Valentine Mark Herman




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1952 (when I sent a "Thankyou for my Birthday Present' to my Grandma, and illustrated it with a little drawing). Since then my Mail Art history has been, well, interesting
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Well, it's like this, Doc. I've got this thing about the Postlady....
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France

Comment Wall:

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  • Gregg Shaw

    Nice slide show!

  • Susanne Gross

    Bonjour, Val! Bien sûr, je vais participer à l´échange de noël du club "arty slides international"! J´espère que mon français n´est pas trop mauvaise! A bientôt, Susi :)

  • Raphael'L

    Hi Val, Merci pour ton French sea monster arrivé ce jour dans un parfait déhanché disco ! Amicalement.

  • Michael Orr

    Hello Mark! Thanks for the friendship and a big thanks for taking interest in the Zalop mail art show! Best to you! :D 

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Mr. Campbell has directed me to thank you for the seashore location. However, a lot of sand got into this last batch so he's renaming the turkey noodle soup, to sand buzzard soup.

    I happened to see the sea monster you sent Raphael'L and could not help but notice a correlation between it and Mr. C. . . . I think Mr. Campbell might have a darker side to his otherwise salty disposition.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Monstre de l'mer? Sounds like a plausible product.

  • A Badger

    Thanks for your kind comments.  I believe the feathers are quail feathers. 

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Greetings Val,

    Hope all is well with you. Finished my art deadlines for now. I sent you a package last week and hope you will receive it soon.

    Where was I when I heard President JFK was shot? I was in HS on my way to drama class when my teacher, Sister Paulette ran out and met me in the hall to give me the tragic news. School was dismissed shortly after and I went home to view the rest of the news with my family on TV. It was a very dark time in United States history.

    Take care.


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hope all is well with you, too, Val :-)

    (go ta puddin'!)

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Hey Val,

    Your package contains the little gifts I promised to send you and of course a new piece of MA.

    Take care my friend.

  • vizma bruns

    it's all about the tights! And lycra bike shorts don't count.

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe


    I just posted a few more mask for you to check out. Some are wearable art pins. Hope you can get some ideas from them.



  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    The energies we are in now are revealing those who hide behind  masks of illusion, fear and deception. There is a power and mystery connected with them and for those who can See and those who Know, truth can never be hidden! Perhaps this is our fascination with them my friend????


  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Yes Val,

    All of the above!!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    WHO is that man-behind-the-mask? Great profile photo, Val!

    Thanks for the KISS xxx

    blogged here:

  • A Badger

    Got your post card.  Thanks - really like the flamingos.  I used to have a bunch of them in the yard-someone borrowed them and never returned them.  Now I have turkeys. 

  • A Badger

    My yard turkeys say happy thanksgiving to you too.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Ah,to be in Sigean again :-)

    ...Where the wine is fine, and the puddin' puddin!

    You is blogged ...#666 appropriately for sinners.

    Many thanks for this! xxx

  • stripygoose

  • Richard BAUDET

    Bonjour!  vous vivez à Sigean , et je suppose donc que vous êtes francophone...

    je ne comprend pas votre long texte ...Cotten et Eloy-Veltin sont des mails artistes ,,comme moi-même, et aimons échanger...sans autre formalité!...Même s'ils ne sont pas inscrits à IUOMA !

    J'attends avec impatience un Mail Art de vous, tout simplement ! Amicalement...

  • Petrolpetal

    thanks for the card - my response is almost ready for the mail!

  • Elaine Fafard-Marconi

    In response to Give Mail Carriers work !

    Thanks !

    I will publish what I receive on and I'll see from there. I haven't scheduled an exhibition... yet! For your info, I also post of my different project-blogs, the making-off>> my mail-art projects (see an example here :, so you can see the process/the behind-the-scenes... voila!

  • Elaine Fafard-Marconi

    I'll definitely work in this direction in 2014 ! I'll have XMAS vacation to think of a plan. Thanks alot for the encouragement. I'll keep you posted.

  • Alan Brignull

    Hello Val — yes, I work at the Uni and yes, your house is still there. Not much has changed in that bit of town, but you wouldn't recognise the campus, I expect.

    Joyeux Noël — Alan

  • stripygoose

    A flock indeed. I had an 'album' crisis and had to re-upload the last twenty birds which was quite a task.
  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • cheryl h.

    Val, I see as usual, you are causing trouble! What would we do without you?

    Would you like me to send you some of ,"them" too? Papier mâché?

    Be careful, don't say the real word or you'll be arrested!

    cheryl h

  • cheryl h.

    To respond Val..... because ,as you know, you've a a very naughty naughty boy!

    (Say that to yourself with a Monty Python accent)

    For you Val, a whap on your bum ,either that or handcuffs!

