Dean aka Artist in Seine

Odesa & Paris


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1 April 2011
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Currently inactive with Mail Art
But if you do send me something, I will return something to you, but it might take a little while.
After 6 years (+3000 pieces sent) it's time to take a Mail Art break.
Hope to be back someday when I retire for good.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Off-line, but you can send me a message here

Comment Wall:

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  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Dazed Dean de Brussels! Thanks for the card -- typically loony, and yet another Dean Special. I spent aout 20 years of my working life in and around Brussels and the EEC/EU. Ah! those were the days -- best forgotten, I assure you.

    When, or if, I can drag myself away from Life on the Beach, I will mail you something back. If I don't get my Mail Art organised, then I will mail you a Tourist back, because we have too many of them here.

    Hope you are both well.

    Regards, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! Indeed 5 out of 6 ain't bad, aka the Vendange Tardive has arrived well and safely and even before the vendange has begun here.Shall I try and find you a job picking grapes? Thanks for the 4 lil grapes and all the info about Mr & Mrs Bonaparte. Will send you something back soon, when I can drag myself away from my Sea Monsters and the each.

    Much gracias and Mercy buckets!

    Hasta ma vista, Baby! Val

  • Piccadilly Post

    Thanks for your comment! I know I would be lost without my scanner, though I have not been keeping up with my documentation again. I just posted a few images of cards I sent to Val. Enjoy!

  • Sarah Churchill

    Josephine Bonaparte has arrived in Wales! Not as a zombie, thankfully, but as a rather large piece of mail art ;)

    Thank you, Dean!

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for the giant London postcard. Very fun.
  • Suus in Mokum

    Bonjour! The megasize study of Josephine Bonaparte arrived. It's is great, including Nemo-stamp. Thank you

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    Whre are you Robert Louis Marks?

    I got your Les Anes du Val card today: thankyou!

    I don't have anes, I have chevaux -- 2 of them in my Citroen 2CV.

    Mail Art Martha has been and gone. I will tell you about her sometime.

    I'm going to Holland for a few days tomorrow.

    meanwhile, something is in the post for you.

    Hope you and Vanessa are well.

    Hasta la vista, baby!


  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Dean..what a great idea for old postcards..enjoyed this one!
    Will blog soon..hugs *!*
  • Susanna Lakner

    Bonjour Dean,

    thank you very much the Barcode Op. 096. Amazing idea!

    See you next in the mailbox!


  • stripygoose

    Hello Dean - wow, thank you for the biggest mailart I've ever received. Fantastic happy cows and barcodes - the whole family was intrigued! See you soon in the post again :>)

  • stripygoose

    Dean - you featured in toady's mini-gallery :>)

  • Susan McAllister

    Yes, Dean, I always presume one must party. Thanks. Fun card.
  • yves maraux

    voici ma proposition : envoie moi du texte , max A4 pour ma revue fenètre ;

    tu crois ne pas avoir de texte pret : va quelque part dans le quartier des galeries , collecte quelques propos imprimés interessants pour la revue fenetre !

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    It just hit:  the thing that disappeared from the big mailbox where you live over two months ago really must have been what I sent you, Dean. It was a glove. It was in bad shape, and your neighbor no doubt tossed it into the trash--even though it had your name and address and stamps on it. You sent me a gorgeous glove from the streets of Paris earlier in the year, and I'd hoped to respond in kind, but the only glove that turned up in southern Maine was ill. Still, it had potential, so I soaked it in cleansing liquids for many days and sent it to you in July. Here you will see it, via computer image:I will make up its loss to you somehow.

  • yves maraux

    yves maraux said…   

    voici ma proposition : envoie moi du texte , max A4 pour ma revue fenètre ;

    tu crois ne pas avoir de texte pret : va quelque part dans le quartier des galeries , collecte quelques propos imprimés interessants pour la revue fenetre !

  • Sarah Churchill

    The Killer Colour Test Patterns have arrived, but there's no telling how many postal workers met their makers on its way.

    Thank you Dean, you made me smile :) Blogged here:

  • Jim SantAmour

    Thanks for the great art-card..absolutely great!!!! -jim

  • Van Jazmin

    Hello Dean, your work has been selected for The Unexpected: Art in Transit, a postal art exhibit at the Basch Gallery in Sarasota, Florida. The following pieces of yours are listed in the collections, contributed by Sandra Lefever and Sarah Carter.


    - Barcodes Are Human Too,  Paper Collage on Postcard, Received Jan 25, 2012


    Learn more about the show here. We already have these pieces in the inventory on loan from the collectors. Please let me know if you have any questions! Photos will be provided.


