Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR)


Greenville, SC

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I like the idea of other people , artist I have never met seeing what I call art , oh and the hands of the letter carrier , that seems novel.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
bearqualls@yahoo.com 119 W. Marion Rd. Greenville SC 29617 USA

Comment Wall:

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  • Ka van Haasteren

    Thanks Bear,

    The mystery is solved...The postman must have snatched your Glow-In-The-Dark Bouncing Eyeballs. After all they were TOP Rated! ;-)

  • Carla Cryptic

    That's some tongue!

  • vizma bruns

    Maaaate! That's a brillo first stamp! You don't like it?? What?!! If you're going to throw it away, chuck it into the mail art you will be sending me tomorrow! ;-))

    Is that a cow's tongue you're swallowing?


  • Annapop

    Hi Daniel! today received your letter of cool! Your puzzle's great, when I picked him, I thought that there fruit is obtained, but in the end was very cool picture! Thank you and soon expect a postcard from me ))))))

  • Audrey Wagner

    Where the wild things are is where I believe my monster obsession comes from!! Please send me one of your monsters!! :)

    Audrey Wagner
    3706 Wellington Dr.
    Pearland, TX 77584

    Can't wait to see them!
  • Arac

    Been a Beary artful day...will mail #1 manana!  Sent a message to your inbox, not sure if you saw it since I think I remember reading you did this from your phone...I want hints too ;)

  • Judy Skolnick

    Hey Bear!  I love boats and that is a sailing school with the boats lined up.  I was lucky enough to get them before the left the dock.  On the Potomac Channel leading to the Potomac and Anacostia rivers.

  • Judy Skolnick

    I went on Tradewinds Cruise Club in the French West Indies sailing out of St. Martin on a cataramaran with 6 other people.  We did just that, the Captain and his wife did the work we ate, scubas, snorkled and drank our way through about 4 islands it was one week and I bought it from a friends time share.  You can join but the payment is a mortgage and then the trips are much less.  I enjoyed it a lot got to sail it too in the Atlantic.

  • Lilian Mariutti

    Hi! I am really happy that you liked it!These were my first stamps :)

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Mr Bear, your postcard was received in good health conditions.  As the card says "creative work" indeed.  I´ll keep my promise.  I´ll keep you posted 

  • Arac

    Keep up the carving my friend, can't wait to see what I get! So glad you're not mailing it from overseas anywhere, I don't think I could wait that long.  I'm almost as excited for you to start getting your mail-a-day-for-a-week and Danielle to get her mailart. I think you guys have a couple of good ones coming your way today :)

  • Arac

    I'm dying to know and as much as it pains me to write this I
    suppose I'll go with option B waiting at the gate beating the mailbox up with my eyes. As much as I want to see I'll wait and keep the surprise for the opening moment ;)
  • Arac

    But please mail quickly, my mailman already thinks I'm a stalker.
  • Austin Wills James

    Are you implying that you're not?

  • Arac

    Nope, I'm not going to talk me into it Bear. You will have to wait to see if I like it just as I will have to wait to see what I get. I am sure I will love it but if you are worried you should carve me an xtra that says Arac as a back-up ;)
  • Arac

    Now what does this profile picture say about you today?

  • Arac

    You're absolutely right...sadly ears don't grow back

  • Arac

    The wait is on... :/

  • vizma bruns

    I'll get my 8pus pics out and choose carefully!! Keep an eye out, or should I say ear?

  • vizma bruns

    Oh I see! I always turn my head to the left and I thought it was a bum!!! Ha ha!

    Sent some ideas to your inbox!! ;-))

  • vizma bruns

    Woo hoooooooooooooooooooo! Up for the challenge? Do what you can, mate!!

  • Arac

    Oh no Trav's already there, he'll be so disappointed. He was told he would have one more day of snuggling Snooky and cheesy Wisconsin fun at Angie's place. Poor fellow :(

  • Arac

    Looks like you're the 4th IUOMA member he's contacted.  I think you you should keep it.  Maybe you should check out the blog Angie had about his kidnapping and post his most recent travel pics, she may be worried since he apparently had to cut his Wisconsin trip short. 


    P.S. I hate that you got 2 days on one trip to the box...I liked the idea of something new every day.  I think you're really going to like tomorrow's mail and I may even be useful for you :)

  • Arac

    oops not I, it...it may be useful for you

  • Arac

    Patience Grasshopper, if I must wait so must you. My mail never comes before 3:30 and sometimes not until 5:00 GRRR...believe me you can't be more anxious than I. I hope it's a 3:30 day as I will have a hard time making myself leave the house before the mail runs ;)
  • Arac

    NOTIFICATION~It came and I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE it!!!!! Thank you so very much for this amazing stamp and the sweet note.  Thought it was awesome enough to deserve it's own blogpost...check it out and be proud of yourself, you couldn't have done it any better! 

