Rachel Freeman


Lawrence, KS

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love sending art out into the universe and receiving unexpected creative work and ideas from other people.

Mail Art Blog

My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Rachel Freeman
454 Lincoln St.
Lawrence, KS 66044

Email Addresses:

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  • James Chester

    The little package you sent arrived today. I love them. Thank you. Look for something in the mail from me very soon.

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Rachel!
    I see you have added to the gallery some very interesting new work...the images have a strong texture feeling. Beautiful!
    I am still working on stamps. I have a new series of originals, there is so much to experiment.
    Take care Rachel and keep an eye on your mail box...something is coming your way. :-)
    Best wishes
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Rachel!!
    Thank you very much for your words...!! I am glad you liked the stamps and felt inspired to work on stamps again...It is so much fun! Specially when you let creativity go free...I realised today that you have left me a message, sorry for not replying sooner. I discovered all sort of new messages also with yours. I am not receiving notifications of messages from IUOMA into my email box. I wonder why. Anyways I already left a message to Ruud.
    I wish you lots of inspiration...happy mailart!
    Take care
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Rachel,
    I get confused too about the message system on my page...not only incoming messages are not notify to my email account when they arrived but the box where you write them has disappeared from the front page ....so annoying!
    My page setting are fine, the problem must come from ning. I am still waiting for an answer from Ruud.
  • nancy nastari

    always great to have yet another friend!
  • Carlos I. Botana

  • Jack Lattemann

    Hi Rachel,
    Cascadia Artpost looks forward to further exchanges. We love your collages! Best wishes this holiday season and for the new year,
  • Parys St. Martin

    Hi Rachel
    Just discovered it a week or so ago :)
  • Tipitoes

    I like your art! You are so prolific!
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    Hey Rachel! I received your envelope today. Thankyou so much. I would love to trade mail art with you! Are there any particular themes of work that you most like to receive?
  • Samantha Bragg

    hey rach, thanks so much for the mail art!! I sent something your way hope you like it!
  • Elizabeth Mary Dismorr

    I'm afraid it's not rabbits - but next time I send u something it will be!
  • The Abstract World of Francesco

    Thank you for the incredible MAil Art you sent to me! WOW! Even the envelope was custom made to match the art! AMAZING! I enjoy your work and can appreciate how long it must take to do each one! Come visit your work on my blog at http://monteleonearts.blogspot.com/. Thanks! Something will be heading to you by the end of this month!
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Rachel...your awesome Bubbles have arrived and are already posted! I love the xmas theme card...beautiful technique and texture.Thank you very much!
    Something will be coming your way next week. I need to clear first my mailart traffic jam...:-)
  • Itty Bitty Kitty

    Thanks again for the beautiful mail art. I think this is my favorite fo the pieces you sent. I love the overlapping technique in your other pieces. Looks time intensive.

  • karen c

    Rachel Freeman, I found you! Something coming your way. Thank you for your lovely pieces - they're gorgeous. Love the format so much. See you out in the mail....soon!
  • karen c

    Thanks Rachel - so good to connect w/you via iuoma!
  • Evmorfia Ghika Rachouti

    Hello Rachel
    I published the beautiful your Mail Art, that you sent to me.
    You can him see in
    Thank you very much.
  • Lindsay Stewart

    Hi Rachel!!
    I got your mail last week!! Simply lovely. I'll put together a little package for you later in the week and send it off!
  • Carroll Woods

    Hi Rachel,
    Love the flower ATC and the lovely stone ruins by the lake. I'm sending a little art your way, soon! Hope Spring is coming soon, too. Carroll
  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Hello Rachel! I'm preparing an envelope for you as well. :)
    The last work you sent me was marvelous. Thank you very much!
  • johnny ride

    thanks! and thanks for telling me about this! i need to get busy with the mail art now!
  • Tina Festa

    Hi Rachel thanks for your warm welcome! I am so excited to be here! mail art just... fits my way of living: to create and to share!
    I like your works!!! Wow!!
  • André Assis

  • Alison Noble

    It's coming.
  • Eric Nusbaum

    I received your wonderful photo collages last week. Thank you! I will return something fun soon!
  • mad madge

    Thank you so much for your collages. Do you put acrylic medium over them to make them so glossy?
  • Kris Naylor

    Rachel, What a fun surprise to find your art in my mailbox today! I just love the concept behind these cool collages. I'll get to work on something for you shortly.
  • Keith A. Buchholz

    Rachel - Next time you make it to St. Lou - Let us know !!!!!
    We'll show ya the sights !!! - I make it to KC occasionally, keep wanting to get to lawrence... heard great things... would be great to meet you, and Boog, is James Grauerholz still living there ???
  • Natalie Rose Craven

    Thanks for the collages rachel! My work is in a similar area too, I'll send you something shortly! xx
  • Jen Staggs

    I just got the beautiful blue and silver bird- thank you tons! And I love the butterfly and the Kansas state flower!! I can't wait to send you something. Be on the look-out!
  • Uncustomary

    Wow! I got your wonderful collage art and message. I will definitely be sending something back. Thank you!! - Mary
  • Maria M. Malonzo

    Wow! I just got your awesome art in the mail. What a nice surprise! :D I'll work on something for you this weekend. :D
  • amazon59

    Thrilled to find surprise mail from you today! Very nice - Thank yo for sharing your art. Would love to trade - you are the first person on any site that picked me first! Thank you - will return mail to you asap. We are close - perhaps we can meet sometime too. Have a great weekend! k
  • JoAnna Carabante

    Thank you for the awesome collages :) will be making & sending something soon.
  • jon foster

    Hey there, thanks for the pleasant surprise of mail. I am interested in trading with you. I will send something out to you by the end of the week.
  • Natasha Jabre

    I received your letter! I have used the om symbol in my art as well, thanks!

  • core blueness

    Thank for for the lovely mail art!

    Something will be on its way to you soon. :)

  • Carmelleta NP

    :Hey Rachel,

       thanks for the Mail Art.  Will definitely send you something. Just busy this time of year because of my retail business.  Hope your holidays with friends/ family and art is awesome and fulfilling.  PEACE.

    Big C.

  • Natasha Jabre

    Make sure to add them on your website!

  • Natasha Jabre

    No, It's not mine, since I just dropped yours off. I always sign my name. Hope you find out who's it's from.

  • Olga Pavlovsky L-platebigcheese

    Thanks so much for the collage, Rachel!  It's on my wall :)  Expect something in the post for me in the near future!

  • jeanine m rodriguez

    rachel, thanks so much for the letter! will send something soon...
  • Bethany Lee

    Thank you so much for the bunny pc and the collage art! Thanx for the mail love. I sent something to you in reply!
  • N High

    Hi Rachel,

     I received some 2 nice pieces from you. They are really great. Thank you so much! I will send you something soon.


  • James Chester

    Got the materials packet earlier this month. I'll see what I can come up with. Some fun stuff in there. Thanks for the ATC, too.
  • N High

    Thanks for letting me know it arrived :)
  • Lindy Marglon

    Dear Rachel - thank you so much for the lovely mail - Flowers, bees and an Om sign... it's as if you know me already! thanks so much - Lindy Marglon
  • Lindy Marglon

    Oh Rachel! It was the "happiest" mail I have ever received! so cheerful -- I love your work -- I am working on something for you but am sure it won't measure up!! Lindy
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Beautiful day!