Jennie Hinchcliff


San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
"Good Mail Day" co-author (2009), SF Correspondence Co-op founder (2011), Ex Postal Facto conference mastermind (2014).

Mail art keeps me involved in my favorite kinds of trouble, mainly the postal and paper persuasions.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Jennie Hinchcliff c/o
Red Letter Day
PO Box 170271
San Francisco, CA. 94117

(the best place to reach me online is through Instagram, listed above.)

Comment Wall:

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  • El Taller de Zenon

    Charmed and I wait with enthusiasm your shipment...
  • El Taller de Zenon

    Dear Jennie, sorry and sorry, revising the received mailart I have checked with great happiness that your shipment arrived, certainly that it arrived, a while ago...
    How I liked the day that I opened your shipment those excellent artiststamps about Poe and their crow...
    Thank you thank you
    Doesn't my poor neuron give for more, do you excuse me..?
  • Conny Vlaicu

    Dear Jennie,

    I did not get your mail, yet.
    I recently moved - so hopefully you used the address I sent you w/ my last letter.
    Otherwise: I am sure that it will arrive - we gave our "change of address" to the USPS and so far it worked great!

    Hope you had a great time in Japan!!!

  • Jenn Grosso

    hello jennie! love your work and your good mail day book is inspiring and so so so much fun!!! happy to have been pointed in the direction of this group, thanks! you're fabulous!
  • Conny Vlaicu

    BuuuuHuuu ... still no mail!
    But I bought your book ;o))) LOVE IT!
  • Conny Vlaicu

    The book signing was great! Thanks again!
    You and Carolee are such an inspiration!
  • Conny Vlaicu

    Hope you received the "BirdCage"? ;o)
  • Conny Vlaicu

    Just received your yummy piece of art! Thank you so much!
  • Test Tower

    Hi Jennie,
    I got the Pod's wonderful "Good Mail Day" today. What a gas! It is a fantastic achievement and I absolutely adore it! I just had to post it on my blog: Heebee Jeebeeland with a complimentary blurb (How could I not)? Thanks very much for all your efforts. Also: something on the way from the 4th Dimension
  • Carlos I. Botana

    Subject: Octopus...

    Collective book of mail art.

    Send 18 works of size 14.8 X 21 cm (A5 vertical), numbered and signed,
    for making up a series of volumes with different artists in each. Each
    volume will contain a minimum of 14 artworks, one per artist. Modify
    each copy in order to make them unique originals. All techniques:
    printings, drawings, paintings, photographs, collages...

    Each participant will receive a volume.

    Deadline: october, 2010.

    Send your art works to:

    Carlos Botana
    General Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 A Coruña
    Galicia - España/Spain


    Carlos Botana

  • Medwolf

    have a great mail art 2010 Jennie

  • Test Tower

    Hi Jennie, I am so proud of the Pods and their super efforts to make the world a better place with Good Mail Day - a profound success! I adore that book - there are none better. I loaned my copy to a journalist that is doing a story on The 4th Dimension and Mail Art - She was quite enamored with it. The story will come out mid-Feb they tell me. I'm looking forward to that, but really what I want is my book back! BTW, I couldn't find any Heebee Jeebee Art on the your Flickr Pool. I did see a lot of cool stuff though - which, of course, included you!
  • Test Tower

    And how can anyone not like someone who says "Yippie"?
  • Medwolf

    CALL | Regina ATC | Regina ATC Celebrates 7 years; Show us your stuff! | MAR 31

    Submit 6 of your best cards by March 31, 2010 to: ATC Celebrates
    7, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St., Regina, SK. Canada S4S 6X6.

    Please include: 1. Self-addressed & stamped, return-envelope 2.
    Brief statement: tell us a little about yourself & discuss your
    techniques and tools, and your image content 3. How to reach you:
    contact information and e-mail (so we can send you an invites & e-
    vites to the display)

    All cards submitted will be displayed in the Learning Centre at the
    MacKenzie Art Gallery; Please tell us if you DONT want your work
    to posted on the web. Opening reception: Sat April 25, 2pm.
    Display Closing: August 2010, when you will receive 6 trades
    mailed back!
  • ivana rezek

    Memorable Movie Moments

    What is your favorite quote from a movie? Share it with the rest of us and illustrate it :)
    If you can't decide on an actual quote, you can also share a particular scene or even make an 'alternative' poster for your favorite movie.
    You can also add a short explanation about why this particular quote/scene/movie is important to you.

