Henning Mittendorf


Frankfurt am Main


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I am involved in mail art because of a mixture of causes.
Primarily I on this way can realise my dream of "freedom in love" participating pragmatically in the world affairs as creative human being by using the special artistic strategy of mail art.
I am a mail artist as mail artists express their cognitions, i.e. their feelings as well as their thoughts, communicating and interacting with each other forming altogether reality as Eternal Network.
I learned that mail artists are trustworthy creative partners and equals in the exemplary worldwide open durable self-organizing discourse of mail art commonly participating in each other and with that in the construction of reality by cognitions and communication.
Thus a holistic peaceful democratic community of a special kind comes into being, a cosmopolitan neighbourhood arises, a peace structure which contributes by a growing efficiency of the interacting spheres of mail art and the other spheres of culture leading to an enrichment of nature and thus altogether to a stabilization of the human technical world order standing at the abyss today.

My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Henning Mittendorf
Brieffach 500365
D-60393 Frankfurt am Main

Henning Mittendorf
Reinhardstraße 13
D-60433 Frankfurt am Main

Email: hemispheres@t-online.de

Comment Wall:

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  • Laurence Roberts

    WoW ! That's great-- an explostion of thanks -of energy -

    of joys

    many thanx
  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    thanks, friend!

    wish you happy new year!! the art is amazing i like it very much!

    here is my website:www.mailattack.net

  • Laurence Roberts

    How lovely, HeMi !


    many thanks :)


    You too


    aren't the children great !



  • Lauryn Welch

    Hello Henning,

    I'm sorry for the confusion about my daughter's (Kid A) page on I.U.O.M.A. and my own.

    Yes, she did contact you via mail on my advice. Her address is Rhode Island School of Design, 2 College St., #2231, Providence, RI 02903. She adores mail art and has helped me organize my archive.

    I'm writing and creating mail art as if there was never any gap. I learned how to play piano and have written dozens of songs...recorded three CDs. Would love to share them with you for some of your newest material.

    My address is PO Box 151, Hancock, NH. I promise to send back mail. Hoping Angela and you are both well.

    Very best wishes,


  • Michael Leigh

    Thanks for the beautiful rubber stamped image and all the mail of the past. Yes, time goes fast and I slow down also!   I know the feeling.  Not enough hours in the day.!  Fraternal greetings!
  • Kyra Matustik

    I will send you tomorrow a postcard, pleasure at my side
  • Kyra Matustik

    Guess what animal this is..
  • Renée Wagemans

    thank you for being a friend
  • Kyra Matustik

    Yes Virago indeed, how did you know...Postcard on its way.Greetings,Kyra
  • Kyra Matustik

    My dear it is a baby crocodile foot
  • Kyra Matustik

    This crocodile is a darling, I received your post and published it at blog, not all of them but some art works of yours, and also at FB, there I have a group, my group > We never met but have something in common.If you would like to join, you are welcome, I can not send invitations, they blocked me from  sending invitations,I opened some mail which had virus, it was about osama ben ladin. Thank you very much for wonderful postcards and have a lovely weekend
  • Kyra Matustik

    May I ask you what is virago...I do not know, sorry
  • Kyra Matustik

    Hausdrache sounds great, unfortunately I have another hausdrache, she is a rabbit. I hope you have a nice week.Here it is 20 degrees cellsium and it is nice to sit ouside a bit during the day. Greetings,Kyra
  • Kyra Matustik

    Dear Henning thanks for the outdoor lovely picture/photo.here I am Hausdrache like...Have a wonderful weekend with your family.
  • Renée Wagemans

    Thank you Henning for your nice mailart. Renee
  • cheryl penn

    Henning - thank you for the mail art I received - the music piece - BEAUTIFUL! Something on its way to you :-) X
  • cheryl penn

    Henning, good morning - - thank you again for your wonderful work - Something on the way to you this week :-) X
  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Caro Henning, mi è arrivata la tua cartolina !!! Grazie un caro abbraccio , tuo amico ,Bruno Cassaglia
  • yves maraux

    now i've no change ! thanks for Europe !
  • yves maraux

  • yves maraux

  • cheryl penn

    MANY thanks for the great  ZALOP artwork and envelope - I will post them later - beautiful!! THANK YOU!! :-) X
  • CrackerJack Kid

    Hello Henning,

    I was just looking over some of Michael Leigh's marvelous collages, when I found your

    "Communication of Spheres". It is a stunning visual assemblage of your rubber-stamp cancellations. Did you create an edition of this work and is it possible to trade my stamps and 3 CD recordings for a copy?


