Susanna Lakner



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail Art is for me endless creativity.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

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  • stan askew

    hello, susanna ~ and a very happy st. nick's day to you, too! will put something in the mail to you very soon ... wishing you the best holiday season, ever.
    cheers, stan
  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi Susanna, I still have not received your mail-art. Postal strikes? I hope it will arrive soon. Thanks for the message, DVS
  • Marie Wintzer

    Susanna! I got your fantastic goodie envelope yesterday, thank you so much!

  • jon foster

    Thanks for the welcome, your planet seems nice.

  • cheryl penn

    You got the Q  :-)

  • cheryl penn

    Dead Line - 1 March 2011

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Guss Gott! The Valentines are, of course, better looking -- he says modestly. Regards, Val

  • Karen Champlin

    I'm going to mail you some stuff this weekend.  I admire your work.  It makes me happy.





  • Michael Leigh

    All the best for Crmblymess and the new year!   Thanks for the nice message!

  • MailWorks

    Die besten Grüsse zum Neuen Jahr und Danke auch fürs letzte "22", wieder ein schönes Heft. Nächstes Jahr mach ich auch wieder eine Ausgabe der Bizarren Städte. Gruss, Bernd

  • Marie Wintzer

    Thank you Susanna, best Chritsmas wishes to you too and a lot of happy mail for 2011!

  • Jenn Grosso

    hola susanna! and a very happy holidays to you!

    i've been away from here for a bit (moved and other busy life stuff) but back and ready to roll! i am participating in andy geezer's mailart 365 so you will definitely be receiving some of my mailart again soon!


    take good care


  • De Villo Sloan

    Susanna, thank you for the card. That is really beautiful. I still have not received anything from you in the mail. I have no idea what the problem could be. I'll try sending you something. DVS

  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Susanna -- thank you for your holiday wishes! Very beautiful. All the best in 2011, as well as incredible mail art adventures!
  • Samuel Montalvetti

    Hola Susanna.

    Me ha llegado tu envio, ya tengo las dos copias que faltan y un juego nuevo para tu proximo libro, dado que estoy partiendo al sur en el dia de hoy, el envio saldra alrrededor del 5 de enero.

    Gracias por tus envios, Un gran beso, y feliz 2011!!!


  • Test Tower

    Hope your holidays are fun ones!

  • Sean Woodward

    Merry Mithras and a Mailart New Year !


  • Carlos I. Botana

    Feliz año 2011, Susanna


  • Test Tower

    Don't forget to have fun! Happy New Year, Test
  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    hi, susanna ! your xmas card is awesome!!!
  • Samuel Montalvetti

    Hola Susanna
    He despachado sobre para ti, con nuevos trabajos y saldando mi deuda, verlos en comunicación a distancia
    Besos, Samuel.
  • csaba

    Szia Zsuzsa

    Köszi a meghívást, nagyon szívesen, a paraméterek ugyanazok?


  • csaba

    gratula, ez tényleg jól sikerült
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Susanna

    your beautiful Q has arrived. Thank you also for the awesome postcards you included.

    I am great fan of your collages, they are really good.


  • Karen Champlin

    Susanna,  Thank you so much for the wonderful postcards and ATCs.  You make beautiful art!
  • cheryl penn

    Susanna - your fantastic Q arrived today - thank you :-) I will start a discussion later. The Assembling Magazine project - what grammage paper (or any?) and should the pages be covered both sides? I would like to take part - looks like a great project too.
  • Karen Champlin

    Oh , Thank you,  I would love to keep your awesome Q  chapter!  That's very nice of you.
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Thankyou Susanna for the truly beautiful Q book which arrived today, it is so beautifully made and illustrated - well done! And the 3 cards enclosed are already up on my studio wall, I love your work.
  • Rosa Gravino

    Hello Susanna, Today I have received your "Q" from your wonterful planet! I love it! Thank you very much
  • David Stafford



    Just received your industrial strength power pak...thank you so much...wonderful, accomplished work....Alles gute...indeed...The elves at Planet Susannia are busy creatures...I have something on its way to you but I'm afraid it's rather paltry by comparison...Thank you, again...


  • Bifidus Jones

    Hi Susanna,

    I received your Q section today--Über Wunderbar!!

  • stan askew

    hello susanna ~

    very pleased you liked the recent mailing. last summer i purchased a box of photographs at the local flea market here in pasadena, where i live. it turned out that it was 3 generations of a family, and that the dealer had picked the box up at an estate sale. so i had to rescue these wonderful pictures of a family's history. recently i have been including some in mailings i send out... giving them a new life in distant places. hope this note finds you well and i look forward to sending you some more vintage photos if you would like them. best wishes, stan

  • cheryl penn

    Hey Susanna - hello :-) Is it 22 pages you are wanting or 24? Am in the process of completing.
  • cheryl penn

    Ok - just read properly - 24 :-) will be in mail before end of week.
  • cheryl penn

    Done :-)

  • deborahspostcards

    Hi Susanna, thanks for the wonderful postcards you sent. :)
  • stan askew

    susanna ~  it is my pleasure to share them with you ... looking forward to seeing what you create with them!

    best wishes,


  • Karen Champlin

    Your so welcome.  I'm still looking at all the collages you sent me plus ATCs!!
  • stan askew

    excellent, susanna !!!
  • MaryAnne

    Glad the pages arrived O K.  I seem to have a backlog of ideas waiting to get done and I,m finding it hard not to swamp you with stuff!!  Mightily chuffed you think my envelope to be cover material though I must say you have cropped it to look much better than it really was!  Many thanks for that too! I already have another batch of pages half finished ......
  • MaryAnne

    hi again ... forgot to say that the two rubber stamps you have made use of are genuine ex-office ones.  I have quite a collection of them saved over many years. They are genuine burou-crazy!
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Susanna -- glad to hear that it arrived! Yippee! I love your contribution to the project also... :-)
  • DKeys

    Thank you Susanna! I love your Magazine project will have to put something together for it   Happy Friday
  • DKeys

    Could you give me more details? is this ATC size? not on metric system and me brain can't compute at this moment:)
  • PIRO

    Hi Susanna

    Glad you recieved my postcard and that you liked and are enjoying it. Thanks for your comment on my handwritting. Believe me, not always like that, lol.

    Best wishes,


  • E

    hI Susanna,

    You can see my work for your assembling magazine in

    Goodbye and thanks for add.


  • chie h

    Thank you for your comment.
    Me and my family are all fine ;-)
    So many people are facing to the catastrophe, though...
  • E

    Thanks ! Mona is a linocut.

    To participate in your assemblig magazine, when it does need to send my works ? Once a month ?


  • E


    Ok...C'est parti !

  • Cleveland Wall

    I'm glad yours came through all right. Thank you for the beautiful and fragrant queensbutterfly and groovy postcards!