Neil Gordon


Wethersfield, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
just started, but i'm loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
spread art,repair the world, make friends! Plus- I jave loved getting things in the mail since i was very young. I got inot Shortwave radio when i was 13, got a lot of cool stuff in the mail, then the government began to open my mail! it was like "1984" Anyhoo- Ive been addicted to mail,art, letters ever since! I would like to exchange mail art with others !!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Neil Gordon: 20 Temple Court, Lehigh Acres,FL. 33936,USA

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  • DKeys

    Hi Neil, love the trashpo piece you sent me-my favorite kind of art. Will blog and send something your way soon thank you!!
  • DKeys

    oh yeah, and those bushbucks are fabulous!!
  • Terry Reid

    Neil, fluximentally fluximental, as you say


    Carla Cryptic: has sent Terry Reid a message on International Union of Mail-Artists

    Subject: SECREt eXCHANGE

    Is there a way to know if my pieces were received? I sent one to Australia and one to Korea.

    Terry Reid: this the SECREt list for Sydney that Clare Willcox prepared for arrivals up to the 15th July; many more
    have arrived since this listing

    a separate listing will be posted for Korea thanks for enquiry, best to you for now

  • Terry Reid

  • PIRO

    Hi Neil

    I just mailed you a postcard and the Zombie Add and Pass.

  • cheryl penn

    Neil - I DID - I apologize if I did not say thank you :-( -but I DID return one to you which you should be receiving any day :-) Hold on for about 2 weeks before posting Asemics # 4 - MOST people I am certain about, but there may be some withdrawals - so I will put the thumbs up in the group - glad you're definitely in! Looking forward to seeing what you do with Asemics :-) X
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Hi Neil! Yes it is my work for Asemics 16#4. I think it is old English, from a book called Sir Gawain and the Greene Knight. Glad you like my bookie!
  • hey neil, you have until AUGUST 31,

    still plenty of time!!!!

  • um.

    i wasn't trying to be mean.

    i did i to brighten up their day!

    they're just people, man. ;-D


    sure the system sucks.

    but it's not the individual's fault.

  • don't worry about it.


    i've got far more bitter food on my plate this week!!!

  (a poem i wrote for DVC about grieving)


    and that last link has links to all my older works.

    my most intense, IMHO, is "epineph" which is still sitting in the garage waiting to get mailed to someone. if i ever have money for it!!!

  • it does.


    just hearing that brings back memories!!!


    they pumped him full of it trying to bring him back.


    it may seem weird, but i appreciate it.

    having it triggered like that -

    sometimes you think you forget things;

    it's good to know they are still lurking in there somewhere. ;-D

  • i have a friend i game with sometimes who has to have her inhaler with her everywhere she goes!
  • if you do take up singing, be sure to post a youtube video so we can hear!!! ;-D
  • are we having another bailout?

    i thought the chinese stopped buying our debt.

  • that is the cutest one i've seen you post, erni.

    i've had a very troubling night.

    now i can go to bed happy! ;-D

  • hey i got your mail today!

    there is a very strong smll on some of the paper, but i can't place what it is!!!

    what is that smell?

  • PIRO

    Hi Neil

    Got your card today. "Cherry Blossom Asemic". Been searching all the surface and found WE ARE ART. Fish shape and 33333., other symbols. Colors are great and the time you took to make and deliver is valued. I'm delighted. Thanks !!!!!

  • DKeys

    Morning Neil,

    Just got your card in the mail.Love your should be bumper sticker "I Dumpster Dive for Art Supplies" that's a winner! I love seeing the way you put together the different elements and can say I haven't cracked the code of how they all go together, but it's very intriguing because there seems to be a message entertwined throughout. also love your fab key drawing.. is the drawing in the middle a kiss or a bomb? either way thanks will send you something soon


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Monsieur Gordon! I just got your package -- WOW and thanks! The 1947 album is great, and will be treasured. I still have my First Ever Stamp Album (circa 1953), but I gave it to my son when he was a youngster and he removed most of the stamps from it...however it's still more or less intact. Also mercy buckets for all the stamps and other stuff. Do you want me to fill in the proust questionnaire, or was that just to get me thinking about things (like my appearance, mygreatest fear, etc)?

    I'll be mailing you something back at the weekend (I hope), but don't get too excited about it cos it won't be nearly as good as that what you sent me -- or something more gramatically correct.

