drawing / writing. Thank you so much! I always appreciate that you put on nice stamps. Woody Guthrie - great bonus!

  • David Stafford

    Yes, your Moab arrived day before yesterday. Thank you so much. I hope you can use some of that stuff. The stuff that remains stubbornly unusable...well, that's what the matches are for. There's probably at least five kilowatts there somewhere.

  • David Stafford

    That is the right attitude, Nancy. One man's garbage is another's flotsam or jetsam. One woman's flotsam is another man's detritus. One monk's cast offs are another's carry ons. One woman's toaster oven is another's heart defribulator. One thing I try to do when I pass on my "legacy" items is to make sure I cram as much as possible into the box, receptacle, nook or cranny. Also, each item is inspected for the four Cs. Is it CAMP enough? CAN it be read in a number of ways. Does it rank above 2 on the COOLNESS scale and finally can it be served with a CUCUMBER dressing. As far as quality control goes we make sure it's gone before we begin to insure wide-ranging levels of cruddiness. Would you excuse me now while I add another C to my four Cs?

  • David Stafford

    Duly noted, Nancy. This feels like a good day to hop on a plane to Maine and knock back a few cold ones with you in Old Orchard Beach before returning to my den of damp cedar shavings and broken whirligig.

  • David Stafford

    Frankly, speaking as a New Mexican, I am sick o' the sea. Let's huddle by that wood stove and cracker barrel and take deep breaths of the rubber cement infused air.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Woke up this morning and there it was, in my desk, ready to go to the Post Office.  Yes!! I did my homework, 

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    No strange, no deja-vu my dear Nancy. It´s just a question of pure mail art sainthood that inspires and connect mail art guardians like we both are.  We better never forget that mail art must take reality by surprise.  That´s the job and we do it handsomely.   

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    If your patience is big enough, go to and from there to Scrap Papo.  It´s a 47 minutes interview in portuguese.  The first 20 minutes is just conversation, after that I display some artworks and speak about them. 

  • DKeys

    glad it arrived intact. It IS trashpo but shouldn't LOOk like trashpo--it's a subtle distinction.  We have to make it look effortless.  'also glad you like it.  i haven't managed to make much art lately. unfortunately very little discretionary time:(  hope you are doing well

  • DKeys

    I will be camped out starting at 2pm today.

  • DKeys

    Damn--been in the tent and just now saw this message.  Once I thaw out, I will plan to be out there on Tues with more blankets and a gluestick formula that will not freeze

  • DKeys

    I'm willing to undergo any degree of hardship or discomfort to receive mail from you, but I guess a tent upgrade would make the process more comfortable

    or this?

  • DKeys

    I know--the bubble one is cool but I would feel a bit vulnerable.  Even a dog house would be good for a little shelter from the elements.  I will be out there first thing tomorrow a.m.

  • Eraser Heed

    Thank you for the nice comment on 45 degrees..
  • Eraser Heed

    Do not worry about being behind, I am always behind, it can not be a hinder to this joyful "sport". Time is always now, even in two years.
  • Eraser Heed

    I believe you, just know Maine from films made from John Irvings books. It is a cold night in Gothenburg, doing the "graveyard shift" at work so it a perfect time to talk with the "east coast"..
  • Eraser Heed

    Then I wish you a "go natt" as they would express themselves in Norway! :) Until later..
  • DKeys

    wow--no way. I'm thinking DKult mail might have been flagged or something.  They are really cracking down on junk sent through the mail these days.  They return practically anything sent to the now MIA in Burbank Nadine and then this?  Horrible.  And this means my 3 day vigil at the mailbox was for nothing.  I will resume in two days time.  Nothing can keep me from getting this mail!!!! This only makes me more determined. thank you USPS for strengthening my resolve and commitment to mail art!!!

  • Svenja Wahl

    Nancy, hi, I've sent it ages ago! Maybe it took a little time off. I'm glad you like it! xxx Svenja


  • DKeys

    can't wait Nancy--I was too ashamed to tell you that I gave up the vigil once the canned goods ran out.  how could they cancel the postage?  I guess they are balancing the scales for all the many other times they didn't.  Don't blame you for covering up DKult--he probably had a moral dilema wondering if he was supporting some dangerous type of kult. 

  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy! Love the asemic planet and other piece you sent me! A very mysterious planet with unknown languages orbiting a green mass, kinda kike Jade! Very powerful..Also the painting on the page from the book " the essay and the other  prose" which i read and was a good essay! Keep on keep-in' on and hope you are pain free!

    See ya in the mail you asemic wizard!


  • vizma bruns

    Wow, Nancy! The stickers! For me? IUOMA and Trashpo, aww, thanks for keeping me in the loop, I'll try to bring myself to use them, I'm such a hoarder of stamps and stickers, etc!!! Oh, that's so funny that you wanted to return my uncancelled stamp, ha! Which one was it?

    Thanks also for the painting, I just love work on black! Cheers me up! xxx

  • DKeys

    Nancy---it arrived!!!!! and ONE .33 stamp was uncancelled!!!  I now must readjust to life inside again.  I LOVE every single bit of it. It is so fun to me to make things out of all this randomness. It is really inspiring to me. You are the bestest Trashdealer evuh!!!


  • Amy Irwen

    WOW NANCY! Very cool piece..."broken Planet 1"... I love it ....hugs hugs hugs...
  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Received your envelope of fabulous "minimal" paintings - love them of course! Thank you muchly chere!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • DKeys

    I really find it the most inspiring receiving 'art supplies' from other people whether it is from the streets, other mail artists, the envelopes they send.  it's like being given a puzzle to figure out rather than making my own puzzle pieces which doesn't sound that fun. the mood I was in when I opened yours was, wow, I actually have a chance to sit down and open my juicy mail!

  • Lorella

    Hello! I'm glad you liked my collage .Your works are very interesting !I can not wait to get one !Excuse my delay in answering .