martha miller


Woolwich, ME

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I've always decorated my envelopes, but had no idea there was a politcal art movement based on art going through the post. My old friend the late Carlo Pittore from NYC and Bowdoinham, Maine, introduced me to the mailart scene in the 80's. Carlo was part of the original mailart movement along with Bern Porter and Ray Johnson. Carlo never missed a friend's birthday, and we all have kept his wonderful mailart pieces scrawled lovingly with his bold black india ink writing. Carlo died of cancer in 2005. I'm joining IUOMA in his honor.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1353 middle rd
woolwich, me 04579

Comment Wall:

  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome to the IUOMA Martha. Glad to be in contact with a friend of Carlo Pittore. The network still misses him...
  • Test Tower

    Hello Martha,

    Welcome to IUOMA - hope you will find fun here. I am sending you something today, in the mail, as an invitation to A Fluxus Affair,  which I thought you might like to participate in. Nice to meet you -

    Cheers, Test 

  • Ruud Janssen

    Love your portrait series on your website. Very alive and I can see you try to get the colours the person shows. Very impressive.
  • Sharon Silverman

    Hello....I would love to have you participate in The Face of Jesus MailArt Gallery Exhibition. Please look up Sharon Silverman...or check out The Face of Jesus MailArt  Gallery Exhibition on the Events page.
    Best regards... Sharon
  • jon foster

    Thank you for the corn head. Wow! I was so impressed when I got home and it was resting on my coffee table. Thanks so much!
  • Test Tower

    Hi Martha - I want to thank you for the marvelous postcard you just sent me. I didn't realize that was, in fact, you until I saw your comment a moment ago. I have, on my desk right now, my newest creation with your name on it. I will be taking it to the Post Office in a very short while.  Your fab card was posted at A Fluxus Affair a couple of days ago. Check it out. See ya in the mail my friend, Test
  • Claudia Ligorria



  • Pamela Ashby Campbell

    I recieved your great piece today, I absolutly love it very unique & fun. I really appreciate you sending it to me. Have a great day!