


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love writing and receiving letters and have recently closed my facebook account in order to concentrate on letter writing. These days, instead of posting on my facebook wall, I get people to write me by post and then I post everything on my REAL wall, and photograph it for upload to

When I found out about the mail-art movement I realised that the wall, which itself is my work of art, was perfectly suited for incorporating other peoples art and decided that I would get involved in this community.

I am working on my own mail-art as well as actively involved in displaying any that I receive and I endeavour to write back to anyone who sends me anything.

Bring it on!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
My Real Wall
2 Wickham Court
Cranes Park
United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

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  • Rani Solhaug

    Great story Andy, I have to admit I was excited for you to open this one #5 of 365....Not sure if you have any dollar (or currency equivalent) stores near you but they are fantastic little places to find stuff for cheap.
  • Laurence Roberts

    oh wow ! That's gr8 !
    Thank you for putting it up (exciting !).

    many thanx Andy.

    all the best

    Gonna look it up now ! :) ...................
  • Laurence Roberts

    Hi Andy, I just looked but can't see mine, may be not listed yet.

    It's all very vibrant and impressive !

  • Rachel Freeman

    Thanks for friending me!
  • Laurence Roberts

    Cheers Andy


    muchas oblegas  !

  • Michalis Kotsaris

    Thanks Andy!
  • Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)

    Hey Andy,
    Have you sent the MA 365 badge to Braincell yet? I think it would make a nice addition.
  • Rani Solhaug

    Got your postcard from Romania on Sat the 15th! Thanks so much and heck yeah I am going to respond fast as lightening to a postcard from Romania! Youre lucky (or just plain smart) for keeping it to 5 recipients only, I cant imagine the chaos the would have consumed you otherwise! Well I hope you and Elena had a wonderful time and thanks again my first ever from Romania!
  • Rani Solhaug

    Sure I would LOVE to do a REAL wall....anyone doing or posting anywhere specific?
  • Rani Solhaug

    Cant wait to get pimpin'!
  • Rani Solhaug

    Ahh...I found out where youre posting the "Your REAL walls" very cool, Im actually gathering a couple of supplies for "my" REAL wall...I will post soon, would you like it as a message to Your REAL wall???Delete Comment
  • Rani Solhaug

    Will do Andy!
  • Molly McGrath

    Hey Andy glad you liked the 'LIKE' I very much like what you're doing. 

    Way too many likes in that sentence but whatevs.


  • Jen Staggs

    ooooh!  I got a great package from you and your missus today!  Thank you- what a cool collection of mail art!
  • Jen Staggs

    Yay! I saw my piece on your real wall! Thanks for posting it up.  Did you know to open the little envelope?  There is something in it!
  • Jen Staggs

    Ha!  It is pretty early there, sorry!  Go back to sleep silly!
  • brittany ukulele

    Ahh! I'm sorry, I forgot to change it. I got a custom domain so it's officially going to stay that way. My name can still be brittany ukulele - but my website/blog is And I'm sorry I haven't posted the last couple days, I keep forgetting to snap a photo before I send it! I will get better, scouts honor.
  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi Andy, it's a real challenge for sure. Thanks for the opportunity!
  • Clouded

    Aww, thanks so much! You should see the stuff I actually put effort into. lol!
  • Dewi

    Thank you Andy. I think I may set aside April 365 for a new beginnings month. I rarely do landscapes and it might be a nice way to try something new. I'm glad you and Elena liked it.
  • McFloozy

    WooHOO! It's the high point of my day! Thanks!
  • Heleen de Vaan

    Thanks for your catching enthousiasm, REAL friend!

    I'm glad to see you here, too!


    By the way, my graphic novel mail art piece finally is on it's way to you (and to Elena, of course).

    I sent it with some delay, due to sad circumstances you'll read on the envelope... :-) 

    (And of course I mixed the deadline-day with the Big Day!...)


    I hope my little big story won't be too late for the Westminster Library!?!.. Otherwise you can put it next to the tomato plants, so the seedlings can enjoy it :-)


    If you or Elena find any spare time one day: I'd be glad to receiving your work! Or otherwise your work ;-)  !

  • Heleen de Vaan

    If you happen to marry in Westminster church, it would be double fun!
  • Ms.Lovender

    Thanks for the Scary ghost postcards for me they`re cute hehe... I can`t wait for spring to come here in Japan despite of the disaster here people are looking forward for the spring season. Thankf for the Winnie the Pooh stamp I really love it.
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Andy, your Group for Traveling Toys is a lot of fun! I may have something unusual to send your way, once I locate its whereabouts here. Your ideas are so interesting and whimsical, we are infected by your whimsy, and are prepared to create a new way to play within the same context, only with just paper dolls.

