Guido Vermeulen

70, Male



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Communication in a global network
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • Karin Greenwood

    Hi Guido, thank you so much for wonderful art mail card and photo. Love your art.
  • BarnArt

    What a fantastic card we received in the mail earlier this week from you Guido. We love your watercolors and the title - "A Dream About Violent Oppositions". Lovely. We will be happy to return the favor very soon and make you a BarnArt creation. Thank again IUOMA friend!
    Sarah & Nick "BarnArt" in NC USA
  • Jim SantAmour

    thanks for a gorgeous envelope and enclosures!
  • yves maraux

  • E

    Hi Guido,

    Great sending ! Great Add and pass GAC !

    Many thanks !


  • Sabela Baña

    My adress: Sabela Baña

                     Ramon y Cajal 30-3

                    15006 A Coruña(Spain)

          I Hope that you send me your work. I want to  send you my worK. Please give me  your adress.The best wishes.

  • Sabela Baña

    En tu domicilio no figura el codigo postal. Me puedes decir cual es?. Gracias


  • nasya kopteva

    thank you so much!


  • Sabela Baña

    En breve te envio mi postal.
  • Kerri Pullo

    Amazing!! Thank you!
  • yves maraux

    about bion € banknote : realy you seem to need a strategy ;

    Guido tu as l'air d'avoir besoin d'une stratégie , ton projet est ambitieux mais les moyens de la magie , tes mantras , semblent dérisoires face à ton ennemi : seuls les miards € que je demandais pour les remettre en circulation pouvaient contrebalancer le pouvoir des banques .

  • Karin Greenwood

    Hullo Guido, just received your very artistic card. Always look forward to your mail. Love getting different faces, they fascinate me. Take care.
  • yves maraux

    Pas sur que Sartre écrirait la meme préface maintenant ( tuer un colon...etc ) , et Fanon Sartre seraient ils aussi sensible au destin des indigènes de certains pays européens ? le sujet devient vite tabou !
  • Svenja Wahl

    Guido, a happy first mail day here! Thank you for the wonderful envelope, I love the way you put the other papers behind your drawing. Will blog and reply soooon!
  • yves maraux

    ils ne peuvent plus revenir sur ce qu'ils ont écrit ! Est ce qu'ils l'assumeraient ? le reste n'est que littérature !
  • Vanessa Kister

    Thank you Guido!
  • Amy Irwen

    Beautiful Guido...can't wait to see it in real life!!!

    Glad you got "Lost Hwy" and it's part of the book of Ann... *-*

  • prettylily

    That looks SUPER ZALOP.  TY, Guido - can't wait!
  • yves maraux

    La question mérite d'etre posée ; justement pourquoi ne pas relire Pascal  , Les provinciales ; j'abordais l'an dernier son cas à travers l'étude L'amulette de Pascal mais nous y reviendrons posément ;

    n.b :à propos de mon envoi à Forest & magic mountains je ne peux pas dire Silence radio, comme il est d'usage ; en effet alors que je vérifiais sur le catalogue du site , je constatais que j'étais dans les disparus ! c'est alors que je repensais à une émission de la radio italienne , quelques jours après avoir posté mon envoi : quelqu'un était en train de parler de l'endroit dont il était question dans ce que j'avais envoyé : un sanctuaire hindouiste dans une vallée du nord de l'inde  , des sources chaudes , le maire d'un village qui fait une opération de nettoyage des ordures dans un lieu souillé par le tourisme etc ....

    c'est alors que je constatais que j'étais sans nouvelles de Buchholz , tiz Barachi , et d'autres

    je suis perplexe !

  • suzlee

    Mail art call:  ‘Works on Paper Exhibition’

    We invite artists from all over the world to contribute their work in this exhibition called Works on Paper.
    For more info please log on to:
    Deadline: 31 December 2011

    Guido Vermeulen (BELGIUM)
  • yves maraux

    Eve aussi est à mon coté !

    non ça y est , elle est partie ! elle aussi !

  • Sabela Baña

    I recibed your art work I lke very much.
  • Sabela Baña

    I recibed art work
  • Sabela Baña

    I also participe works on paper Exhibition. Congratulations.I send you my art work. The best wished
  • Eva (Mail Adventures)

    Thank you, Guido! I'm looking forward find it in my mailbox... :)
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Another of your great envelope arts arrived today, inhabited by your eerie creatures, I love it! Thanks Guido.
  • Kerri Pullo

    THANK YOU ever so very much! I received the beautiful art today!!!
  • Eva (Mail Adventures)

    I've got today The miner’s mountain and the fall of wall street. It's an amazing work, thank you very much!

    I'll try to contribute soon to your projects!

  • yves maraux

  • Neil Gordon

    Guido! Got your beautiful painting and book of Ann collage. Looks like some bronze age hanky-panky going on there! Love it! Your asemics are wonderful. See you in the mail soon! Neil
  • giuli.fiori

    Thanks for the welcome message!
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Thanks Guido,  We are all being severely punished for a crime that we did not commit... or are we guilty of the crime of inattention to what our politicians and economists were doing, supposedly, in our name?

    Art demands mean I don't have time to attend to mail-art, I try to answer a couple of mails a day, it's not enough to keep up with the in flow!

    best greets

  • cheryl penn

    Guido - your fantastic envelope arrived - will post soon - many thanks :=) X

    thanks for your partecipation to Anna Frank Mailart project, I hope it 'll arrive soon.


  • Renée Wagemans

    Thanx. Hoi Guido, dank je voor je mailart. Het kwam vandaag binnen. Groetjes Renée

  • prettylily

    Guido, So sorry it took me so long to thank you for the great card.  I love it! Thank you!  Just posted it on my page.

  • fátima queiroz

    welcome, guido!



  • vizma bruns

    Thanks for the welcome Guido!

  • Pritesh

    Thank you :) 

  • vizma bruns

    Hey Guido! It's so weird that you made a fish mail for me because at the time I was making a fish mail for the 5Blanks Traces show in Germany.! We must be "Tele-pathetic"!!! (sic) I'll show you once I've learnt how to upload pics. Your mail will be in the post tomorrow!!!

  • mad madge

    Thank you for the mail! I found it in my box yesterday.

  • Ashley Rae

    Thank you for the welcome! I'm looking so forward to taking part in this amazing site.  I still have lots to figure out, but I can't wait to get started! :)

  • Emigrante

    Hello Guido thanks for your wlecome message, im still trying to understand how to browse the page. 

  • The Mailmonster

    Thanks for the welcome. I can't wait to get started :)

  • The Mailmonster

    WOW, that's kinda cool looking :)

  • E

  • Ricardo Passos

    Thanks to the Welcome Guido :-)

  • E

  • Neil Gordon

    Recieved the beautiful envelope; Simone as a Uturn! Also love the collage;Moths croosng the danube! How did you know i love moths???? Your the dispatcher of signs & stones! Thanks!

    All the best,Neil

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    What did I receive from you today, Guido? Is this an add+pass from you and Superhero?