Bruno Cassaglia




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
because I love free art.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Bruno Cassaglia
Via Brandini 11/6
17047 Quiliano (SV)

Comment Wall:

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  • Julie Ayres

    I hope you liked the art!




    Holy Shit!
  • cheryl h.


    Non te proccuparsi, e grazie! cheryl h. :)

  • cheryl h.

    Prego Bruno!


    cheryl h.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Caro Bruno, mi sono goduto il vostro lavoro per un lungo periodo. Il recente lavoro è fantastico! - DVS

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Ah, a daisy, spring must be on it's way. La Primavera, si?
  • Louise Kiner


    That is truly poetry. Thank you for sharing it.



  • _guroga

    Woooow!!!! Ciao artista Bruno!!! Un piacere conoscere a te!!  Mille grazie per la tua originale immagine!!!! Abbraccio fraterno per te!!! :))
  • Carla Cryptic

    Thanks Bruno!  And here's something back to you...

    I made this using my finger on my iPhone! ;)

  • cheryl h.

    Mille grazie Bruno! Mi piacere tanto! Thanks very much, I love it!
  • cheryl h.

  • prettylily

    Cool.  Kinda reminds me of an alien spaceship!
  • prettylily

  • Carla Cryptic

    Awesome butterfly web art!  Glad my postcard reached you, too. :D
  • Carla Cryptic

    Bruno, you might want to send a copy of your butterfly to the butterfly project for the holocaust museum in Houston TX... the deadline is June 2012.  


    The Butterfly Project

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    Nihao bruno

    thanks for your visual poetry, admire it so much



  • Yvette Jansen

    Thank you, Bruno, for your 'visual poetry'! Very much appreciated.
  • Jean-François VIGEON

    Thank you!

    I try to send you a M.A at the adress I saw!

    Have a nice day in Italia...

    Jean'François from France

  • PIRO

    Bruno you have sush a humor, like this ostrish.
  • Rosa Biagi

    ciao poeta! un saluto internazionale..

    non passo molto da queste parti

    ma ho ritrovato qui da poco un vecchio amico deli anni '90..

    e guardando nella mia pagina ho scoperto anche la margherita a "colori" che mi hai spedito in febbraio..meglio tardi che mai

    ti abbraccio!

  • PIRO

    Bruno, Feliz Cumpleanos !!!!!!

    Happy  Birthday !!!!!!!

  • Laurence Roberts

    molti felici ritorni del giorno !rno
  • Jenn Grosso

    happy birthday bruno!
  • marie helene roger

  • marie helene roger

    bonjour et merci pour le contact
  • Marcela Peral

    Thank you Bruno for you Cool images!!! I'm sending this for you...
  • Ander Morlando

    ciao Bruno sono contento che ti sia arrivato un saluto ciao....Ander
  • thanks for the land web art!

    it reminds me of nature;

    something i haven't seen in a while! ;-D

  • Jesi Yvonne

    Wonderful! It is a Kitty TV set from the future?
  • Lindy Marglon

    Thank you Bruno for the lovely picture -- guess next time I pull one of these out of my flower bed I will think of you... and maybe I will leave it there -- Lindy
  • Terry Reid



    here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link   thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you

    (in facebook it is at :!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Ooh love that photo. For some reason it reminds me of Slinkachu (Little People In The City). Are you into an exchange?
  • Terry Reid

    Bruno, I understand that small birds are the carriers of big secrets
  • I am making a call for digital artworks.
    please email your submissions to
    submissions will then be on display at the FREE ART blog.
    I always take physical mail submissions as well,
    you can send those to:

    i'm a superhero i can like fly and shit
    1234 Sandusky Dr.
    Iowa City, IA 52240
  • thanks for the submission!

    you can see it here:

  • KOZY

    I like it, Bruno. Simply nice.

  • hey!

    first i want to say i love your pieces.

    they are quite unique!


    also, if you want to be included in the weekly FREE ART email, let me know your address!

    this week i'm featuring erni bar, who caught my eye with his "urban exploration." next week i'd love to send out some of your art, i'm particularly fascinated with your 'land web art.'


    if you could put together a few of your pieces and email them to me, along with a short description of your art and what drives it, etc, i'd love to send out yours in one of the coming weeks!



  • cheryl penn

    For you :-) - good luck with your exhibition

  • bruno, could you do me a favor,

    can you dig up more of your land web art like this one:

    and post it in the FREE ART group?


    i'm trying to explain it to them, but i can't find all the photos you've posted.

    i know there's more, i just can't find them all!!!

  • thanks for the hug!!! (())
  • _guroga

    Ciao Bruno!!!

    Sono facendo breve intervista per il prossimo catalogo PDF
    di "Esserci senza esserci" Mostra di Arte postale,
    (sarà pubblicato a

    Se vuoi e puoi, per favore, dai risposta a queste 2 domande:
    (puoi inviare la tua risposta a me,
    o al "e_mail":


    Tante grazie, in nome di "Esserci senza esserci".

  • _guroga

    Mille grazie Bruno per l'attenzione e tempo...

    Ancora sono facendo altre interviste, e quando tutto sia finito,
    ti invierò il link, così potrai fare la scarica del "PDF",...

    In nome di "esserci senza esserci", tante grazie  :))

    Abbraccio fraterno per te, Bruno



  • hey can i get your email???

    thanks!!! ;-D

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    It's a great piece, Bruno, you're welcome -- I'm very glad you posted it.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Ooo, the first one was less scary.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Yes I thought so, Bruno. Not ugly at all, but spooky lights in teeth and eyes! It's good I have a computer translator, although I'm so smart that I did figure out you are writing in Italian. :--)
  • Kim JungYoun

    Hello Bruno,

    I received your wonderful mail art the day before yesterday.

    Thank you so much!

    I'll send you something soon.

    Grazie! :)

    Have a good weekend!


