Ms. Renda


Rochester, NH

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I am very saddened by the reliability on technology. It is slowly destroying jobs. The postal system is one that I use regularly and I feel that I am last of a dying breed.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Ms. Renda
30 Jessica Drive
Gonic, NH 03839

Comment Wall:

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Welcome Ms. Renda

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Ms Renda: this is a friendly welcome to The Eternal Network from a celestial mail artist born and raised in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland.  A perfect start here is mail-art exchange and I would love to be the other end when you decide it’s the right time for you to start trading mail art. If that’s the case at the time, your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe 

    Terrene Embassy

    Celestial Republik van Patland

    Caixa Postal 24827




    II look forward to see your piece in my terrene mailbox. Yes! I will do my homework after receiving yours. This is a celestial promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Envelope Provider.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    "The more I see, the more inspired I am becoming." In mail art inspiration comes always from within. Ms Renda will not be an exception to the rule.  Keep walking! 

  • Colleen Kent

    A big welcome to you, Ms. Renda! I joined last fall and then promptly forgot that I had!  I am now back on it and trying to become more involved in mail art.  I hope you have as much fun as I've been having.  Colleen

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Ms Renda

    Welcome to this unique community of mail artists. Celebrate IUOMA's 25th anniversary! See the Call for Entries on my IOUMA page, or at  

    I would like to receive mail art from you for the exhibition--and I will send you something in return.

    PS: My IUOMA avatar is my life mask interpreted as Gaia, Earth Goddess. I used seed pods, snakeskin, feathers, bone animals and semi-precious stones, as well as other decorative items. 

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    You are not alone, you're part of a group of " die hards." See you in the mail.

  • Sharon Silverman

    Hi Ms. Renda...I am no longer at The Sage Art Gallery because I am an art contractor. I worked there for a year and I am now working at the Shoe Town Art Studio, 191 Merrimack Street in Haverhill. Shoe Town Art Studio is located across the street from the Haverhill Post Office in the Bank of America building, second floor. Check it out at

    I'm sure Don still has your work in the back room of the Sage Art Gallery. If you visit the Artist's Cafe, 22 Washington Street in Haverhill, Don is the Chef there. I'm sure he would be able to get your work for you.