  • Arac

    Cool, so happy Danielle liked her "Monkey mail" and I hope you liked yours as well :)

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hey Cap'n Kirk, look at the Vizz'n'Val discussion. You're our featured loon today; Wanna join in? Val

  • Eraser Heed

    Hi Bear!

    Great carved stamp, looks like You've done it before! I liked that i got the "inversed" version of it, the archeological residue. :)

    Thumbs up for big envelopes with lots of stamps on them!



  • Arac

    I wouldn't mind helping a bear at all but explaining all the steps and you following along on your phone could be quite challenging.  If you trust me enough you could change your password to "password" or something easy and let me log in and get it all set up for you.  I would just need to know what albums you wished to create and how you want your pics displayed...slideshow, albums, etc? After this I'll divy them into appropriate folders.  When done it'll just be up to you to select the right album you want to put them in whenever you post new pics.  You can also edit album however you see fit once created.  If you want to do that just send your login info to cara4551@yahoo.com and I'll hook you up.  If you wannna try on your phone, let me know and I'll try and walk you through it and see how it works out.

  • Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR)

    Ps art call sub missions also along with received and sent thanks
  • Arac

    I can add art call submissions no problem but you have to let me know which ones they are

  • Arac

    Anytime I can help my friend. You know as well as I know it's always good to know a guy, or a girl as the case may be ;)

  • Arac

    Can't wait...I've had a very empty mailbox all week so I'm looking forward to some more fun mail.  Good timing too, I just mailed out something to the Qualls clan today. :)

  • Marie Wintzer

    Hey Daniel, I got your great envelope yesterday, thank you! I guess it is not meant to be opened? I don't want to mess it up!! :-)

  • vizma bruns

    You are truly nice and generous and fabulous!!! Looking forward to receiving your moustache and the 3 gentlemen!!!

    Have you got my mail yet??? What's going on with US Post? Niklas got his days after I sent them both, you should move to Sweden!


  • Arac

    LOVE IT!!! Looks like Trav has had enough...too funny! Also opens up a whole new bag of ideas for Trav's revenge. Thanks Bear, he makes me smile!!!!!!  Did you get my card for the fam yet?

  • Arac

    Hope you're enjoying your last weekend as a free flag flying freak, monday, corporate Bear! Or perhaps you become Daniel or even Dan when you put on the khaki pants and golf shirts ;)

  • Arac

    :( miss you too


  • Eraser Heed

    Good morning! Off to the postoffice it is! See You in the mail!



  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi! I don't know where I found it, but when I saw you at your desk with that Naked Wall behind you , I thought 'That's for The Bear!'. I forgot what i wrote on it. Glad you liked it. Bestest, Val

  • Márcia Godinho Leal

    I would like to invite you to participate in this mail art project;

    Sem Juri/No Jury

    As obras não serão devolvidas/None of the pieces will be returned

    Exibição: Todas as obras serão integradas nas Festas da Praia 2012 e exibidas no Etis-Bar / Exhibition: All received mail art will be in display at Etis - Bar, included in Praia's Festival 2012.

    Técnica e medidas livres / Any medium that deal with any technique and any size.

    Data limite para envio / Deadline to send:

    26 de Julho de 2012 / 26 of July 2012

    Enviar todas as obras / Send all mail art to:

    Daniela Quadros

    Aptº 12 - 9760-909

    Praia da Vitória.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Where have you gone Bear-Man? Have the oppressive forces of capitalism gotten to you?

    Hope you're OK. And that the empty wall behind your desk has gotten some Mail Art on it by now.

    Regards, Val

  • Poison Label Productions

    mail - out!

  • Matthias BRUGGER

    A happy 2013 wish

    Matthias Brugger

  • vizma bruns

    AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAAA! I don't believe my eyes!!! Half that stuff is poncy crap, anyway, and there's always room for a BEAR original!

  • vizma bruns

    Yeah, we thought you went to NoVear Land, never to return. I don't even know what the BF stands for on your profile pic anymore...?

  • Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR)

    Bear Funk Bear Fink Bear Friend I don't really remember either, ARAC tagged me with that :-)
  • vizma bruns

    Bear FreaK!!!

    Did you lose your job or something? You've been here for several minutes.

  • vizma bruns

    Glad you did, it's Sunday here and I need to catch some Zzzzzs. I hope you'll drop in more often, or should I wish you a merry Xmas already??