    Thanks, The Unexpected curatorial team.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks Dean: you are very lucky to have received something from De Velo Sloan.


    I fear that I wish in vain.

    Bon weekend, Val

  • xx Jones

    Hi Dean, I am quite new here and having lots of fun. I loved your potato performance piece, had me in stitches. I think I will have to send you something soon! Have a great day!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thanks Dean for the lovely collage. Now it is in the Clouds.

    So you have been around Christmas markets, lucky fellow!

    I must try Little Miss X banana drink, it sound sehr gut schmeckt.

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Merci beaucoup for Les Mims. I always enjoy seeing my name in LARGE LETTERS! Thanks.

  • xx Jones

    Dean, your amazing card arrived. Fantastic! What a labour of love! Taking raised letters to a new level. I will have to make sure I take good pictures to capture it for the blog. Thank you so much, it has me smiling every time I look at it!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Yes, tonight, Dec.5, is Chuck's exhibit...I would love to be there.

    His "Crime" evidence sounds fascinating...'would love to get one.

    'Hoping that Mim will post some pics of tonight's event...great article here:

  • vizma bruns

    Hi Dean! Got your StraBburg (I don't have the scharves S!!) postcard! Thankx! You lucky traveller!

    But I just keep looking at my eggs!! What a corker you are!!! What was your idea of displaying them, I have them leaning up against a Veuve bottle (empty oh well...)Got any better ideas?

     Now, why is everyone Erni?? Did he die or something? I'm getting so confused tonight, who is who?

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    Glad you like that photo, it give me a lot inspiration too.

  • stripygoose

    Always good to hear from you Dean - thank you. You're in my mini-gallery : > )

  • xx Jones

    Dean, I got your Raised Letters! How cool is that! Thank you!!

  • taidgh

    Thanks Dean for your Xmas is it art or is it not postcard. I'm going to blog it soon. Take care!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Hi Dean, I've been meaning to send you this link in case you don't know this sad news!

    Figgy is making a reply to your wonderful mail art.  She will be blogging in my space soon too!

  • Carina

    Dean, thanks for beautiful xmas card! Wishing you a merry xmas!   See you soon :)

  • E

  • Louise Kiner

    Hi Dean,

    Thanks for the Erni Deco. It holds a place of honor as part of this years decor (Kat's is beside yours). Anyway, I posted it on my blog as well:

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Exciting that Figgy's and my mail art made it to Paris. No mine might melt in the bath... I once wrote to a famous author about reading his book in the bath and he wrote back!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Dean weaves a beautiful security blanket!

    To see more visit:

  • stripygoose

    Thank you Dean - now I am safe. I have a Dean-special security blanket so will be forever protected from all evils and pests. Phew : > )

  • Sarah Churchill

    Your Security Patterns have arrived securely Dean, thank you! 

    Blogged here:

  • Jen Staggs

    Thanks so much for your recent mail art! My life is really chaotic right now and it is always nice to sit back and appreciate a bit of beauty that finds its way into my mailbox. Hope you are well and I'll see you in the mail!

  • pati bristow

    I have never received any shoebox. What was in it, I wonder??


  • pati bristow

    OH, yes, OMG, so sorry, Yes I did receive that postcard of the shoebox top. It was wonderful. So sorry, I did not remember. I have not posted mailart to my blog for a very long time, and have a stack of it waiting to be scanned and posted. Your card surely must be in there. Last year was a difficult one, but I hope to get back to mailart this year. I "owe" returns to so many people, what a great community of artist we have, that keep thinking of you, even when you are not able to respond.

    Thanks for the mailart and thanks for the reminder.



  • Suus in Mokum

  • Jeanne Bourjot

    Glad you like my banana encyclopedia!

  • Rebecca Guyver

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Dean! This arrived today, and it is post marked December 8, 2012?

    Whahoo! It did ARRIVE (a bit tattered) and so "left over"! Thanks xxx

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Dean is already celebrating?

    January 28 is his birthday, tomorrow, Monday,

    but, hey...he can enjoy the whole week, why not!

    Happy, happy, Dean! xxx

  • Alicia Starr

    In honor of Dean's birthday, thought i would share my most favorite MA from him. 

    Happy Birthday Dean! 

  • Carina

    Wishing a very special person a very special day. Happy birthday Dean!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy birthday greetings from Greece, Dean! XRONIA POLLA!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Party time for Dean! Here comes the birthday cake:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    in Paris? Champagne, of course...or wine :-)