I designed the Storm stamps over a year ago but it's difficult to look at them. . . it
makes me sad. I could tell you stories but it makes me to sad. Rick
AAAAAHAHAHAHA I'm stoked that it actually got there! YAY!! I thought you'd appreciate it, being a clown lover!?! I was prepared for it to be lost in the mail forever without proper customs forms and fake stamps...shhh, don't tell the authoritahs! A successful project, YES!! xxx
Thank you, Diane. I was fun creating. Absolutely love your refrigerator art space. Cool idea, pardon the pun, especially as we are living through an unprecedented heat wave here in Austria - very refreshing!
That's a relief, Diane, I'm very glad you like the trash--the best to date--wow! Usually I'm wandering around not sure there's enough in the envelope, but now I'll have to compete with my own batch. (Don't worry, it can and will be done.) You're a great receiver. Yah, those pieces feel like cards when i'm holding a big stack of them; they're hard to let go of when they feel like that, but what am I going to do, sit here and hold them for years? Maybe if and when I reach 93, haha.
The laptop is fixed and the Luddite elves have been vanished! Miss you too and am trying to let my life and art meet in the middle!!! Love the sign for the day.... Trashpo-Chaplain Neil AKA "Dew Drop"!
Diane, I received your mail yesterday, thanks so much!! Niiice practice cards and stuff, wish I could be more like your attitude girl :)))
"What are you going to do now?" asked Tommy.
"I don't know what you are going to do" said Pippi, "but I know I can't lie around and be lazy. I am a Thing-finder, and when you're a Thing-finder you don't have a minute to spare."
"What did you say you are?" asked Annika.
"A Thing-finder."
What's that?" asked Tommy.
"Somebody who hunts for things, naturally. What else could it be?" said Pippi.
"The whole world is full of things and somebody has to look for them. And that's just what a Thing-finder does," she finished.
"What kind of things?" asked Annika.
"Oh, all kinds," said Pippi. "Lumps of gold, ostrich feathers, dead rats, candy snapcrackers, and tiny little screws, and things like that."
Diana, I am delighted that not only you liked my last piece of trashpo but also I love your friend's reaction. No higher accolade that to shock the public.I am highly encouraged.
Ohhh! I guessed the friend was young but not so young. Good to catch them at an early age, you may make a trashpoet of him yet. I have a little friend who is quite into mail art, she is a girl of six. Very keen but, unbekievable, she is so busy with school and extra classses after that she has not much time for it.
Got the lovely Krishna calender envelope filled with goodies; Motivational trash Po will be incorporated permanently into my Pastoral service program from now on -Brilliant!
Love the Dew Drop Postcard Too!!!! The collage -PO-postcard and attitude girl paper was the icing on the cake!
I'm producing a whole line of bookmarks for non-readers....should be the thing that finally gets me outta this one-horse town....Just remember....yours was the prototype.
Hmmm, a mole...I hadn't considered that but it does explain why all my brilliant ideas reach the marketplace on someone else's horse. Guess a staff meeting is in order.
Hi Diane! Sometimes I forget to log in here. Glad it arrived safely and that you enjoyed it.I hope your scanner recovers from death or is eventually replaced :) I don't even have one.
I used to work at that funeral home and I hoarded just about every pamphlet they have. Not sure why I felt the urge, but they have become useful in mail art. Take care!
DK, your motivational trashpo series is...what's the word...FABulous?! The first two have arrived and are total upperous trashpo art. Healing the world through radical acceptance, yes, and isn't it funny that acceptance still has to be seen as radical, but it's true. "You are perfect as is" blows me away--inspired by some comment I made? Think I recall saying "as is" should be on my label if I'm ever for sale in a store, or something like that, haha. Then you said something nice and spoiled me rotten. I really love this piece, though. Why does the lettering for you are perfect look like my handwriting/printing? Is that for real?
You need a change? I'd offer to switch homesteads for a week like on some tv show, but I'm afraid your family would die. Some kind of morph happened with the 2d lettering--the familiarity was ringing. You know, upperous popped up as I wrote you, see how you inspire.
Probably the first thing you'll say when you read this is "wow." Or maybe not....But my passion is to make people say "wow" over and over...rich luxuriant wows...
