Kathy De Wit



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I'm illustrator and art teacher. Love it to introduce mail-art into the world of children!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Kathy De Wit
Klapdorp 48
9170 St.Pauwels

Comment Wall:

  • El Taller de Zenon

    Hello Kathy, bienvenida al club, he visitado tu web y es estupenda, me gustan mucho tus dibujos. Hablas español muy bien.
    Me gustaria enviarte nuestras convocatorias de mailart, si me das tu direccion postal. Greetings from Sevilla.
  • Rachel Freeman

    Your website is so wonderful...I love your art! Welcome to IUOMA
  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome Kathy!
  • Shivablack

    Hello Kathy..like the gato too..
    Miau Shiva*
  • Test Tower

    Hi Kathy, love your blog and your illustrations of life. Quite enjoyable! Welcome!
  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Very nice work...Bravo!
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Thanks..for the invitation..Welcome!
  • Terrence Boggs

    Elder Street Gallery calls for entries for a postcard art show to be held during the month of October, 2009. All work will be exhibited. No jury and no returns.

    Create the postcard on an existing 4"x6" post card or a 5” X 9” post card or start from scratch on a blank 4" x 6" or 5” X 9” piece of card stock. The art does not have to be done on an "official" post card, just something of similar weight and size. Please include on the back of your postcard - Your name, full mailing address, title of artwork, medium and email address, (website if you have one) .The artwork on the postcard can be either horizontal or vertical. All artwork can be mailed as a postcard or sent inside an envelope.

    Materials will vary, depending on the technique you choose. You may create the art with any technique, and all media are acceptable, including collage, markers, crayons, pen and ink, colored pencils, rubber stamps, tempera, acrylic, watercolor and printmaking. The only consideration is that the artwork cannot have a raised surface. Please no nudity, racist, or pornographic art.

    All work will be on display at Elder Street Gallery, in October. A reception will be held on Saturday, October 16, 5:00 to 10:00. This reception is free and open to the public.

    Mail postcards to Elder Street Gallery, 1101 Elder Street, Suite 109, Houston, Tx 77007.
    Postcards must be postmarked by Oct 3, 2009. Questions and/or a copy of prospectus call Terrence at 281-250-4889 or e-mail elderstreetgallery@gmail.com

    Postcards become property of Elder Street Gallery and will be for sale, with the proceeds benefiting the English Speaking Union Houston Branch - Shakespeare Competition.
    The English Speaking Union Houston Branch is a non profit organization dedicated to international relations between the UK and the other countries of the world and the celebration of all things British.
  • Carlos I. Botana

    Thème: Poulpe...

    Livre collectif de mail art.

    Envoyez 18 travaux, grandeur: 14.8 X 21 cm (A5 vertical), numérotés et
    signés, pour faire une série de volumes, chacun avec plusieurs artistes.
    Chaque volume contiendra un minimum de 14 travaux, un par artiste.
    Modifiez chaque copie pour qu'elles deviennent des originelles uniques.
    N'importe quelle technique: dessins, peintures, photos, collages...

    Chaque participant recevra un volume.

    Fin des délais: octobre 2010

    Envoyez vos travaux à

    Carlos Botana
    General Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 A Coruña
    Galicia - España/Espagne


    Carlos Botana
  • Maura Di Giulio

    Hullo Kathy!

    Would you like to partecipate on my Mail Art Call?
    Here informations:
    Keep in touch
    Deadline 31.03.10 but I will be glad to receive a work from you!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hello Kathy,
    Give a child my address and I will add a
    "Greek" house to their picture:

    Katerina Nikoltsou
    Glinou 20 Harilaou
    Thessaloniki, 54249 GREECE
  • muriel

    Hi Kathy
    Count me in! I did something similar a few years ago, but by email, with my 15 year old students and they enjoyed it a lot!
    This is my address
    Muriel Frega
    Felipe Vallese 453
    Ciudad de Buenos Aires
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    That was a nice birthday card! Thank you very much. Regards, Val (aged 64)
  • Yana Yaroshevskaya

    Hello Kathy! I will be glad to partisipate in your project.
    Give a child my address.
  • Tomoe N

    Hi thanks for your email.
    I have been aware of your mail art call ads, but I have been quite busy for the last online college class, and I was not sure if I have the time for it. I am taking independent study class with a book art instructor, making a lots of paper stationaries, ephemera. Now it is a midterm, so I am thinking to do bigger projects, and I have already chose 3 other mail art call to send to.