    In our interest, tho', we are concerned that you may want us to keep our paper Doll storyline separate from your own. It might clutter up Group time, placing focus in too many directions.

    While Martha and I adore what you're doing, there is a little difficulty with our naming our own project, whether we remain closely aligned with yours as some tributary of it, or otherwise abscond for different group territory.

    Apropos of the movie, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, I thought we could coin the bastardized phrase of The Fellowship of the Traveling Paper Dolls. But this would have to be with your okay, as we don't like the feeling of having been somehow uncareful or rude about someone else's idea.


    After all, you got it started by being so inventively clever and then sharing that idea.


    In udda woids, what's your ruling, O master of all things Peripatetic and Playful?

    I await your ruling with bated breath.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Congrats on the new bride with honeymoon! Hope you're having the greatest time ever!


    As for our paper doll idea, thank you, Andy. I like the idea of our paper focus still being under the umbrella of Toys. We were a little worried you might be offended, but it's all good, so that's not a problem.

    Martha's taking a sabbatical for a wee while, don't know for how long. I would consult with her otherwise. She may have one or two ideas regarding the offshoot, as it were, so let's not proceed just yet. I myself will be mostly away for at least a week, if not a bit longer. I've outlined this in my latest IUOMA blogpost.

    Have a good week!


  • if you know of any good movies or books that have audiobooks available (i hate reading!) about what you talked about with communism, lmk!!  i admit i have huge gaps in my history knowledge base, and always love to explore new things!
  • p.s. did you ever get the box i sent you?
  • McFloozy

    WooHoo Andy. Happy to be your friend. And, I LOVE the honeymoon REAL wall.


    So, are you going to the wedding on Friday? Making a REAL wall on the parade route perhaps?


  • Tina Festa

    i am happy if you do so!
  • Dewi

    Glad to inspire!
  • do whatever you like, smash it up, rip it into bits, soak it in the rain.

    it's all about persistence and piecing it back together at the end of the day! ;-)


  • Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)

    Wow! Andy I'm so honored to help direct people to the proper toilet!

    You were right, they did work for that show, thanks for including me.

    I'm reading this from the Hanoi guesthoust and wondering a lot in the last few days if you saw all the things I'm seeing here. I wish we could sit down and swap stories over a cup of tea or cafe sui da!!


    Andyt, I am not sure to be able to post in a blog: I never did it!

    I hope the lists are enough!


  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    land web art --- poetamailartfluxus
  • Lorraine Kwan

    Thanks Mr Geezer! Model Erin Pike, more pics of her and the event. Professional photo by John Cornicello of Seattle. I sent a copy of the documentation to Ryosuke too.

  • Lilac Girl

    Any- I would love A Will & Kate postcard......please please :) I know-those silly Americans!
  • Louise Kiner

    You said it, Andy. I haven't sent anything out for weeks for fear it would end up just sitting in a postbox.
  • Marie Wintzer

    Andy! I got your card, thank you!!
  • Tina Festa

    Sorry for not having replied before but with a new born baby it is really difficult to follow every activities via web. Casa del mago end at the end of June. The project it is not mine. I gave visibility on my blog because it is done with and for kids.
  • did you ever get a hold of brooke and michelle?

    i gave them the heads up and they said thanks,

    so i think you should contact them if you haven't yet.

  • i was just curious is all! ;-D

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    bonjour andythegeezerman! just to let you know that my own personal 365 venture has reached enveloppe no 300 -- a landmark, and only another 65 to go! amazingly all my enveloppes have come home (more or less) safely to roost. i hear only good things about your 365 project, and hope that's its going well. regards, hilton val
  • Laura P (spopod)


    Here is the link to the paper cutting book.


  • ;-D


    i'm working on a zombie encyclopedia if you want to be in the first wave, lmk!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour M le Geezer! Just to let you know that my very own 365 'Envelope a Day' exhibition opened yesterday, and the first 344 envelopes are all there and displayed in the local mediatheque. So far i've gotten a 100% delivery rate, and that's really good as some of the envelopes are, er, weird. Fingers crossed for the remaining 21.

    I did it! And am chuffed about it.

    Hope your 365 is going well;

    Regards, JESweefoo