    Deadline: May 31st
    Size and technique free, no fee, no jury, no returns.
    Works will be documented on the blog and exhibited in a venue in Sarajevo in July, during the Sarajevo Film Festival when the entire town lives for the movies.
    If you provide your e-mail address, we will e-mail you the photos from the exhibition.
    Mail-art is hardly known in Bosnia, so please contributel and help us make a big mail-art show :)

    Mail your works to:

    Nataša Stanišić
    Asima Ferhatovića 1
    71000 Sarajevo
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kris Naylor

    What a blast to receive a candy bar in the mail! Thank You!
  • mad madge

    I received a wonderful piece of mail art from you today. Thanks! No, I haven't received anything from the "Good Mail Day" swap yet. But, I haven't sent anything out myself yet. Mail comes when you send it.
    Thanks again,
    mad madge
  • mad madge

    Thanks, Jennie. I love the red too. I also like the words "chicken flavor."
  • Carla Cryptic

    Hi Jennie! I agree - we need to hook up again and talk more, maybe make some art together! It was great meeting you in person. :D Check it out:
    Joel and I doing my live show this afternoon (7/2/10)
  • Kris Naylor

    Jennie! Thanks for friending me. Can't wait to see what you have sent. Receiveing your candy bar put me right over the edge. (your book set me teetering on the edge, the candy bar pushed me over) I was walking around for days saying, "Someone sent me chocolate in the mail... She just put a couple of stamps on it and dropped it in the mail." I have since mailed out chocolate bars and boxes of candy to family and friends. I love imagining their surprise as they pull candy out of their mailbox. Kris
  • The Sticker Dude

    Hi Jennie...never got to that exhibition in Passadena.
  • Carla Cryptic

    Check it out! :D
    Joel in the SF Bay Area discussion here at IUOMA

    Ruud started a meetings thread and I added us to it. :D
  • Marie Wintzer

    Hi Jennie san, got you gorgeous postcard yesterday, thank you so much!!
  • Celestino Neto

    Hi Jennie,

  • Maurizio Follin

    thanks for participating in No Commercial Potential, your works are published in
    Click on your name to see if the link is the right one or you have one to replace

    A huge hello
  • Maurizio Follin

    Can you tell me a e-mail address where we can send you the final report of the project?

  • Ruud Janssen

    on its way to you....!
  • Pamela Gerard

    Yes, lunch and "show and tell" were just wonderful. A shopping trip??? Count me in. (Wish we could go to rubber stamp central like Alice did).
  • Poison Label Productions

    rock on - can't wait 

  • Happy Day Mail

    Thanks, Jennie, for your invite to be friends.  Looking forward to our mail "visits" :>

  • Pamela Gerard

    Thanks, Jennie. This new year of mailart is going to be great.

    (Can you email me so I have your email address for personal comments?)

  • Marie Wintzer

    Jennie! I was so excited to get your goodie bag! The household saving bag envelope is really really cool, and all the fun pieces inside even more! Thank you!

  • Jen Staggs

    Sending you some wacky stuff!

  • cheryl penn

    Hey Jennie - sorry about the delay in letting you knwo - the language and time barriers are holding things up a bit.  You are on the waiting list!!

  • cheryl penn

    Jennie - great to have you on board - I have great expectations :-)))

  • Susanna Lakner

  • cheryl penn

    Hey Jennie - March 1st Project 26 is OVER!!! So glad you're having a good time putting it together - I loved it!
  • James Chester

    Cleaning my studio before Christmas I found the card you sent me back in September.  Thanks for both the card and the message on it.  Made my day, though I felt very guilty about not finding it until now.


    The mail is supposed to fall into a basket by the wall, but sometimes mail slips under the table behind the rabbits house.  That's what happened this time. My rabbits did take a nibble, too, but just a nibble. 

    Look for something from me soon and something wonderful in the new year.  My partner bought me all sorts of things that really shouldn't be mailed for Christmast. 

  • mad madge

    Hi Jennie,

    I love the abstract wonders that you just added. Something small from me is in the mail to you.

    Have a mail artful new year,

    mad madge

  • cheryl penn

    So looking forward let me tell you x
  • Karen Champlin

    Hey Jen, I have a really sorry memory.  Did I ask you if you received my mail?  I'm bipolar, on a lot of meds and clueless at times.  Sorry if I'm a pest.


  • Poison Label Productions

    do you a dec 20 cancelation mark ?

    i need a copy!!

  • Poison Label Productions

    looks like your cancelations are from China town...

    I want to tattoo my birthday one...

    so yeah - Start digging


  • Bruno Cassaglia

    land art
  • Georgia Grigoriadou


    happy new year with a new mail art!

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I know, can you believe that? Not friends? Us?
  • James Chester

    Your card arrived yesterday. I didn't know it's the year of the rabbit! Both of my rabbits are very happy to hear this. thanks.
  • Susanne Müller-Baji

    Hi Jennie,
    happy to meet you here. Keep getting mixed up with your mail addresses, lost count on which one is the most recent one. Advertised your (our) book hard when I was visiting Denver last summer...
    What are you up to lately?
  • Kris Naylor

    Love the new year card! Especially love the Fortran statement paper!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Mail art/ CAN MEAN/ many thiings/ to many /people but/ what does/ it ultimately / mean to / you!

    Thank you, Jennie! My "can mean" arrived today in is full of great stamps and images, love it! Tis 34/365, right?