The Blessed Father


Jacumba, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail Art. . . . . . you call this crap art????????
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
The Blessed Father
P.O. Box 15
Jacumba Hot Springs CA 91934 USA

Comment Wall:

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  • Bethany Lee

    Did you receive my e-mail re: artistamps?

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Yeah, I have moved pretty often. But, now I can't move for a year! I hung your Santa Lucrezia and City Heights pieces on my wall; they look great!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Sorry, BF, nothing in my Greek mail box from you yet.

    I'll keep an eye out for it.

  • Eraser Heed

    Hi BF!
    Glad you liked it, I thought that would be the best way to credit You two; by denying the credit. This stamp was very simple in it's design but then I wanted to show your stamp underneith it, I usually just stamp corners of them. I buy my stamps from Hong Kong, very cheap I think but will try more complex versions and see how that will turn out.
    Cheers, EH
  • Jan Ketonen

    I'm still working on just the right thing to send you... I haven't forgotten or anything, just in case you think your amazing mailing was in vain! ;)
  • DKeys

    That's an entirely strange and sad coincidence.  Our tuxie, Cinder, had been diagnosed with diabetes about a year ago.  She was perfectly fine yesterday morning, then in the afternoon started having seizures and went into a coma.  She was 12 years old.  You are lucky the tuxie kitty showed up to mend your broken heart. Don't know how much you believe in reincarnation, but to me it is clear your kitty came back to you!!

  • DKeys


  • Eraser Heed

    Sounds great BF! Not the rain but the stamps.. I had to wait for 5 days before mailing You and Vizma 2 weeks ago, because the rain lashed down and I didnt want to take a chance leaving the letters in the postbox, and getting them soaked when taken by the guy emptying it. So rainy days equals no postings here..  

  • Eraser Heed

    Ha ha, please do!

  • Bethany Lee

    Oh the anticipation of seeing perfed stamps of my creation! Thanks to much, BF! I look forward to seeing the tiki stamps!

  • Eraser Heed

  • Bethany Lee

    I will let you know when it arrives! Thank you!

  • Petrolpetal

    Hello there blessed father

    I have sent you a request to exchange mail art,by mail!

  • Petrolpetal

    Ooh,blessed father, you are impatient. The request is in the form of some preliminary mail art!I hope you like it.

  • Petrolpetal

    2 things on their way to you now....

  • Petrolpetal

    you can write it very,very small...Definitely no illuminated letters.

    No,seriously,they don't have to be on separate lines. 

  • Petrolpetal

    Now, why would it not work???

    Petrolpetal is my nickname (I think you should call me "Petrolpetal,The Pure", though. It will be cool for there to be correspondence between the BF, and PP The P)

    17 Panorama Road is my street address.

    Hilton is the little village I live in.

    Of which 3245 is the postal code.

    Kwa-Zulu Natal is the Province it is in.

    South Africa is my country.

    Now what, pray tell,is complicated about that??? 

  • Bethany Lee

    Hello perforated stamp master!! Received my stamps in the mail. Beautiful! You are a mail art hero! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
  • Bethany Lee

    Indeed I will set my signature to the sheets before I send. Though, I just finished scanning them for posting to the blog, and I hadn't signed them yet. Will have to remedy that and re-scan. As you say, shit happens. :)
  • Eraser Heed

    Sounds terrific BF, looking forward. One sheet is collected by me and the other four carefully selected to whom I'll send to. Sorry for the rain, next mail to You posted last friday holds another kind of content. Hope You will like it.

