trick sensei

Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
I started around 1988 with a skateboard interview 'zine
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail's fun m'kay
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Joshua, this is a friendly welcome to The Eternal Network from a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly corner of the faraway Universe called Republik van Patland.  A perfect start here is mail-art exchange. I would like to be the other when you decide it’s the right time for you to start trading art.  If it’s the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe
    Caixa Postal 24827

    II look forward to see your piece in my terrene mailbox.  Yes! I will do my homework after receiving yours.  This is nothing less than a celestial promise.  I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Envelope Provider.

  • Poison Label Productions

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Welcome Joshua!

  • Ana Karina

    Hi Joshua, I received your mailart today, many thanks, i love the artwork, is it a carving?

  • Ursula Rodgers

    Just received your postcard today, thank you so much! I've never used lino blocks, but I've made a good number of rubber stamps. I'll send something your way soon!

  • Alison Noble

    Joshua, I was so pleased to receive your postcard today. I've been inactive for some time. Not only is your piece striking, receiving it has inspired me to work again. Alison

  • Ursula Rodgers

    I'm so glad it arrived safely! Happy you like it!

  • Anu

    thank you for the postcard you sent. I really love all the textures and colors :)

  • Svenja Wahl

    thanks for friending! ;-)

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Trick, I received your selection of skulls in a XXL size envelope.  Now it´s time for this scriba to keep a celestial promise. Good job.  Thank you

  • Jane Smith

    Thank you for the very cool postcard!

    Portland is a great place to live, I love Powell's Books!

    Art On............Jane

  • Scattergood-Moore

    trick, welcome the the Sketchbook drawing Group. Hope you post some of your sketchbook images on the page.

  • Ms.Lovender

    Hello, Thanks for the mailart you sent me.

    I`ll be sending you soon.

  • Zoe Karina Lohmann

    OK! The Mail art has been sent :) hope it gets there in one piece!

  • already mild neon

    Love the giant postcard - thanks!

  • Sevgul Sumer Dielemans

    hello josh and thank you soooo much for your mailart :) i love it! it came without a single scratch or fold by the way which i found amazing! that was a great welcome to the iuoma network! see you in your mailbox soon! :D

  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Heyya Josh! Glad you enjoyed GMD and glad to make friends here on the IUOMA site... :-)

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Zoe Karina Lohmann

    Thank you for the Mail Art! It arrives this morning :) My very first piece of mail art sent to me! Thanks so much, and i hope yours gets there soon

  • Zoe Karina Lohmann

    Hello! Im glad you like it :)  onwards with mail art!

  • Susanna Lakner

    Dear Josh, many thanks for the giant postcard! I like it!!

  • Nolastra


  • Kim JungYoun

    I received your art today.

    It's so cool.

    Thank you so much.

    I'll send you something soon.

    P.S. I've been to Portland several times.

             I love Oregon! :)

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Earthling: This morning a hummingbird on celestial mail service left City of Peace, the capital city of Republik van Patland, a tiny point in the Universe where this scribe comes from.  The Postbird faced Planet Earth in a celestial mission. The objective is to deliver a heaven certified mail artwork kindly produced just for you by Cælestis Scriba, today´s  most distinguished celestial mail art master of Patland.

    Keep the skies of your vicinity under close observation. Celestial messengers – all of them – tend to show up when nobody expects them. The opportunity is propitious for you to meet, first time ever, a Postbird on heavenly service if you wish to. Have luck! Keep me posted.  Scribe

  • cheryl penn

    Hello  - and hoping for many happy mail art returns :-) X

  • Arte Correo Correo

    you welcome XD

  • Stephanie Rico

    Hi Trick! Thanks for the great mail art that you sent me. I hope that you get mine soon!

  • Ana Karina

    haha, thanks for letting me know you got it.

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi TS aka JB (*!*)  Received your great large Mail Art Card...I LOVE the's like Dance Poetry...very visual and flowing....SUPER! am I too pass it along like a Brain Cell or is this mine to keep ?

    Thank you....

  • Amy Irwen

    I'm so HAPPY that I get to keep the piece...thank you so much *!*

  • Mail Art Martha

    Glad the 'postcard' did arrive, I was a bit doubtful but the post clerck told me a postcard can be any size (?) . I made a gesture with my arms to describe a football pitch and he said, 'Yes'.

  • Marie Wintzer

    Hello Sensei, thank you for your big card, which arrived while I was on vacation. Great surprise in my mailbox, thank you!

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Mail Art Martha


  • Judy Skolnick

    Glad you enjoyed the card they are fun to do.

  • DKeys

    You're quite welcome!

    If you're interested in art made from found objects or garbage please feel free to join the All things trashpo group!

  • Helena Gath

    Thanks for your mail art !! soon on the blog

    have a nice day!!!


  • Ana Karina

    Hi Trick, thanks for the lovely metallic painted mailart card, i received it today!

  • Not Hi Ng

    Hi Trick, got your card, it's great. I'll get something off to you shortly,

    Not Hi Ng

  • BeeBee

    Thanks for connecting...Card coming soon!

  • Karen Redgreene

    Hi Trick

    i would be honored...1090 43rd st  #4,  oakland, ca 94608

    :) karen

  • jim leftwich

    please,  yes

    525 10th st sw

    roanoke, va 24016