You know, she promised me that crate too. Either she's lying or we've got another epidemic of crate thievery such as occurred in 1965. But I cannot tell a lie....(actually I can and just did) but....regarding the get well package I cannot really claim to have your health first and foremost in my heart when I sent out that big package...In fact, if you look at the bookmark envelope you'll see the word prelude somewhere...so that was the prelude and the big ol' package was the ...whatever comes after the prelude. Postlude, will have to do. Anyway, glad you're on the mend. Two bars of Hugo and Debra's and you'll be right as rain....Apply orally as needed.
I like that you used the name Misha as a replacement for Michael. My sisters middle name is Micia, pronounced the same as Misha. It's Polish. Glad the envelope arrived safely. :D
This is weird, my tux kitty died 5 days ago. She was 17 years old, she went to sleep and died,it's very sad. A stray tux cat showed up and I started feeding it, maybe she will hang out for a while. Rick
Thank you Diane. I am already enjoying it here very much! I will be watching the mail for what you send, and will be getting some stuff ready to send your way too, soon!
I'll add a disclaimer to you disclaimer. That wasn't written by me; it was written by some homone-raging teenager or twenty-something back in the Upper Neolithic. What's more it was on a scrap of paper headed for the Great Landfill In the Sky until I decided to recycle it as TrashPo under the evil influence of some lunatic Kult Godess!!! As a sedate retired college professor, I rarely discuss "clits" or their associated anatomical environments in a public forum these days. ;-)
Dk! Got your "HELL"O Card! Love it, the trashpo aesthetics and message"Huds wash siding" Is a true trashpo Haiku!!! Thanks for the nice message and recognizing the expansion of my Crown Chakra!!!! I'm feeling good and will see you in the mail soon! Thanks for your 24/7 work on the trashpo astral plane and iuoma web site, YOU PUT TRASHPO ON" THE MAP"!!!!
Fat fur book swap! Huh? OK, it's on!! Did I ask to do that with you? Now I'm starting to understand why there are furry cat brushings and angora feltings in the 'to DK' envelope in my drawer...I should keep track of what I write on notes and then send into the world!!
Yes! Send me a book and I'll start delousing my stash...
Received the radical stash yesterday, Diane, many thanks--I love those cards AND the unearthly collage that came with them. If the camera works some documentation might even happen . . . Rams is in the hospital, keep your fingers crossed. We're in New Hampshire, a sort-of different state, so a different state of mind--always a good thing!
Just read your Sept. 27th comment (ME=DUH!) Hope you didn't mind the "Racy" synchonistic listpo w/ "card i sent you! All Found on the same day. Yes trashpo/DKult works in our dreams and the astral plane, there is no Mail Art "shut down"!
Thanks, Diane! Glad you like it. School is busy and will forever be a thorn in my side since I am a professional procratinator. At least the end is getting closer in sight! Hope things are well with you.
Michael Orr
Hi Diane. Happy Tuesday. Thx for the great mail. Shared on fb and flickr. :D
Jul 30, 2013
Susan McAllister
Jul 30, 2013
The Blessed Father
Jul 30, 2013
The Blessed Father
makes me sad. I could tell you stories but it makes me to sad. Rick
Jul 31, 2013
vizma bruns
AAAAAHAHAHAHA I'm stoked that it actually got there! YAY!! I thought you'd appreciate it, being a clown lover!?! I was prepared for it to be lost in the mail forever without proper customs forms and fake stamps...shhh, don't tell the authoritahs! A successful project, YES!! xxx
Aug 6, 2013
xx Jones
Thank you, Diane. I was fun creating. Absolutely love your refrigerator art space. Cool idea, pardon the pun, especially as we are living through an unprecedented heat wave here in Austria - very refreshing!
Aug 8, 2013
It is the neighbor's cat, who decided to make a visit, and see if there's anything to eat in this household :)))
Aug 12, 2013
The postal worker probably had not seen anything like it... now I'm really excited!
Aug 15, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
That's a relief, Diane, I'm very glad you like the trash--the best to date--wow! Usually I'm wandering around not sure there's enough in the envelope, but now I'll have to compete with my own batch. (Don't worry, it can and will be done.) You're a great receiver. Yah, those pieces feel like cards when i'm holding a big stack of them; they're hard to let go of when they feel like that, but what am I going to do, sit here and hold them for years? Maybe if and when I reach 93, haha.