  • Bethany Lee

    an exaggerated peninsula
  • Eraser Heed

    That sounds good BF, I will send my four Gertruds to other people then.
  • Eraser Heed

    Missed a comment there! :) Yes, I thought he suited You, he was (like You) not like other priests so to speak, but that is in a good way! It's a kind of magic with old photos I think, it gets us so close to history, this is a french dude, but we are all the same... :)
  • vizma bruns

    Hi BF! Sent you a bunch of nutty crap the other day, I hope you have as much fun looking at it as I do making it!!? I'm feeling scared that my rubber has ended up in Hell, no sign...please tell me that you didn't send it when you last emailed me, and it slid down the side of your recliner.

    ps. Your pins looked good in the raincoat pic, not bad for an old fella. ;-P

  • Eraser Heed

    Hi BF! I got it from a french dealer in vintage photos through the french version of ebay.
    Was a couple other funny priests there too, would make an excellent collectable serie along the baseball cards!! You could do wonders (not only on sundays) with it in mail art. Give you more info if You want to. EH
  • vizma bruns

    How does a car take a dump? That must mean something else in your neck of the woods, cos here it means to do a shit. As you say, shit happens.

    I'm so glad the stamps aren't lost!! Ya bloody hoo!!

  • vizma bruns

    With your skills, maybe you could print your own?

  • Eraser Heed

  • Sara Lauwereins

    I 'd say he 's getting to the age of being refered to as a legend :-)

  • Eraser Heed

    Hi BF, it takes like 5 to 20 days depending on how they mail it, the last one took only 5 days cause it was mailed registered, unfortunately I was not as satisfied with this latest rubber stamp maker and I can not find the one I used to buy from. Will look into it again and find another that also does pictures in the rubberstamp. I will let You know when I find a good one.

    A scream is always more edgy!

  • Eraser Heed

    But in no way no hurry with new things :)

    For the record: will send Gertrud to Reed Altemus.

  • DKeys

  • Eraser Heed

    Thank's BF, I have only used rubber stamps, knows of nothing else. Looks like a great place Ready Stamps!

  • Jay Block

    Got the stamps many thanks... something coming your way...

  • Eraser Heed

    Yes, I will wait, so You fold the envelopes Yourself.. nice!
  • Eraser Heed

    I think you know quite a few swedish words; post. Thanks for the suggestion, its easier writing with small letters.....flows better. I will try the polymer some day, sounds nice. Have to try to get new ideas into action so to speak. No rain! We have nothing BUT rain today...

  • Eraser Heed

    I appreciate that BF! :)

  • DKeys

    That's fabulous--if you do send me one--those are gluten free

  • Eraser Heed

    I will put my envelopes that is going to IUOMA members on hold and I will send you a new raincoat if it does not measure up to the rain. Already printed those!!! Wow, I'll bet it will be a scream!
  • vizma bruns

  • vizma bruns

  • vizma bruns

  • Kendra Given Carter

    Hello! I've been alright. School is in session again so I'm keeping busy. I haven't finished the movie yet. I left it at my boyfriend's and he recently moved, so it is in a box somewheres. I would love to finish it soon. Funny how I can commit to watching  4 seasons of Prison Break for weeks on end, but can't finish a damn movie. My apologies. I'll try to find it and finish it soon. I really enjoyed the first half. Hope things are well with you.

  • Eraser Heed

    Sounds good to me. I will then take a stroll to the mail box on monday with the Stein sheets.  As in real life Gertrud moved from the states to europe and then visited the states again, just as some of my sheets.

  • Jay Block

    glad it got there... of course you should have your own page... you should have a book...there is peter,paul, and those others too... it is available via blurb priced at cost... i had a lot of fun doing it... course a lot of good work came my way which made it easier...will be exhibiting throughout the year at the University and then i will donate all of the works to the rare book and ephemera collection... best...j

  • Eraser Heed

    Launched at lunch time! :)

  • vizma bruns

    Heh heh. It's not your image or my ass but it's the best I could come up with. :-P

    eeeeeeee! can't wait til you get in your car to go to the PO!



  • Bethany Lee

    Just now seeing your comment re: tiki stamps. I've been away due to recent deaths in family. I will send out some mail your way soon...

  • vizma bruns

    Wow, refrigerator magnets!!?  I'm going to look into getting my forehead magnetised, it'd be worth it. Thanks, BF!!