    CrackerJack Kid


    The Diary of a Young Girl
    Theme: a Mailart exhibition dedicated to Anna Frank and to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. January 27th, 1945: death camp Auschwitz was liberated
    Size and technique free
    No jury, no returns, no fees
    Exhibition in 2012 in Giulianova, Italy
    Documentation online gallery and catalogue to all participant if it will possibile (because of sponsor)
    All works via post, no email please.
    Info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com o image000@libero.it
    Deadline to be received January 2nd, 2012

    Isabella Branella
    via Giardino 12
    I- 64021 Giulianova Lido


  • CrackerJack Kid

    Hello Henning!

    My snail mail address is PO Box 151, Hancock, NH 03449. Email address is:

    jackkidmusic@gmail.com I have been writing a quite a few pages about artistamps and recall the magnificent stamp etching that you were creating in the early 80s. They are

    among the favorite artworks in my collection. Have always wondered where you created

    the work. Did you have a printmaking studio with presses, etching vats, etc. at home, or at some area university? I have new artist amp works I'd love to trade with you.

    More later,


  • CrackerJack Kid

    Hi Henning,

    Great to see you on the Tombstone site of I.U.O.M.A.


  • Rafique Sulayman

    Hello Mr. Mittendorf and Angela ji, I will be Berlin from 12-23 Dec 2011 with a Bangladeshi art show at www.erichpaproth.de Plz make a visit and enjoy a serious artist's works of Bangladesh


  • Mail Art Martha

    Dear Hemi;

    Thank  you for the card, do not worry about being a bit late, it is so beautiful that it is most welcome any time! I know about computers, at least once a day I wish I had never seen a computer in my life.Have a great 2012!

  • Rafique Sulayman

    I am back home...it was a long 15 days tour. Marten Lindblom from Sweden came to meet me. missed you

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Yes, of course, I will send to the museum. 2012...Year of the Dragon!

  • Rafique Sulayman

    Hello Mr. Henning and Angela ji, Thanks for your kind note. Bangladesh artist Najma Akther has sent a parcel to the addtrss you provided somedays back (that came as a call). She recently had her solo show in Berlin, you know. Plz check or inform to your contact. It will also nice if you inform me soon after receiving the parcel. Regards

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    hi, dear friend, i just need the address...i cant read the words, i need to copy the correct one on the mailart.

    thank you!

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    thank you so much!

  • cheryl penn

    Thanks for the great mail :-) - here is the dragon I am posting for your call :-) X

  • cheryl penn

    Henning - no - no dragon arrival :-( X

  • cheryl penn

    I am getting a friend to translate a message in German - I will send it soon! X

  • Willie Marlowe

    Thank you -- Just completed the dragon and will post it soon!    Willie

  • vizma bruns

    Hi HeMi! I've finished my piece for Dragons, but now I've noticed that it has to be sent in an envelope! I made a card and the stamps are on the front of the work, is that ok or is it strictly in an envelope only?

  • vizma bruns

    Thanks HeMi,

    I think I'll go against the rules and send it sans envelope!! Let's see what happens!! I also have a half done mail art for you, just have to work out how to make it all stick together!

    alles gut, tschuss!!

  • nijianming


  • Jaspals

    Dear I have posed Two of my Dragon concept collages for the show, hope you will enjoy its colors n idea, my bests for you...


    Mailart project
    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society
    Free size, medium and technique
    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns
    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012, October 19-21
    At Santa Maria Gualtieri
    during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012
    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia
    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted
    on the web sites under costruction in:
    info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com
    Artworks should be sent by snail mail
    DEADLINE to be received
    2012, September 30

    send to:
    Via Torino 37
    I-27100 Pavia

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Medwolf

  • Jaspals

    Dear Friend I am thankful to you for your kind intimation regarding my art works for the show in Germany, my regards to you and to the museum.... Is there any work on my part please intimate me... my bests for you

  • nijianming


  • cheryl penn

    Many thanks for your Zine pages - arrived safe and sound :-) XX

  • Cristian Sima

    hello, henning, didn't you receive my dragon???

  • Cristian Sima

    hello, henning, thanks a lot...catalog arrived...is very nice...here, an other dragon...(caterpillar)...