



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
see: http://www.fricker.tel

Comment Wall:

  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Maurizio Follin

    I would be happy to receive your contribution.



    The production of an art that fits exclusively one’s own creative needs without stooping to compromises to make it a consumer good

    Format: free

    Technique free: 2 & 3 d, music, video, performance, poetry and small stories(on digital support)

    deadline: 2010, December 10th

    no return, no fee, no selection, no jury
    (No pornography please)

    Works should be sent at the following address:

    Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
    30173 Favaro V.to - Venezia - Italy

    please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address (for notification of final documentation) and web site if exist.

    All works must be send by post with postage stamps.

    On line catalogue on the website: http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/

    pdf catalog by : Claudio Romeo

    Galleria Terre Rare - Bologna
    Garage N.3 Gallery - Venezia Mestre
    Spazio espositivo "Barrique" - Scriò di Dolegna del Collio GO

    Evento organizzato in collaborazione con:
    DodoDada Arte Postale - http://dododada.ning.com/
    Terre Rare - http://http://www.terrerare.net/
    Ambasciata di Venezia : http://www.artistampnews.com/dated_calls/html/italian_calls.html
    Reantà Non Ordinaria - http://realtano.it/

    Testi critici : Giancarlo Da Lio

    Ciao and thanks

  • Lyudmila Dakhova

  • Lancillotto Bellini

  • Tulio Restrepo

    Dear Friend h.r.fricker... thank you for come in contact! as a IUOMA networker...

    A little question... I have some pieces of your Mail Art in my archive from the 80´s... But I need to re-start the correspondence with you...

    Can you help me sending your completely address?

    Sincerely yours.

    Tulio Restrepo
    Zona Postal Mail Art
    A.A. 65.376
    Medellín - Colombia
    e-mail: tulio.restrepo@une.net.co

  • Fernand Barbot

    hey Fricker ! long time no see ,thank you for the invitation ,i will send something ,

    here is gerard my son adress,<bobart2@muchomail.com>also an old timer now

  • Anna Banana

    So glad to hear from you after a long silence. Missed you on my last trip, but wasn't passing through Switzerland . . . just did events in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany. Maybe next time?
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Huge hugs... so happy you are still!
  • Tulio Restrepo

    Dear h.r.fricker... thanks for your rush answer...

    Excuse me for the following answer... Are you promoting a new collective project...?
    I copy a single part of your message for Fernand Barbot...

    Personal Mail-Art Invitation: MOMA = Museum of Mail Art Letter Envelope and Artistamps Dear Networker, dear Fernand On the 18th of September 2011 the Art Museum of the Canton of Thurgau in Switzerland will have an Opening for the exhibition "Conqu…

    Please tell me about it...

    All the best!

    Tulio Restrepo

  • Tulio Restrepo

    Dear... h.r.fricker
    First of All... Congratulations for your Big effort in your
    artistic activities from 40 years and as a Mail Art Networker.

    Thanks a lot for your personal invitation... Its an interesting opportunity for contribute to your
    exhibition "Conquer the Living Rooms of the World."... beside to all friends in correspondence by analog and digital Eternal Network.

    I appreciate your call and I will present with my contribution.

    A hug!

    Tulio Restrepo

  • Tulio Restrepo

    Dear r.h.fricker... Thanks in advance for your question.

    I have sent you a personal message commenting a short briefly & CV trough IUOMA network...

    All the best.

    Tulio Restrepo

  • Henning Mittendorf

    Danke Dir herzliche, lieber H.R., für Dein freundliches Erinnern! Wir hoffen, bei Dir/Euch ist alles im grünen Bereich!? ... wie bei uns.

    Herzlich HeMi

  • Fernand Barbot

    today i mail 2 copies of my originals 2 u +a post card with my new snail address hope u

    get it soon ,see u later.BAG MAN




  • Steve Random

    Dear Hans,

         Thanks for the invitation old pal, I haven't made a stamp sheet in over 25 years and could not find the time to create one under the gun. Feel free to take a blank envelope and a blank sheet of paper if you must have something from me.

