Guido Vermeulen

70, Male



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Communication in a global network
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • Patricia Alejandra Nuñez

    Gracias. Me temo que no sé inglés y me parece un inconveniente para esta página  y foro no? Saludos Patricia A. Nuñez

  • Carina

    Thank you Guido for your mail! See it in the blogposts...

  • DKeys

    Guido, your gorgeous signature hand painted envelope arrived yesterday--such a beautiful surprise! Your collage pieces and dream sequence are fantastic. I was right there with you on the journey to South Africa. Too bad it was only made through astral travel--and the cats came along too!  I will try to brainstorm something for Rebel Rebel, because I'm right there with you on that as you know.  hmmmm thinking thinking  

  • snout

    Happily received your art! Thank you, thank you!
  • Rebecca Guyver

    Beautiful! Can't wait. I have left a rather long message about my VISPO pages on the book one page which (hopefully) will put my pages and Diebenkorn into better context!

  • Arac

    Very cool, he will love it!  Thank-you so much, that was very kind.  I will send something at least 1/2 as cool your way very soon ;)

  • John M. Bennett

    Beautiful Lost, Guido!  thank you


  • Afroditi Karamanli


  • Jennifer Ley

    A sentiment I can share, thanks for the Welcome!

  • cheryl penn

    THREE painted envelopes - BEAUTIFUL - many thanks Guido - the reason the big piece has not arrived is because you are getting a big piece of the new one too - I'm waiting - (And waiting)  for it to dry :-)XX

  • Austin Wills James

    How did you know that my wife & I are going to the Games in London this Summer?


  • Flanders Fields Gallery

    Guido,  je mag de foto "de wolkenzuiger" gebruiken ter illustratie van de dichtbundel "sprookjes in de wolken" - enige voorwaarde is wel de auteur vermelden .

    PS is dit een mail art boekje of gewone editie?

  • anamerari

    dear guido
    I got your mail art and I was happy to have one of his works in my house.
    Loved the envelope

  • anamerari

    I received today 04.03.12


  • Neil Gordon


  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Happiest Birthday, Guido !

  • vizma bruns

    Let Guido eat cake!!!! Best wishes!!

  • Cristian Sima

    happy birthday, guido...i know, you are 18 years old...and a long future in mail art...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Carina

    Happy birthday and thank you for your lovely painted envelope!

    (Helsinki mail box)

  • Lilian Mariutti

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Enjoy your day!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday greetings from Greece, Guido! OPA!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    More birthday cake for you, Guido! Have a great day! xxx

  • Karen Champlin

  • Neil Gordon

    Happy-happy B-DAY Guido!

     AND A hello to Rabbi  Sandino!!!!!!

  • Frieder Speck

    Happy Birthday from Munich too!!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Heleen de Vaan


    Ook jij bedankt, Guido!  Also thank you, Guido!

    Je bijzondere envelop en xerographic zijn hier goed aangekomen. Your special envelop and xerographic have arrived safely.

    En nog een verlaat Van Harte Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!!



  • Imelda Wubben

    Thanks Guido voor de mailart

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Guido, for a very colorful and "rebel" mail art1

    I will send you a "Rebel" soon, too1

    Your mail art is on this blog:

    GOTIJ! Mail Art Monday from Guido and Erni and Rebecca and Sarah an...

  • yves maraux

    Printed matter ! à propos de Rebel rebel mon commentaire arrive bientot ! les nihilistes ont l'art de se nourrir de leur sillage ;

  • Arac

    Got your envelope today...whole different feel from the Hippy Dippy version but very cool all  the same.  I blogged it earlier with a bunch of other great stuff I got! Stay rebellious ;)

  • Brian Van Voorst

    Thank You!!!


  • Susan McAllister

    I had totally forgotten you were going to send me the Kairan issue about female mail artists. So I was totally delighted to open your envelope and find it and see that you were the guest editor and that our own Carla Cryptic had contributed a piece. Thank you so much for a wonderful gift.
  • Melanie Lucas

    hello and thanknyou for the welcome and friend request.

  • Melanie Lucas

    will be sending out a special card to you on Monday.  can you send me a message and make sure I wrote your address down correctly?!?!

  • yves maraux

  • yves maraux

  • Lynn Radford

    Thank you for the welcome and friend request! Have a creative week!

  • goopmailart

    thanks for the invite and pleas visit often!

  • Sharon Renick

    Thank you!

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    best covers each day. fantastic.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, guido, another "dream" and child arrived in Greece. Your painted envelopes are beautiful works of art! Thank you for sending! xxx

  • Not Hi Ng

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm in discovery mode and loving it.

  • Suus in Mokum

    Hallo Guido, grote dank voor de mooie post. De envelop is super. De nieuwsbrief begrijp ik niet helemaal maar allez, ben nog Mail Art-groentje.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Ah, how sweet! Thank you! ^_^

  • Stephen Boyling

    Glad to be aboard ...

  • Martha W. Bush

    Guido, Can't wait to see your mail. Thanks!

  • Martha W. Bush

    Guido,it arrived 4/20, yesterday.  Cool image in person as well as digitally.  I will get you back, soon.  Will check out your websites, too.  Cheers, M

  • Susan Walker

    Hello new friend from the USA!

  • cheryl penn

    Another beautiful envelope - you have qualified for your own box at my house - feel free to visit! Many thanks :-) X