Aug 15, 2013
Good to know it arrived! Looking forward to your mailart!
Aug 19, 2013
Neil Gordon
The laptop is fixed and the Luddite elves have been vanished! Miss you too and am trying to let my life and art meet in the middle!!! Love the sign for the day.... Trashpo-Chaplain Neil AKA "Dew Drop"!
Aug 21, 2013
Diane, I received your mail yesterday, thanks so much!! Niiice practice cards and stuff, wish I could be more like your attitude girl :)))
"What are you going to do now?" asked Tommy.
"I don't know what you are going to do" said Pippi, "but I know I can't lie around and be lazy. I am a Thing-finder, and when you're a Thing-finder you don't have a minute to spare."
"What did you say you are?" asked Annika.
"A Thing-finder."
What's that?" asked Tommy.
"Somebody who hunts for things, naturally. What else could it be?" said Pippi.
"The whole world is full of things and somebody has to look for them. And that's just what a Thing-finder does," she finished.
"What kind of things?" asked Annika.
"Oh, all kinds," said Pippi. "Lumps of gold, ostrich feathers, dead rats, candy snapcrackers, and tiny little screws, and things like that."
(from Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindgren)
Aug 22, 2013
Mail Art Martha
Diana, I am delighted that not only you liked my last piece of trashpo but also I love your friend's reaction. No higher accolade that to shock the public.I am highly encouraged.
Aug 22, 2013
Mail Art Martha
Ohhh! I guessed the friend was young but not so young. Good to catch them at an early age, you may make a trashpoet of him yet. I have a little friend who is quite into mail art, she is a girl of six. Very keen but, unbekievable, she is so busy with school and extra classses after that she has not much time for it.
Aug 23, 2013
Joaquim Lourenço
Now it's your turn. Already in the mail.
Aug 27, 2013
Neil Gordon
Got the lovely Krishna calender envelope filled with goodies; Motivational trash Po will be incorporated permanently into my Pastoral service program from now on -Brilliant!
Love the Dew Drop Postcard Too!!!! The collage -PO-postcard and attitude girl paper was the icing on the cake!
Be well!!!
-Dew Drop...
Aug 28, 2013
David Schulze
DK - I feel very accepted in accepting the acceptance postcard you sent. Thank You!
Aug 28, 2013
Eva (Mail Adventures)
Thank you for your postcard. I'll send you something back :)
Aug 28, 2013
David Stafford
I'm producing a whole line of bookmarks for non-readers....should be the thing that finally gets me outta this one-horse town....Just remember....yours was the prototype.
With Rubber Cement All Things Are Possible
Aug 28, 2013
David Stafford
Hmmm, a mole...I hadn't considered that but it does explain why all my brilliant ideas reach the marketplace on someone else's horse. Guess a staff meeting is in order.
Aug 28, 2013
Kendra Given Carter
Hi Diane! Sometimes I forget to log in here. Glad it arrived safely and that you enjoyed it.I hope your scanner recovers from death or is eventually replaced :) I don't even have one.
I used to work at that funeral home and I hoarded just about every pamphlet they have. Not sure why I felt the urge, but they have become useful in mail art. Take care!
Aug 30, 2013
Joaquim Lourenço
I'm glad to know you liked. Thank you.
Sep 5, 2013
Another Cracker Jack Mystery arrived yesterday ... details to follow.
Sep 5, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
DK, your motivational trashpo series is...what's the word...FABulous?! The first two have arrived and are total upperous trashpo art. Healing the world through radical acceptance, yes, and isn't it funny that acceptance still has to be seen as radical, but it's true. "You are perfect as is" blows me away--inspired by some comment I made? Think I recall saying "as is" should be on my label if I'm ever for sale in a store, or something like that, haha. Then you said something nice and spoiled me rotten. I really love this piece, though. Why does the lettering for you are perfect look like my handwriting/printing? Is that for real?
Sep 5, 2013
Yes!, Yes!, Yes!
Sep 6, 2013
Thanks Diane. I'm in!
Sep 6, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
You need a change? I'd offer to switch homesteads for a week like on some tv show, but I'm afraid your family would die. Some kind of morph happened with the 2d lettering--the familiarity was ringing. You know, upperous popped up as I wrote you, see how you inspire.
