Puerto Rico

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It's creative, fun and you reach so many talented artists from so many distant places.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
HC2 Box 11073
Humacao, PR

Comment Wall:

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  • Yamandú Cuevas


  • Thom Courcelle

    Thanks for your invitation.  I'm happy my postcard found your mailbox!
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Gracias por tu collage. Hermoso Mail Art.
  • Thom Courcelle




    Monsieur Beyaceto II arrived accompanying other wonderful things from you.  I am trying to find an appropriate frame for him--I like him that much!--so I can position him in a rightfully respectful location where he can gaze upon his subjects from his place of reverence.

    --Thom C


  • Helder

    Many thanks Roberto, but please dont forget also to send a picture of your work (and envelope if have any artist intervention) by email to:



    Thanks again

  • prettylily

    Roberto,  I just scanned your mail this morning. I adored it!  Thank you so much.  I'd also be interested to know what kind of paper you used?  It has such a delightful textured/feel to it.  
  • prettylily

    Roberto, Thanks for getting back to me.  I will definately be looking for some!  It is now on my want list.   
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Gracias! Que alegría ver la postal. Mucha suerte.
  • irene ronchetti


    y a vuelta de correo recibirás algo mío...¡chau! roberto

  • Pucelilina

    hola :) gracias por tu correo :D muy bonito! voy a mandarte algo en los proximos dias!!! hasta Luego!
  • lorena lopez centell

    Muchas gracias!
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Gracias. Esta manana, envio una carta a ti.
  • Terry Reid

    hi Roberto
    here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; for details, go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/   


    Terry Reid

    and hope to hear from you

  • prettylily

    Thank you turning me on to it!  It has lots of possibilities and I'm still experimenting with it.
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Sus Calaveras son muy muy maraveilloso!
  • Jesi Yvonne

    I am all over the place! Jesse loved yr kant piece and we are going to frame it once we get frames in our new apartment! it is really lovely and really cool actually because you put a duck on there and we LOVE ducks! that's some awesome neatness yeah!
  • Roberto!!!


    got your postcard in the mail today:

    it's marilyn monroe, right?

    if not, let me know so when i post it on my blog i know what to call her!!!



  • Mim Golub Scalin

    The lovely Madame X arrived safely. She will keep me company in my studio. Gracias, la dama X es muy simpatica.
  • Jesi Yvonne

    Thank you!
  • irene ronchetti

    Roberto,     recibí tu tarjeta...gracias! ¿y cómo es la silla armada? a mí me tocó el asiento y la ubicación de los tornillos, supongo que es la vista desde abajo, donde el asiento "engancha" con el pie, que ha de ser de los que tienen un dispositivo móvil para modificar la altura...Habría que ver que piensa ese caballerito cuya foto agregaste a la postal, si él la viera completa,le parecería una silla rarísima y horrible...jajajajaja....

    un saludo y, en junio, te llegará un sobre

    hasta pronto


  • cheryl penn

    Roberto - thank you for the FAB collages :-) - my FIRST mail from Puerto Rico - and its wonderful - thank you!!X
  • thanks, i'm really looking forward to the zombies!!!


    i'll send you out a postcard today after french class!!!

  • Finishing up your postcard now!!!
    logged in just for the addy. ;-)
  • Rosa Gravino

    Hola Roberto,
    Recibí tu preciosa postal. Me encanta tu arte! Aprecio enormemente la armonía que logras a partir de los contrastes y ese fluir libre que expresas en lo que haces. Muy interesante tu blog! Felicitaciones
    El fin de semana estaré creando algo para ti.
  • naomi wants to know if you made the zombie attack sam?
  • making you another postcard today!!! ;-D
  • Pucelilina

    Hola! :)

    que placer que recibiste mi carta ya ;) y que fue la primera de Bélgica :p

    hasta la proxima!!!



  • http://free-art-foundation.blogspot.com/2011/05/marilyn-monroe.html


    took me a while, but i got around to it eventually! ;-D

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Hola Roberto, I corrected the information. Check out the entry again. Lo siento.
  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi Roberto, I've been admiring your work for some time, BTW. As it stands, both asemic books are filled. We are keeping it to 15 artists per book. BUT, based on experience, people withdraw from book projects for various reasons. We have a two-month time frame on this. So I'll tell Cheryl and you'll be next in line? Also, if these projects are a success, there will be more asemic books as well as other themes. I look forward to working with you on a book at some point, Regards, DVS
  • cheryl penn

    I am adding you to the Asemic project.
  • cheryl penn

    Hey Roberto - am REALLY happy to have you on-board :-) - you have the format/dimensions? I have changed the discussions - have you received an inbox note?
  • cheryl penn

    Yes :-) - 8 sides. Thanks Roberto. Nice working with you for sure X
  • Winged Heart

    Thank you very much Roberto, I love the card that you sent. It brighten my day : ) I just put yours in the mail yesterday : )
  • Winged Heart

    You are welcome, I am glad that you like it. : )
  • DKeys

    The bold colors and wide lines look very urban. Street Art is its' own little culture it seems-I used to photograph graffiti as well. Unfortunately, a lot of it is painted over even if it isn't gang related. Maybe they are more encouraging of public art in other countries? Hadn't even thought of it as inspiration for asemics but that makes a lot of sense. Can't wait to see your pages
  • welcome!!!

    send more zombies when you have time! ;-D

  • Rosa Gravino

    Hola Roberto, la recibiste enterita. No te preocupes!

    ...es parte de ésto que hacemos... Lo verdaderamente extraordinario es que a pesar de separarse llegaron juntas! 

    Hasta pronto!

  • cheryl h.

    Ok Roberto, thanks a lot.I'll be quiet now, although I think your message helps others of us too. cheryl h.


  • don't worry, finals are friday i won't have time to look at it anyways!

    saturday is a good day. get i here saturday instead!!! ;-D

  • if you want on the weekly FREE ART email list, get me your address!


  • and thanks for telling my postal workers how it is.

    they need more structure in thei lives.

    driving a little car mailbox to mailbox is not enough structure!!!

  • prettylily

    Yes, I received one too.  It just wasn't as loaded as yours.  I thought you had finished it because I had not noticed your earlier comment.  He is a very talented fellow and you are too!.  Now I need to work on mine.  I'm just starting to get caught up after the book project.

    The other evening I looked at his page and how he does them, so I have a little better idea now.

  • Bifidus Jones

    Gracias, Roberto
  • hey, i keep meaning to ask where you got the paper for your zombi zamba mail you sent?

    pretty lily sent some a while ago, but she's since blocked me so i can't ask her.

  • thanks!

    still working on my asemic pages.

    we're in the same group or no?

    i forget.

  • i'm hopeful mine gets there by the july 31 deadline! ;-D

    i'm working on it during week ends, i have almost half done.

    this weekend i hope to push it over to 5/8 or even 6/8 if i'm lucky!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Roberto, I'm glad you saw the blog. I love Big Brother with asemics. Again, many thanks
  • you read much?