Carla Cryptic


Richmond, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I have always loved exchanging art with other artists in my own country and around the world because it makes it possible for us to share our creations without having to do it through the gallery system. It stimulates self-expression and creates community while giving us all a way to get our art into the world.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Carla Cryptic
PO Box 1274
Berkeley, CA 94701-1274

Comment Wall:

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  • Carla Cryptic

  • Carla Cryptic

  • Richard F. Yates

    Greetings Carla Cryptic. Still hosting the call for monsters, and have not yet seen any cryptic creatures. (Plenty of time, still. The DEADline (heh heh heh) isn't until October.) Loved the tune, by the way. The dub/effect on the vocal is particularly creepy. Be particularly appropriate to play at the Monster Party!
  • Kyra Matustik

    Dear Carla, I changed the butterfly, if you have time please look at it at my page.Thanks,Kyra
  • Kyra Matustik

    Thanks Carla, although I was rather depressed by it.I send it already to Huston
  • Carla Cryptic

    My new IUOMA logo for Rabbit Year! ;)
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn


    Golden Rabbit Power!!!!!!!



  • Kam

    I love the year of the bunny!!!! <3
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

  • Carla Cryptic

    This is the result of my altering of Steven Moore's lovely photo on Facebook.
  • Carla Cryptic

    Come see the wonderful rabbit art people have been making and sending for the Year of the Golden Rabbit Mail Art Call so far at 

  • Zefi Athanasopoulou

    hi Carla!
  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    haha~ glad you like it! i will keep sending to celebrate our year!
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    LOVE your work. Will be sending you an offering.
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Just got back from the post office. I had 3 employees discussing what to charge me for all my lumpy envelopes. One to you. Weeeee.
  • Terry Reid

    ah, already I travelled from just north of Oakland
  • Terry Reid

    early retirement can be like buying yourself out of slavery


    or watching the San Fran fog lift in mid-morn

  • Terry Reid

    your observation gave me a vaguely uncomfortable sense of déjà vu
  • Poison Label Productions

  • Amy Irwen

    Thanks the metallic look of that "cute"'s amazing how such a soft, fluffy animal can look so intimidating!
  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Carla...the rabbit photo's are all so great...can't favorite just one...super turnout... Amy
  • Michael Hobbs

    Many thanks for your watchful Buddha rabbit.
  • Amy Irwen

    love your new page photo...
  • Jenny England

    Thank you for that information. I will look into a rabbit card for you soon. Hope you can have fun with the dragon too!
  • Carlos I. Botana


    When you come back from your holidays at the seaside, bring a mermaid
    along and send it to me.

    Whether you saw her, drew her, photographed her, imagined her or whether
    the sea inspired her to you; even if somebody told you about her


    If you spent your holidays inland then let your imagination run and


    Size: 10 cm x 15 cm
    Deadline: May 1st, 2012
    All artworks will be exposed at:

    Send your mermaid to:

    Carlos Botana
    Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 - A Coruña
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Anon me was Nadine. Sorry.
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Hi Carla! Thankyou for the card which arrived yesterday! Was she a rabbit or was she a girl?  Maybe she's a Girbit?
  • Carlos I. Botana

    Gracias Carla.


  • Carlos I. Botana

    Gracias por tu sirena, es preciosa.


  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

  • Poison Label Productions

    are you on g+ yet?
  • Poison Label Productions

    what is G+?

    are you kidding?


    G+ is Facebook on steroids with total control over content & privacy...

    i only keep my facebook around until they give up & close it down cause they cannot compete with the user functions of G+

  • MaryAnne

    Greetings from rainy York!
    I have a half finished letter for you here on my table ... I will make an extra effort to get it finished this week but I thought I would say hello here so you know that you are not forgotten.
    You will have noticed perhaps that I am joining in the AML anniv. posting which could be quite interesting. I have done my design and sent it to be printed but it wont be ready for a while due to Holidays and such. I havnt got an address list yet but I dare say one will turn up eventualy, once the list of participants is finalised.
    Hope you are well and busy ( and dry!) .... cheers
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Yes indeedy. A friend gave me all these old cards the other day, as I collect just the weirdest. That girl scout card certainly had your name on it with that rabbit. Oh, for the days of the 50's.
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    thank you for you beautiful card!
  • Rand Swansey