Sep 6, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
Something got lost in my computer's attitude. People are saying yes and "i'm in" because why?
Sep 6, 2013
David Stafford
Probably the first thing you'll say when you read this is "wow." Or maybe not....But my passion is to make people say "wow" over and over...rich luxuriant wows...
Sep 7, 2013
David Stafford
You know, she promised me that crate too. Either she's lying or we've got another epidemic of crate thievery such as occurred in 1965. But I cannot tell a lie....(actually I can and just did) but....regarding the get well package I cannot really claim to have your health first and foremost in my heart when I sent out that big package...In fact, if you look at the bookmark envelope you'll see the word prelude somewhere...so that was the prelude and the big ol' package was the ...whatever comes after the prelude. Postlude, will have to do. Anyway, glad you're on the mend. Two bars of Hugo and Debra's and you'll be right as rain....Apply orally as needed.
Sep 7, 2013
Michael Orr
I like that you used the name Misha as a replacement for Michael. My sisters middle name is Micia, pronounced the same as Misha. It's Polish. Glad the envelope arrived safely. :D
Sep 9, 2013
The Blessed Father
Sep 10, 2013
The Blessed Father
Sep 11, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
I never know wher to post stuff when I want it to get read. I need some answers! http://iuoma-network.ning.com/photo/dk-aug-2013-3
Sep 17, 2013
M. Nelson
Thank you Diane. I am already enjoying it here very much! I will be watching the mail for what you send, and will be getting some stuff ready to send your way too, soon!
Sep 18, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
Thar comment about 'Wrapped IslnadLight' is one of my favourite, ever! Thank you.
Sep 19, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
It's a pity I can't type...
Sep 19, 2013
I have sent some mail art to you. I hope you like it and that we can exchange mail art int he future!
Sep 20, 2013
Dan Mouer
Sep 25, 2013
Dan Mouer
Diane, Please note winky smiley icon at end of message. Irony is sometimes hard to read in online messages, I s'pose. Virtual hugs to you my friend.
Sep 25, 2013
Neil Gordon
Dk! Got your "HELL"O Card! Love it, the trashpo aesthetics and message"Huds wash siding" Is a true trashpo Haiku!!! Thanks for the nice message and recognizing the expansion of my Crown Chakra!!!! I'm feeling good and will see you in the mail soon! Thanks for your 24/7 work on the trashpo astral plane and iuoma web site, YOU PUT TRASHPO ON" THE MAP"!!!!
Sep 27, 2013
vizma bruns
Fat fur book swap! Huh? OK, it's on!! Did I ask to do that with you? Now I'm starting to understand why there are furry cat brushings and angora feltings in the 'to DK' envelope in my drawer...I should keep track of what I write on notes and then send into the world!!
Yes! Send me a book and I'll start delousing my stash...
Sep 30, 2013
vizma bruns
All righty then...the Fat Fur Book Challenge is officially ON!!!
Oct 1, 2013
vizma bruns
And what would a fat fur book think/say/cough up?
Oct 2, 2013
vizma bruns
I'm intrigued!! And I'm sure I'll be glad it didn't stay fictional, can't wait!!!!! Sorry that it was difficult, I'll let you pick the next topic!!!!!
Oct 3, 2013
The Blessed Father
on them. I should do a new mail art project using them. BF
Oct 4, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
Received the radical stash yesterday, Diane, many thanks--I love those cards AND the unearthly collage that came with them. If the camera works some documentation might even happen . . . Rams is in the hospital, keep your fingers crossed. We're in New Hampshire, a sort-of different state, so a different state of mind--always a good thing!
Oct 5, 2013
Neil Gordon
Just read your Sept. 27th comment (ME=DUH!) Hope you didn't mind the "Racy" synchonistic listpo w/ "card i sent you! All Found on the same day. Yes trashpo/DKult works in our dreams and the astral plane, there is no Mail Art "shut down"!
All the best-est and see ya in DA Mail!!!
Oct 8, 2013
Kendra Given Carter
Thanks, Diane! Glad you like it. School is busy and will forever be a thorn in my side since I am a professional procratinator. At least the end is getting closer in sight! Hope things are well with you.
Oct 9, 2013
Neil Gordon
Got some more "ghostpo" coming your way my Psychic Soul-Sis-tath!!!!
Oct 13, 2013