    I don't mind if your kid sending postcard, but I am not certain if I can send it back right away though. Is there a time line for it?

    My address:
    Tomoe Nakamura
    2-22-2 Daiho Kanancho
    Osaka 585-0005 Japan

    Thank you.
  • Tomoe N

    Haha. Ok. I understand. I will not let your kid down. You can count me in. ^_^

    If it is ok, I will show this to my teacher and make it as a part of my school assignment, so I won't feel like wasting. The other mail art call I want to join will also be a part of my class projects, so you will.

    Tell me again what I need to do.

    By the way, I have gotten 2 mail art today. From France and USA. I have one from Korea already waiting for me to reply...
  • Tomoe N

    Ok,, so basically your kids will send postcards all over the world, and have artists draw a house on and send it back right?

    Can it be a photo instead of drawing? Would you like something traditional? More like a modern Japan?

    Thank you for understanding. I am an adult student, but it is my last college class, before graduating after 20 years or so, so I am a bit nervous and worry about future job. So people's encouragement counts.
  • Tomoe N

    Thank you Kathy. I got it! I am in 40ies, so just a bit?! older to be called as a girl, but thanks for your encouragement.
    I do like Belgium in turn. I love the Scandinavian and northern European design.

    What I have been doing is these;
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Good to be your friend, Kathy,
    I wait for a special something from the children
    and I will return it with my addition!

  • Matilda Sandahl

    Hi Kathy! I'd love to participate in your art project! :)
  • jon foster

    Oh wow, your dissection of the "out of context" stuff I sent out is insightful. More than anything, that section highlights my often frustrated views of being a teacher. Sure they're redeeming times, mostly redeeming times, but the ones that difficult are more than difficult. Can't wait for your mail.
  • marni zainodin

    hello kathy, thank you for telling me abt the projet and be a friend. YES!! i'm in.
  • Carolyn Bender

    Thank you so much for the card which I received in the mail this week Kathy! I was so excited to come home to my first mail art card :-)
  • Tomoe N

    Hi, this is Tomoe from Japan. I got a mail from Belgium, and I assume that you said me. Thank you. You want me to put something on the right side of the collage that I've got and sending it back to you, right?
  • Tomoe N

    okidoki. Thanks for the birthday message. I may want to put a Japanese temple image instead of a typical Japanese house, since I have been going around temples as hobby trips lately. Besides, my house is more like a westernized house than typical. Well, hope you guys like my inspiration.
  • andytgeezer

    HI Kathy

    You recently sent Valentine Mark Herman an email about a school in London doing a mailart swap. I'm very keen to get in touch with schools in England doing mailart projects. Can you forward details of that project to me please

  • Tomoe N

    Here are photos of my kid's & mail project has been sending back to you. I hope I did the way you've asked. And I hope you and the kid sending to me like it.

    And here are little something to him or her that sent.

    Thank you for the opportunity.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    It took some time, Kathy, but your "Feliz 2011", beautiful card, arrived as I returned from a trip to Athens. It may have gotten detoured around, what with the strikes in Greece, but it was here this morning! Many thanks!

    The Diary of a Young Girl
    Theme: a Mailart exhibition dedicated to Anna Frank and to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. January 27th, 1945: death camp Auschwitz was liberated
    Size and technique free
    No jury, no returns, no fees
    Exhibition in 2012 in Giulianova, Italy
    Documentation online gallery and catalogue to all participant if it will possibile (because of sponsor)
    All works via post, no email please.
    Info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com o image000@libero.it
    Deadline to be received January 12nd, 2012

    Isabella Branella
    via Giardino 12
    I- 64021 Giulianova Lido