My father, Don Miller, who passed away in Oct. was very involved in the movement in the early 80s under the name Dr. Otto Tron. I have inherited several boxes of work that he exchanged with other artists in the 80s as well as programs for shows he was in or curated. I am looking for the right venue to show this work, or perhaps someone to collaborate with to create a book. I am a history professor, so no stranger to writing.
My condolances for your loss. Yes, would be great to see something from the collection. The IUOMA platform could be a good place for that. Maybe even start a group to remember him.
Ruud Janssen
Hi Cary,
My condolances for your loss. Yes, would be great to see something from the collection. The IUOMA platform could be a good place for that. Maybe even start a group to remember him.
with best wishes,
Ruud Janssen
Feb 13, 2013
Guido Vermeulen
Welcome Cary
Feb 13, 2013