Patricio - The Celestial Scribe




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
I suspect 1549 A.D.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Medieval manuscript researchers studying how medieval mail art was produced insisted for me to join IUOMA for almost a century. Point is that mail art and IUOMA are seriously addictive and here I´m today dealing poorly with my fatal flaw. Hooked forever in this ego trip....a good one!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 461

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  • Su Zi

    Okay give me a few days

  • Mars Tokyo

    Thank you for your address. I will send something soon.

    mars tokyo

  • Cerulean

    Hello Patricio, thank you for this  special welcome. Cerulean

  • Edward Long

    Thanks Patricio. I enjoyed your welcome! I should be sending something sometime soon enough. No promising on when though.. 


  • Melissa Hayes

    Greetings Patricio. I'm adding you to my to do mailing list. It might be a little bit, as I have several ATC projects that I am already committed to complete first. Thank you for the out of this world invitation! 

  • samantha alpert

    okay, lets exchange mail :) ...what exactly is a celestial scribe?

  • samantha alpert

    so , you are a medium ? for aliens ,spirits, or something along those lines. I know what celestial and scribe means , that didnt really explain things .

  • Ian C Dengler

    postvisitionicons mailed.

    I'm into your extrageocentric metaphor!

    There's the philosopher's Adamic moment: what would have been the first conscious, philosophic argument? Marcel Mauss likes the MAGICAL SUBSTANCE of the philosopher's stone. There's the Earth-Center of the Universe argument, but what about vibrations from far out where you can blame anyone and it's not even a libel action?

  • Mars Tokyo

    thank you for the welcome. I will send something to you soon.

  • Melissa Hayes

    ATC is an acronym for Artist Trading Card. You may also hear of APCs, which are Altered Playing Cards. Both measure 2 1/2  by 3 1/2 inches and are traded, never sold. More information here:

    I often  trade here:

  • rinee merritt

    Hello Patricio

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I will send you a postcard asap. Since I am sending from Oregon it could take a bit to get there. Thanks again

  • Ian C Dengler

    That's how words work--for the choosy anyway.

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Patricio--I've received your latest creative mailing. Thank you so much! They will be posted soon and you will receive mail art, too.

  • Extra Terrible

    Glad you arrived safely from the Milky Way, will be snailing you something soon!

  • C. Z. Lovecraft

    You're amazing.

    Ready yourself for some snail mail from me. CZ

  • palmira

    Thank you for the wonderful altered mail you sent me!

  • Jenny Kennedy

    Hello Patricio  some wonderful mail arrived in my mail box today, I love everything, thank you, you certainly have my number, even down to the tiny ballerina.

  • Jenny Kennedy

    So Sorry Patricio, you have my number just means you know what I like, and I love anything related to dance, so loved the ballerina. 


  • Trula

    Hopefully A piece will be traveling your way soon! Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • Sharmila Aravind

    Hello, I will send you a mail art soon. Will inform you when it gets posted. Thanks. Look forward to interesting mail swaps.

  • Mado Reznik

    Gracias, Patricio, por tu bienvenida. Un poco tarde mi respuesta. Empiezo a subir lo que hago. Saludos desde el Río de la Plata. Mado

  • Sherry Marie Harmes

    Hello My Dear Celestial Friend,

    I have sent you some mail art.  I hope you receive it with no difficulty as I am sending it via Orca Express.  Hugs to you from Alaska, Sherry

  • Sarah Churchill

    Thank you for your recent envelope Patricio, I love both the tea and the ribbon (especially the ribbon!) It's all featured in this video

  • That Hairy Canadian

    Sorry for my absence (of mind). I shall be sending out some things next week, with any luck. You should receive an item soon...

  • Caly DePalma

    Yes Patricio, I know "Gin" or at least I know of her. She lives on the other side of town from me and I have never met her but we have exchanged mail art. 8-)

  • Caly DePalma

    Sent you a message. 8-)

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Thank you for the welcome, you're on my list to send something to. :)

  • Gregg Shaw

    It is a "1" Patricio. Gregg Shaw M4J1W7

  • Priscila Gonçales

    ola,Patricio..tudo bem?

    Por enquanto esta tudo bem, já estou me comunicando com algumas pessoas, nenhuma dificuldade, estou usando o tradutor do google, acho q tbem seria uma forma de eu aprender um pouco alguma língua, como espanhol e inglês,rs.

    Mas qualquer duvida lhe pedirei ajuda, obrigada


  • Vanesa PNX Tricanico

    Me alegro que te haya llegado!! :)

    Espero entonces tu correpondencia de vuellta, tomate el tiempo que necesites!

    Un abrazo grande!


  • Ana Karina

    thank you, glad it arrived safely!

  • Carol Morris

    Will send you something next week wheAi return home from California. Best Wishes,
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Celestial Scribe! Patricio! Very happy birthday to you yesterday! You were one of my very first treasured mail arts.


    Gracias Patricio! Bienvenido y un abrazo en el Arte!! 

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Yes, Patricio, that's true. And, at the time I had no idea you were as new as me. Your welcome was important. I am sending you mail art soon. 

  • Gregg Shaw

    I look forward to it!!! :-)

  • Trula

    I'm glad that you received it, and that you like it! The only thing that I might like more than seeing things in my mailbox is hearing that people like what I've sent to their mailbox.
  • Danilo Vallejo García

    gracias por la bienvenida y estaremos en contacto para el intercambio de arte postal alrededor de toda la República Celestial de Patland... muchos saludos.

  • Antonia Mayol

    Me alegra mucho recibir noticias de tu lejana República Celestial, rápidamente espero poder enviarte mis saludos postales más terrenales.

  • M. Nelson

    Thanks Patricio. I am excited to be here and even more excited to get stated creating. As one of my new friends here, you will be receiving some mail art soon. 

  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • Petrolpetal

    Hey - thank you for your welcome! There is some mail art making its earthly,earthy way to you!

  • Humberto Miguel Jiménez

    Claro qué sí. 

    Saludos desde México

    Humberto Miguel

  • Maria del Castillo Galvez

    Hola Patricio,

    Muchas gracias por tu bienvenida, en cuanto tenga algo especial te lo envio.

    Un abrazo,


  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hello Patricio! I sent you a packet about 3 weeks ago - did it ever arrive? Thanks! And hope you are well my friend! ^_^

    Best, Claire

  • annie

    With great pleasure... My mail is going to leave towards you.

  • Sherry Marie Harmes

    Thank you Patricio for my beautiful mail art packet!  I see that you must take a trip up here to see the majesty of the country, and experience its beauty and power, yourself.  Not even movies can capture the experience!  Great minds think alike as there was a packet winging its way to you as this one was traveling to me.  Hugs from your Alaskan Island friend, Sherry

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    ohh, how icky and sad! (I hope they get what they want soon & bring you my packet!) Thanks for letting me know. Things go astray so often, I worry... Best, C


  • Gregg Shaw

    Thank you so much for the mail art Patricio! It is so much better than what I sent you. I love how you made it specifically for ME. One speech bubble said "Don't let Gregg Shaw tell you who you are" -  a direct reference to my art. Excellent!!!!

  • Nancy Nastari

    Thank you for your frindship!


    Nancy Nastari