Gabriel Xiloj




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
Since i was a teen.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love making stuff, i draw, write, collage, embroider, do some fotography and use all and anything in my art. I would love to create art and send it around the world, for fun and keeping the creative juices flowing.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Be.E. laan 20 9671 LM Winschoten/Oldambt

Comment Wall:




    i have two main projects going:


    both of which have groups here on iuoma:

    Mail of the Living Dead

    FREE ART is asking for "The Internet" themed art submissions during August,
    we take both regular postal submissions, or digital art submissions via email.


    i'm a superhero i can like fly and shit.
    1234 Sandusky Dr.
    Iowa City, IA 52240

    all submissions will be put permanant display in our museum.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    This is a friendly-brazilian welcome to your "creative juices" to The Eternal Network. It´s a perfect start here to exchange mail-art. I would like to be the other side on your beginning with IUOMA.  I´m ready when you are, then your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe

    Av. Paraná, 1489 apto. 1004




    I look forward to see your piece on my mailbox.  Yes!, I will do my homework after receiving yours.  That’s a celestial promise.  I´m Patricio,  The Celestial Scribe.


  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Welcome to the Union, Gabriel. It's a terrific place to meet like minded people and have a happy mail box. If you have any questions that can't be answered in our New to the Union discussion, please contact me. I'm the mentor for the month of August.
  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    It sounds like the launching of the first ever Celestial Mail Services The Netherlands-Heaven.  Uahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! 
  • Guido Vermeulen

    Dag Gabriel,

    Ik stuur je al iets na dit weekend. Ik hou ook erg veel van brieven schrijven en experimenteren. Dus het zal wel "klikken" denk ik dan.


  • Guido Vermeulen


    Heb met aandacht je website bekeken. Try to connect with Miche Van den Broeck in België, ook iemand die bezig is met "alternatieve therapieën". Ze heeft wel geen Internet. Adres: Miche-Art Universalis, Steenweg op Beerse 9, B-2330 Merksplas. Huidig project: Sheherazade. Haar dochter Saartje woont te Antwerpen en heeft een project rond Marie-Antoinette.


  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    "..I would love to create art and send it around the world". This time your art goes beyond the world.  Heaven is now the name of the game.  The Celestial Earth-Heaven Postal Service has been already advised about your remittance. It will take care of it up to hevan.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hi Gabriel, it's exciting to see you are working on something for me, thank you, a very nice surprise! I finished a "card" for you and it went out in today's mail. A little later than expected, so I just wanted to let you know it is on its way. Guess what, it's asemic.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Ok Gabriel, I hope you will be interestingly surprised. It is my asemic writing on a simple little collage. I noticed in your photos that you sometimes make checkered chart-like written structures with borders of symbols and then other symbols in the squares, all of which I like very much. I have only begun to experiment, and so far mostly am enjoying writing freehand asemically and developing that, on different backgrounds. We will see what happens, it is ever-changing!
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Oh, very interesting, Gabriel. I was immediately drawn to those works and thought there might be method with your creativity but wasn't sure. It sounds like a very exciting project for you to write the symbols together, because of their meaning, like we all learned in school at first. You might have your own language.

    My asemic writing does not have specific meaning, but I will tell you this:  I am still expressing thoughts and emotions that I am having at the same time I am writing. They are in me, and they're coming out through the writing. I'm very aware of that happening, even though I don't yet understand how it happens.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Ah, your "spiritual hobbyhorse" ~ I understand what you said and see the same fear in some others too. Too bad, eh? We'd have a better world otherwise. But it can always get better ... I think places like IUOMA help make it better. Actually, I think and feel that.
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Thanks for the surprise mail which arrived today. I have to spend a bit of time absorbing it. Mail will be headed your way soon. It really is fun to send our "play" out into the world, and also to receive the play of others.
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Here's what I received. My favorite part: your little drawing telling me to "thump and cut."
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Oh, and now I know how to say to myself - "remember to take the alarm clock to work" in Dutch.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Gabriel, your incredible book arrived today, and it has blown me right out of the water. I am in another dimension, an "altered state." First of all, it's a very beautiful thing visually, but also the taped covers and stained pages *feel* great in the hands. And the story you have imagined for how you came to "find" it is most creative. It's a good thing you included the translation paper for me! It will take me a long time to read these texts, because every letter of the alphabet has to be looked up from its symbol. I have figured out a few words already, though. Now will this all translate into English words, or are some Dutch? Maybe my Dutch husband will have to "channel" some of his ancestors and get them to help ~

    I think I'm babbling. It arrived only a short while ago, and as I said, I'm blown out of the water. (In a good way!)  This is a fantastic mail art to receive, Gabriel, and I feel exceptionally fortunate today. Is it ok with you if I do a blog post on it sometime? Not right away because I need to study it first. Thank you so very much for this special artwork!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hi Gabriel, just letting you know I'm still loving the artefact. It sits beside me on the couch in the evening, and I reach for it from time to time. The cover itself is a marvel to look at, it's both mysterious and comforting at the same time, I don't know why? My blogging is behind, but it should be posted within the next week. Thank you again! Very special gift, and there  is more enjoyable study to do.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    p.s. Something new from me will be in the mail to you very soon.
  • suzlee

    TQ my dear friend. I am waiting for your artwork. I am also doing the same things for you. regards. suzlee.



  • suzlee

    Dear Gabriel Xiloj,

    In 2002, I went to Natherlands - Amsterdam. I was there for 40 days travel from Frankfurt (Germany) by train to Copenhagen and came back to Frankfurt by bus via Hamburg. And again by car from Frankfurt to Amsterdan to visit Van Gogh Museum.





    Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.




  • Nancy Bell Scott

    * * * Very happy birthday to you, Gabriel ! * * *

  • Cristian Sima

    hello, Gabriel...i have an invitation for you...