    If I get arrested for saying that I'll be happy not to go to work.

    cheryl h

  • Ungala

    Yes you do Val ~ Love your dots!

  • DKeys

    FA and I are hard at work on our new songs, Hormone Holiday and  Witch hunt.  I'm sure one of them is destined to be a hit.  Witch Hunt has a very catchy hook, " gas on the fire, calling them liars, subversive protocal, at Erni Bar's free-for-all...oo ooo, yeah yeah (sung by FA--refrain  oooo oooo, yeah yeah."

  • DKeys

    I quite like that Val. This catchy tune has top 10 potential. This might be a good song to go on Fine Art and mine (please grammar police go easy on me) second album called "witches burn faster with alcohol" Our Fake Punk Band "Naughty List Bitches" coined by Fine Art based on some mail art she sent me, is available for hire--perhaps we can demonstrate our fake talent at Erni's  exoneration ceremony

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Who is that handsome guy with Phil and Don Everly?

    Is he a-singing MY song :-)

    (I had no idea that the Beatles were heavily influence by these guys, did a cover for this song and several others in the one point it is said that the Beatles considered calling their group "The Foreverly Boys". And "Please , please me " used the same cords/melody as, this, MY favorite Everly Bros. song:)

    And we are a-smiling and a-singing:

    Don't want your love any more
    Don't want your kisses, that's for sure
    I die each time I hear this sound
    Here he comes, that's Cathy's clown

    I've got to stand tall, you know a man can't crawl
    For when he knows you're telling lies
    And he hears them passing by
    He's not a man at all

    Don't want your love any more
    Don't want your kisses, that's for sure
    I die each time I hear this sound
    Here he comes, that's Cathy's clown

    When you see me shed a tear
    And you know that it's sincere
    Don't you think it's kind of sad, that you're treating me so bad?
    Or don't you even care?

    Don't want your love any more
    Don't want your kisses , that's for sure
    I die each time I hear this sound
    Here he comes, that's Cathy's clown
    That's Cathy's clown, that's Cathy's clown



  • DKeys

    You are right about that Val--so far we have only played for our moms, and they think we are VERY talented. 

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    "Ελευθερία, Ισότητα, Αδελφότητα και Ταχυδρομική Τέχνη!"

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    The breast mail is hilarious! Can't wait to find out who sent it.

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Great to get your mail art!  I will respond soon and let you know when I have posted about it in the postal ledger.  For the moment, see if you can spot it here:

  • xx Jones

  • xx Jones

    Good morning Val! It is interesting thing you are dong her, finding out how many members are active. The numbers are not bad, I think. Thanks for asking, but no, i had BANANAS for breakfast. And English Breakfast tea.

  • Gail Anderson

    Val -Just received your awesome "Celtic Show" card in the mail today!  Thank you very much! - Gail Anderson

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Missive arrived today. Decoded it neatly. Merci & see you in the mail.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    607 active members...that's quite good, actually. And 200 of them are "friends", and those actively exchanging, may be down to 40-45, and of those really, really, really exchanging mail art...possibly 12, maybe 15! Okay, time to make and mail more BLUE!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Take care Val, and may all go well today for you. PERASTIKA!

    Be healed and up and dancing soon! OPA!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy to see you back home...even if in a daze.

    Stay and rest, sleep, be pampered by Bianca and Trouble, and 

    MomKat says: Heal well and fast! meow

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Sending you much light and healing energy as you recover. Give yourself some TLC my friend.

    Om shanti,shanti, shanti !

  • Lynne Gurnee

    Hi Val, Hope your foot is healing up well & that you will be back to Greek dancing soon. Foot troubles must be dropping out of the astral jet stream, I'm recovering from my first-ever week of plantar fasciitis & learning how common it is. I'm better now. Re: rat art, yes, I've moved on from rats to other critters, cats & dogs, bugs, or whatever the muse throws in front of me.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks for the up date on active members, Val.

    You are doing a great job with percentages, etc.

    You realize that there are many members who join but do not do internet,

    but do lots and lots of mail art :-)

    And as Ruud says:

  • Petrolpetal

    I already have something stamped,sealed and addressed for you !!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Yes, my dear Valentine, I was referring to much mail art received from IUOMA members who have their profile page still here at IUOMA, but do not come by on-line like we fanatics :-) They are "active" as IUOMA members though.

  • Amy Irwen

    Take care Val...hope you are feeling better soon *!*
  • Lynne Gurnee

    Hi again, I had to look up the answer to your question about the origin of the Mad River's name, as I'd forgotten. Here's what wikipedia says (a crummy reason for a name, I'd say): The river was named in December, 1849, in memory of an incident when Dr. Josiah Gregg lost his temper when his exploration party did not wait for him at the river mouth.