    Hey, sweet cakes! What a coincidence: I just received you postcard (beautiful, I might add!) Thanks for both the card and the sentiments.
  • iheartmailart

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome, Carla!  I would love to exchange art with you!  I look forward to receiving your beautiful creation and also becoming a part of this wonderful community of artists!  :)
  • MaryAnne

    Hi there ... sorry, I have still got a half finished letter for you here ... must try harder.
    The Asml project should be a good addition to my album project with lots of new oddities! I have had the first envelope arrive this morning so things are getting under way. My design is done and at the printers but he has been on holiday for a month and is now busy catching up on orders so it is fingers crossed whether I get them posted out by the due date..
    Hope everything is well with you. I spent today at the private view of an exhibition I have conteributed to. will send you the compuutor address for their site so you can see what I have been up to. Thats all for now, B
  • Leandro Bierhals

    Thank you for your words and sorry for my poor english.
  • MaryAnne

    I wouldnt call it "my exhibition" .... there are 169 artists!! but you will understand why when I send you the details when their site is properly up.
  • Jackie

    message received! thank you so much! im particularly fond of the astronaut...
  • Claudia Tapia


    Postcard (minimum 2 postcards per person). Postcards should be approximately 13 x 18 centimeters. Send without envelope, with postal stamp.

    There is no required technique. However postcards should be durable enough to travel by mail, and shouldn´t be too heavy or delicate.

    On the back of the postcard, please include your full name, age, country, address, and email address.

    Also include a brief description or phrase of your theme or message.

    Specify which category we should consider your postcards: “General Public” or “Artists.”

    Send postcards to:

    Claudia Tapia Rabuco.

    Calle Serrano 591 ,taller 21, Valparaíso Chile.


    Postcards will be accepted until November 4, 2011, at which time the postcards to be included in the exhibit will be chosen. The exhibit will include 2 categories: general public and artists.

    The exhibit at the Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura de Valparaíso will be inaugurated January 6, 2012 in the Lucrecia Acuña Gallery in Valparaíso, Chile.

    Contact Information:

    Consultations in Spanish:

    Consultations in English:
  • Claudia Tapia

    Hi Karla:
    Thank you for your warm welcome.
    My English is unfortunate, but try to communicate best.
    I launch a call for mail art called "positive messages"
    and I would love if you could help publicize it.




    Positive Messages 2012 is our second collection of postcard art, in which we invite all of you to send positive messages for our planet and its inhabitants. All you need to do is take an optimistic thought, put it on paper, and send it to us by traditional mail.

    “Let´s fight against fear, ecological damage, and intolerance and make our world a better place.”

    All the postcards that arrive will be posted on the blog: 


    For proof of participation (certificate or letter), please apply via email:

  • Claudia Tapia

    Hi Carla:

    All postcards arrive by snail mail (traditional) will be posted on the blog (
      The cards go through a selection process for the exhibition that will be made in January at the Instituto Chileno-American culture of Valparaiso.
  • Leandro Bierhals

    Thanks. I will send you a "stamp-postcard" to. :-)
  • Leandro Bierhals

    Someting?? :-) Thanks.
  • Fazil Hussain Mousavi

    Hi.. Carla Cryptic !!!

    Thank you so much for being kind wellcoming me in this forum...Would you please tell me that all these posted art works are in the size of a post cards ????  or it could be in any size.



    Fazil Mousavi


  • Fazil Hussain Mousavi

    Dear Carla Cryptic.

    Thanks a lot for sending me the card. I hope we will be in-contact.



    Fazil Mousavi

  • M. Chila (Michila) Caldera

    Hi, Carla!  I want to change my name to something shorter, maybe just Michila Caldera. Can't see a way to do it.

    Olá Carla, obrigada pela atenção. Espero trocar muitas ideias...e você. Abraço!