Welcome to IUOMA -- got a piece of mail art coming your way. I'm part of the Mail Art 365 group, so you're my victim (recipient) of my mail art for today! Enjoy!
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; for details, go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/
Austin Wills James
Welcome to our surreal little corner of the Web!
Jan 11, 2011
Welcome to IUOMA -- got a piece of mail art coming your way. I'm part of the Mail Art 365 group, so you're my victim (recipient) of my mail art for today! Enjoy!
Paula Smith
Jan 11, 2011
Maura Di Giulio
Welcome Erika!
Would you like to participate on NO OIL IN ABRUZZO!
Here info:
Best regards
Jan 13, 2011
Bruno Cassaglia
Jan 13, 2011
Bruno Cassaglia
Mar 17, 2011
Terry Reid
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; for details, go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/
Terry Reid
and hope to hear from you
(in facebook it is at :https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile
.php?id=100000748977585 )
May 16, 2011