karen c

Redwood City, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Life's short - make new friends, send and share art.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1017 El Camino Real, Ste. 410
Redwood City, CA 94063 USA
Facebook: Karen Chew Designs and Studio
Twitter: kc94063

Comment Wall:

  • Gik Juri

    Dear Karen! Interesting, do you know Karl Chew, active mail artist from Seattle in 90s?
    With best wishes,
    Gik Juri
  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Shivablack

    Hey Karen..nice to meet you..have a look at my page..Greetings from BErlin
  • Jenn Grosso

    hola karen! welcome to the IUOMA! you'll have tons of fun here!!!

    checked out your website, your works are very interesting, and love your zines! zines are so so much fun to create!

  • Igor Bartolech

    Thank You for accepting my friendship here! Always nice to meet new friends, and reconnect with some long lost old ones...
    Igor :)
  • Medwolf

  • Gik Juri

    Yes, he is one of my favorite artistamp artists, I had some contact with him probably 10 years ago... Thank you for friendship and greetings from Moscow (very cold today, -25 degrees on Celsium). See You by mail!
    JuriDelete Comment
  • pati bristow

    great profile pic, girlfriend!

    PLEASE GIVE O LOOK AT www.pinturasrodriguezlanfranco.blogspot.com
  • Samantha Bragg

    thanks karen! I need to take pics and post them I just haven't gotten around to it did you have a good christmas? What got you started in mail art?
  • Samantha Bragg

    Yeah, I'm not sure what I'll be doing for new years yet but we'll see! I actually found out about mail art by total accident- I was at borders in the art section and saw a book called good mail day.. all about mail art and It got me turned on to it and I've been reading on it ever since.. I'm wondering how do I get plugged in to mail art workshops though like you did?
  • Samantha Bragg

    Oh! So your familiar with it then? I wasn't sure if too many people knew about it.. It's really cool I'm glad I came across it because there's so much you can do with mail art! I just got my first pieces yesterday and they're amazing! Did you have a good new years? I ended up falling asleep!
  • Francisco Salcedo García

    </ p> Hola Karen, bienvenida un IUOMA, me gusta tu frase de que compartir el arte es pura alegría, espero pronto EnviArte Una obra de arte electrónico mía desde Murcia-España, también me haría ilusión Recibir algo tuyo de EE.UU., de que estado? California? ahora te envio foto. Saludos afectuosos de corazón.

  • Francisco Salcedo García

    Quiero decir enviarte un mail art por correo tradicional, es decir tarjeta hecha a mano, disculpa el error.
  • Francisco Salcedo García

    La foto que te he enviado corresponde a la torre de la Catedral de Murcia y una furgoneta de Post Correo español. Uniendo Cultura y envios postales.
  • Jenn Grosso

    hola karen! oh my what a surprised i found in my mailbox today! thanks so much for the awesome bit of mail art!!! the cool fortune cookie and especially the very fabulous folded mini book with inserted stamps... way too cool!!! gonna be sending you a mail art surprise in the coming week (or so)... getting caught up with my mail art sendings. thanks again!!!

    warn your mail box
    take care!!!

    A tribute for the city of Portogruaro through a project involving art through mail. The keywords chosen as the theme are the motif of its foundation, joined in a common flow.

    border between earth and water,
    the river harbor and the trade routes,
    the channels and the gardens of the palaces,
    a constant reference to a change in system, material and colour.

    not only of goods but also of colours and scents,
    artistic and architectural influences,
    mutual knowledge, therefore culture.

    a condition of consent expressed in gesture, the conclusion of an agreement,
    a trace superimposed on many others:
    whose meaning is beyond the sum of the parts.

    Project by Rizoo Group, Tiziana Baracchi and Pro Loco di Portogruaro
    Format and dimension of work:
    square of maximum size 21 X 21 cm
    No e-mail

    No returns, no jury, no fee, no sales

    Exhibition in Portogruaro, 2010
    documentation online: www.rizoo.altervista.org
    info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com – aurogentile@tiscali.it

    Deadline to be received March 31, 2010

    Send to:

    Proloco di Portogruaro
    via Cavour 33
    30026 Portogruaro (VE) - ITALY
  • Gik Juri

    Dear Karen!

    Today received Your beautiful mail art! I like Your artist's book with stamps very much!

    Your friend,
  • Gik Juri

    Thank you! Will be happy to answer on any Your question about Russian mail art.

  • Francisco Salcedo García

    Gracias por aceptarme como amigo, espero pronto EnviArte un arte correo desde España. Saludos de Pako Salcedo.

    </ p>

  • Rachel Freeman

    Hi Karen...I love your art! Thanks for trading with me!
  • Rachel Freeman

    I just sent you a friend request via facebook!
  • Samantha Bragg

    Hey Karen.. Just received your mail art! Thanks!!
  • karen c

    No worries - I was having a lot of fun and my printing was getting rather kittywumpus in all of the excitement!
    Have a wonderful week!
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    Thankyou so much for sending me a postcard for my phobia project! I've put it up on here and on my blogspot blog. Thankyou.
  • Dawn Redwood

    So there's a City of Redwoods, Woww! Dawn Redwood (Aardverx)
  • Celestino Neto

    Hi Karen,

  • Terry Reid

    hi karen,   a reminder if you have not yet responded,

    here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/   thx, Terry Reid, send me a friend request for easier communication

  • olgacorrales

    Hola,permiso paso a dejarte una invitación,saludos cordiales Olga!

    Mail art for non-violence against women.

    Thank you very much, I'm hoping to have the support of the mail art movement.

    We appreciate the participation and dissemination of project

    Techniques; Free (photographs, collage, paintings, prints, writings, poems, etc.)
    All writings, poems, verses, sentences must be passed into English and Spanish.

    Size: Free, depending on the resources of each place and each artist, you can also reach
    agreement if the country has a host-coordinator.

    Quantity: Free

    Closing date for receipt: 10/09/2012.

    Artists lxs created and / or postcards intervene on one side, leaving the adverse side
    target for intervention of the public who visit the exhibition.

    The works must be coming to Bahia Blanca, Argentina in August-September

    No jury, no return, no works comercialización.Todas
    will be published online in the blog-http :/ / miradasypostales.blogspot.com.ar /

    We'll select all entries received that do not qualify unless the
    the criterion of the proposed theme.

    Participation in this call is free and implies knowledge
    and full acceptance of the conditions thereof.

    Each country will have a host who is responsible for advising participating artists lxs
    Explaining type of paper, weights, measurements, date and mode of delivery, and in the case of countries that do not have, at the discretion of each artist.
    The Post should be sent in a sealed envelope along with personal information to this address before Sept. 10, 2012

    Olga Corrales
    Address: Libertad No 3756-Ing White
    Bahia Blanca-Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
    C.P. 8000

    IMPORTANT: Also send pictures in JPG format (preferably not too heavy) to the following e mail:
    Will be uploaded to the blog http://miradasypostales.blogspot.com.ar/

    For people who want to reflect the situations of women in our land, with those structures dehumanised, to be the art who will educate, inform, salv
    e, and denature such violence
    Showing doors outside, inside, down the carpet, and what happens in the room q, in the kitchen, with phobias killer, what happens in the q networks around the world, in politics, in lxs infiltradxs with our desterradxs origins, that involves us all the comrades, that is personal, that is political, q is social.
    Looks and Postcards