hi Cuan, here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/ thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you
Hi Cuan, I received your postcard today and I like it very much! Some very important person in the middle who is so decorated! Something in the mail for you, too! Best, Svenja
Hello :-) - Thank you for the FAB collage - MAN! That was QUICK! That feeling of being the only one in South Africa? Yip - I knew it for a bit! Have a wonderful Wednesday :-) XX
Many thanks for your scintillating review on the obsessives and disjunctive formal juxtapositions in the work of Pollock. It surely resonates with visual narrative accessibility. Now move over, I want to share the plastic chair! :-) ) X
Hi Cuan! I got your lovely postcard yesterday and you even used some of my favorite South African dinosaur stamps! Rawr!! Haha. I am off to check out your blog now and then to reply. :)
Cuan, the photo of your postman and his reaction is priceless. that would be a cool show-photos of all the postman who deliver our art.Thanks for posting it! glad you received my mail art.
Hi Cuan! Thanks for the super ATCs. Some active ATC artists that I trade with are Amy Irwen, Karin Greenwood and Angie Cope to start. Also real nice cards from Lesley Magwood Fraser. That should get you started. They are all wonderful artists. I'm sending you mail on Saturday. Will post your work this weekend too.
Hi Cuan, thanks for the great mail that you sent me weeks ago! Sorry for the late reply, I have had other stuff to deal with for the past 2 months. In reply to your question about us KZN artists meeting up, yes we do! We are friends in the art world too and sometimes get to work together. I shall reply to your mail shortly, I came home to about 45 envelopes so will try to reply to everyone in time...be patient please!
At LAST!!! But always worth waiting for... I even allowed the robot accost-ation to get you a 'doctor's' pamphlet - there seems to be a sudden dearth! :-) X
Thanks for add...
Good collages in your blog. I like your "french hen" !
Snail art to South Africa soon.
Amitiés d'Utopia
Mar 14, 2011
Laurence Roberts
Mar 23, 2011
Laurence Roberts
Mar 23, 2011
Laurence Roberts
hey Cuan yer welcome -- feet finding never easy ! :)
that will be ver nice ta very much
Mar 24, 2011
Cernjul Viviana María
Mar 25, 2011
Karin Greenwood
May 4, 2011
Terry Reid
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/ thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you
(in facebook it is at :https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )
May 16, 2011
Jul 19, 2011
Nadine Wendell-Mojica
Aug 15, 2011
Svenja Wahl
Aug 15, 2011
Svenja Wahl
Aug 25, 2011
cheryl penn
Aug 31, 2011
cheryl penn
Dear Proffff Miles.
Many thanks for your scintillating review on the obsessives and disjunctive formal juxtapositions in the work of Pollock. It surely resonates with visual narrative accessibility. Now move over, I want to share the plastic chair! :-) ) X
Oct 7, 2011
Oct 21, 2011
Bruno Cassaglia
Oct 24, 2011
Oct 28, 2011
Cernjul Viviana María
Your blog is wonderful.
Creative work. I love your collages.
Nov 1, 2011
cheryl penn
Nov 8, 2011
Karen Champlin
Hi Cuan! I'd like to trade ATCs with you. 2 for 2? Let me know.
Nov 18, 2011
Karen Champlin
Hi Cuan! Thanks for the super ATCs. Some active ATC artists that I trade with are Amy Irwen, Karin Greenwood and Angie Cope to start. Also real nice cards from Lesley Magwood Fraser. That should get you started. They are all wonderful artists. I'm sending you mail on Saturday. Will post your work this weekend too.
Dec 9, 2011
Susan McAllister
Dec 12, 2011
Lesley Magwood Fraser
Hi Cuan, thanks for the great mail that you sent me weeks ago! Sorry for the late reply, I have had other stuff to deal with for the past 2 months. In reply to your question about us KZN artists meeting up, yes we do! We are friends in the art world too and sometimes get to work together. I shall reply to your mail shortly, I came home to about 45 envelopes so will try to reply to everyone in time...be patient please!
Jan 7, 2012
Susan McAllister
Mar 24, 2012
Amy Irwen
Happy Happy Day (*o*)
Mar 25, 2012
cheryl penn
At LAST!!! But always worth waiting for... I even allowed the robot accost-ation to get you a 'doctor's' pamphlet - there seems to be a sudden dearth! :-) X
Apr 23, 2012