    Thanks again,

    Regards, JE Sweefoo

  • DKeys

    Got my Bush Buck today! love all the other stuff you included too those napkins are priceless. Those will definately go in one of my trash books. Great trashpo too thank you Neil! Ironically I just looked up your address this am to send you some art:)
  • cheryl penn

    Neil - are you still in Asemics # 4?  People are ready to post - let me know soonest - thanks :-) X
  • Jim SantAmour

    I can't take credit for the peeps - but I can appreciate good art and design when I see it!
  • Marcia Cirillo (Fifi LePew)

    Thanks, Neil. I can't remember what was on the back. I posted something else to you today, the experiment suggested by SH.
  • cheryl penn

    Hello Neil :-) -the 'papers' are both test papers - X-ray test and photographic test papers - a bit like what I think Asemics is like.  You know that is the format to be copied? Two pages the same size so that they can be bound together in a book? Looking forward to receiving your work - October was the closing date - but feel free to send earlier!!! :-) X
  • cheryl penn

    You DONT need X-ray paper - its all your choice :-) - just two pages - the same size/format as that which Lesley Magwood and I sent you :-) X
  • Amy Irwen

    thank you Neil...can't wait to get your Zombie pages!!!
  • Amy Irwen

    You Have Been Hugged by "Hug Man"!!!
  • Yvonne Neldel

    Thanx for the friendship! And if i ever manage to write a perfect get one.
  • Yvonne Neldel

    Thank you very much, Neil!

    With colourful greetings from Berlin!Yvonne.

  • Marcia Cirillo (Fifi LePew)

    image is from post office catalog. Type may be from scribner's.....

    I have a clipping in my cubicle at work of "marcia marcia marcia" brady

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Neil! I've mailed you something for your postmark files today. It's small, old and beautiful (a bit like me really). I hope you like it. Regards, JE Sweefoo
  • Pen-Thief

    No problem! Glad you liked it. =)
  • Jen Staggs

    Yes, I'm puzzled by many decisions made by my adviser.  There is a great array of academic falderal out there about pin-ups- I really enjoy reading the 4-wavy feminists' views on reclaiming the body and that kind of stuff.  But I'm pretty happy with my topic- I got to study at the Smithsonian which was amazing.
  • Jen Staggs

    I meant 4th-wavy
  • Jen Staggs

    Yes, got to tour the bowels of the Smithsonian and see the cases that are FULL of undisplayed objects.  I am amazed at the amount of historically fascinating pieces not on view!  And though I got a behind-the-scenes tour as a scholar, I think it would be easy for to arrange a private viewing of a specific object.  There are so many people who work there who are eager to share their knowledge with someone who appreciates it!
  • E

    Hi Neil,

    Thanks a lot for your Cavellini's work !

    Like it.


  • Marcia Cirillo (Fifi LePew)

    I wondered if the hole would make it through the postal machinery.
  • Schooling

    ZLA- Zombie Lunch Army. Glad you like it! :)
  • prettylily

    Great Neil!  Actually, I thought we were already on the friend list.  It only came to light when I was doing some updates of groups and noticed you were missing!  So "Hello Friend"!
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Neil! Bonjour Kyle!

    The postman delivered me your leaf package an hour or so ago. Thank you both very much not just for the leaves, but also for the all the cards that accompany them. Your leaves look very autumnal (if there is such a word); We are having, and I'm enjoying, a very late summer here --daytime temperatures are still in the mid 20's, and that's most unusual. But then I'm going to the UK next weekend for 10 or so days, and it is cold, windy, wet and horrible there, alas.

    I'll mail you something before I go.

    In the meantime, thanks again and best wishes...Val

    PS Yes, analogue rules! I nearly bought a Grundig reel-to-reel tape recorder yesterday, but wasn't sure that it worked, so didn't. And if I had, well ...i don't have any tapes. And, as was pointed out to me, I have more than enough 'junk' in my life already.

  • DKeys

    Hi Neil!!  Your wonderful "No Trash No Glory" trashpo envelope arrived today. I am waiting for just the right moment to open it and I consider it very good luck because they only cancelled one of the stamps. Yes, I'm easily amused:)   thanks will blog soon!
  • DKeys

    Neil--got a great envelope from you today! love all the great Conneticut trash and a bit of serendipity is that we just bought artichokes this am and came home to your mail and the artichoke tea, which I have to say sounds awful. I have Waste Land on my instant cue but just haven't had the quiet time to watch and enjoy it. But I'm anxious to. Love the handwritten thing with the one dot two dot etc. so interesting and appears written by a child. Thanks for everything:)
  • DKeys

    oh sorry, yeah, it's netflix where you can add movies to your play list or whatever you call it. I haven't found any really good handwritten things lately, but they are definately my favorite because they are so personal. Have a good weekend.  Love what you put though "Peace thru trashpo"!
  • Jen Staggs

    Thank you for the great mail art collection you sent!  I loved the tarty pin-up theme, and you also happened to send the exact picture I wrote my thesis on.  Did you know about it ahead of time? Or was this crazy coincidence?  And the Starbucks emblem- you are so right- it is like a modern-day pin-up, censored and all! Check out the history of Melusine and twin-tailed sirens.  They were naughty nymphs way before it was cool.  Thanks again!
  • Jen Staggs

    Ahh yes!  I totally remember now.  Sorry, my brain is mush lately.  Sending you some joy soon!
  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

    Hi Neil!!)))Paris in live 2007 and 2009, mi work oil)
  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

  • Svetlana Pesetskaya
