Yes, you founded a quite excellent outlet for your creativity in the IUOMA country. Would you like to test the size of the outlet with Brazil? If it´s ok for you, write on an envelope the following:
The Celestial Scribe Caixa Postal, 24827 Curitiba-PR 80810-970 Brazil
II look forward to see your piece on my mailbox. Yes!, I will do my homework after receiving yours. That’s a celestial promise. I´m Patricio, The Celestial Scribe.
Thanks for the Becher postcard. Surprisingly, I'm familiar with their photos. I like how you sewed through the card, so the reverse has the building shape on it.
Jess: Today at dawn a hummingbird, the "postbird" of Republik van Patland Postal Service, left heaven and turned its beak in the direction of Kearny St. Pay careful attention to the sky, postbirds usually arrive when no one expects them, mainly when they carry a celestial promise as in this case. Keep me posted.
I would like to invite you to participate in this mail art project;
Sem Juri/No Jury
As obras não serão devolvidas/None of the pieces will be returned
Exibição: Todas as obras serão integradas nas Festas da Praia 2012 e exibidas no Etis-Bar / Exhibition: All received mail art will be in display at Etis - Bar, included in Praia's Festival 2012.
Técnica e medidas livres / Any medium that deal with any technique and any size.
Hi Jess! As a fellow Washingtonian, I wanted to let you know about the mail art and letter writing social at the National Postal Museum on April 28. I hope you can make it!
Poison Label Productions
Oct 6, 2011
Mim Golub Scalin
Oct 6, 2011
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Yes, you founded a quite excellent outlet for your creativity in the IUOMA country. Would you like to test the size of the outlet with Brazil? If it´s ok for you, write on an envelope the following:
The Celestial Scribe
Caixa Postal, 24827
II look forward to see your piece on my mailbox. Yes!, I will do my homework after receiving yours. That’s a celestial promise. I´m Patricio, The Celestial Scribe.
Oct 7, 2011
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Oct 24, 2011
Mim Golub Scalin
Oct 27, 2011
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Jess: Today at dawn a hummingbird, the "postbird" of Republik van Patland Postal Service, left heaven and turned its beak in the direction of Kearny St. Pay careful attention to the sky, postbirds usually arrive when no one expects them, mainly when they carry a celestial promise as in this case. Keep me posted.
Dec 29, 2011
Márcia Godinho Leal
I would like to invite you to participate in this mail art project;
Sem Juri/No Jury
As obras não serão devolvidas/None of the pieces will be returned
Exibição: Todas as obras serão integradas nas Festas da Praia 2012 e exibidas no Etis-Bar / Exhibition: All received mail art will be in display at Etis - Bar, included in Praia's Festival 2012.
Técnica e medidas livres / Any medium that deal with any technique and any size.
Data limite para envio / Deadline to send:
26 de Julho de 2012 / 26 of July 2012
Enviar todas as obras / Send all mail art to:
Daniela Quadros
Aptº 12 - 9760-909
Praia da Vitória.
Mar 15, 2012
Melissa E
Hi Jess! As a fellow Washingtonian, I wanted to let you know about the mail art and letter writing social at the National Postal Museum on April 28. I hope you can make it!
Apr 13, 2012