
Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
http://I have no web site
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I joined partly because I was curious about IUMA and partly because I wanted to get in touch with Ed Varney who I couldn't seem to reach in any other way for some reason that I have never really understood. I think he was just too busy to respond to my phone calls regarding an essay I was writing on Vancouver poetry in the '60's. Since then I have had quite a lot of the effects of Chronic Fatigue syndrome and so have been unable to participate in IUMA activites. Probably I should leave IUMA as I don't participate but I keep on thinking that I might get better some day.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
774 East Pender Street -front
Vancouer, B.C., Canada
V6A 1V7

Comment Wall:

  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome Judith!
  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • carl baker

    hello judith,
    also working in mail-art, graphism,
    visual/poetry,letter bombs etc.
    friend of jw curry,dan bradley, that gang.
    have a great day,carl baker,
    peterboro ont.
  • Claudio Romeo

  • Carlos I. Botana

    Subject: Octopus...

    Collective book of mail art.

    Send 18 works of size 14.8 X 21 cm (A5 vertical), numbered and signed,
    for making up a series of volumes with different artists in each. Each
    volume will contain a minimum of 14 artworks, one per artist. Modify
    each copy in order to make them unique originals. All techniques:
    printings, drawings, paintings, photographs, collages...

    Each participant will receive a volume.

    Deadline: october, 2010.

    Send your art works to:

    Carlos Botana
    General Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 A Coruña
    Galicia - España/Spain


    Carlos Botana
  • Maurizio Follin

    I would be happy to receive your contribution.



    The production of an art that fits exclusively one’s own creative needs without stooping to compromises to make it a consumer good

    Format: free

    Technique free: 2 & 3 d, music, video, performance, poetry and small stories(on digital support)

    deadline: 2010, December 10th

    no return, no fee, no selection, no jury
    (No pornography please)

    Works should be sent at the following address:

    Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
    30173 Favaro V.to - Venezia - Italy

    please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address (for notification of final documentation) and web site if exist.

    All works must be send by post with postage stamps.

    On line catalogue on the website: http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/

    pdf catalog by : Claudio Romeo

    Galleria Terre Rare - Bologna
    Garage N.3 Gallery - Venezia Mestre
    Spazio espositivo "Barrique" - Scriò di Dolegna del Collio GO

    Evento organizzato in collaborazione con:
    DodoDada Arte Postale - http://dododada.ning.com/
    Terre Rare - http://http://www.terrerare.net/
    Ambasciata di Venezia : http://www.artistampnews.com/dated_calls/html/italian_calls.html
    Reantà Non Ordinaria - http://realtano.it/

    Testi critici : Giancarlo Da Lio

    Ciao and thanks
