Maurizio Follin



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
on his freedom of expression
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Maurizio Follin
Via M.te Cervino, 27
30173 Favaro VE

Comment Wall:

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  • gmitides

    thanks nice to see you too
  • Steve Pardey

    Hi Maurizio,

    Thank you for your warm welcome.

    Where do you live?

    I live in Albury, New South Wales, Australia.


  • Sibylla Boulle

    Thank you,
  • blaizot mathias

    thank you maurizio with great pleasur
  • Debora Alanna

    Ciao, Maurizio! Grazie per il vostro gentile invito a essere tuo amico. Sono felice di essere a conoscenza di voi e il vostro lavoro. Cordiali saluti, Debora
  • Mirjam Blekkenhorst

    Thank you Maurizio, just getting started and we'll see what happens ;0)
  • Mike Honeycutt

    Thank you Maurizio, it's great to see the IUOMA online and thriving!!!
    All the best!
    mike h - mystery hearsay cassettes
  • mad madge

    I am glad that my mail art arrived. Thanks for letting me know.
  • Elaine B(atgirl)

    I like all your Zappa references :)
  • Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)

    Ciao Maurizio. I sent you a card for your project today. Had a good time making it, singing lullabies late at night.
  • Lilac Girl

    Thank you! Pleasure meeting you also!
  • Lilac Girl

    Thanks for the invite! I'll see what I can come up with!
    Lilac Girl
  • Anna Dabrowska

    Thank you for the invite. I do like your photos!
  • Lulu' - Lucia Nerucci

    Bella mi piace la tua opera, io sono nuova del sito e di questo genere, puoi darmi indicazioni su come funziona? grazie
  • Lulu' - Lucia Nerucci

    Grazie per l'invito, e farò il possibile per partecipare, ancora mi devo orientare con il funzionamento del sito e poi inizierò ad inviare i miei lavori
    ciao Lulu'
  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Vou participar no Projecto Internacional de Arte Postal, cujo prazo termina em 10 de Dezembro.
  • Vati Ammatri

    Love your"s only rock n' roll/mail art. When I travelled to Vilnius, Lithuania, they have installed a bust of Frank Zappa's head there in the town square on a pole, ostensibly to test the reality of their freedom!!

  • Vati Ammatri

    Zappa, Lithuania.......

    FYI, enjoy!

  • Ander Morlando

    ciao Maurizio vedrò di mandarti qualcosa per il NO COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL... saluti
  • mafer

    Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you, too!
  • cheryl penn

    From Cheryl Penn South Africa.
    I will post you a mail art card - will you please return the favour for a project I am doing this side.
    Thank you.
  • Deb Wilson

    Cool - thanks.
  • Lya Alves

    Grazie per l'invito, e farò il possibile per partecipare!
  • BAA

    hey ! kieres intercambiar alguna pieza konmigo? .....
  • Frank Odette

    Hi Maurizio. Just sent you a piece for the No Commercial Potential project. Hope you enjoy. Frank Odette.
  • Heleen de Vaan

    Hi Maurizio,
    Thank you for your invitation / call for entries! I already noticed your interesting No-commercial-project some months ago on And even I already had some sketches made. But now I'm trying to find the time to work these sketches out, it is a harder subject than initially I thought! So please have a little patience (anyhow you are on my 'to do'-list :o) )...
  • Marie Wintzer

    Thanks for the invite Maurizio, cerchero di mandarti qualcosa. Cheers!
  • Margaret Suchland

    Thanks Maurizio!
  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Maurizio como já disse em tempos eu participei na" Miniature Masterpiece Art Exhibition/MMAE 2010 com 3 trabalhos A4 para Kuala Lumpur Malásia e ñ sei onde devo visionar todos os trabalhos dos participantes, incluindo os meus e duma amiga, Ana Maria Garcia. Obrigada.
  • Celestino Neto

    Hi Maurizio,

  • cheryl penn

    Received your card MANY thanks - I am returning one - please keep up the mailing! One of these days I will load up my received cards.
  • evie satijadi

    sending soon mine !!
  • Lee goldberg

    Hi, thanks for the invite...I'll be happy to send something.
  • Ana Garcia

    Maurizio eu vou entrar ok?
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hello Friend Maurizio! Would you like an Envelope? What's your address; regards, Friend Val
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi Maurizio, I'll send you an envelope later today -- DON'T open it, because the art is ON not in the envelope (and there is nothing inside it anyway!). I'm thinking about what to contribute to your Exhibition. More on that later. Regards, Val
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Maurizio, I'm mailing you a big white Envelope tomorrow. Inside it are 3 coloured Envelopes for your International Mail Art Project, and I hope that they are suitable. DON'T open the 3 Envelopes -- there is nothing inside them, and the Art is ON not IN the Envelopes. Please confirm the white Envelope's arrival. Hope the project goes well. Regards, Val(entine Mark Herman)

    Hello Maurizio , you are my first friend at mail art. Many thanks !!!
  • Xanthi Ghika Iliadi

    Thank you
  • kali

    Thanks so much for the invitation! I'll make sure to take part:)
  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Eccomi! poetamailartfluxus e... (la parte ovest di W.E. )
  • Lynne D Jones-Field

    Hello, pleased to meet you! Look out for the post!

    hola!gracias por tu invitacion
    voy a participar, te mando una carta
    thank you for you invitacion
    I'll send to you a cart

  • no one

    Very cool. Do you illuminate your art work from underneath the paper's surface?
    There's a lot of dimension to what I see here! Almost like daylight working with the artwork as part of the process.
  • Ntk (Natalya Korolkova)

    Thank you for your support!
    Be sure to try yourself in such an interesting topic!
  • Eduardo Filipe Sama

    Ok, thanks!
  • J.J. Martyn

    Sorry I missed the deadline. Let me know if you have anything else coming up. Good luck with the show.
  • Steve

    Hi Maurizio. I'll see if I can find some inspiration for this

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Che dici Follin? diventiamo amici? così magari ci incontriamo a Venezia... e inventiamo W.E. ...chissa? poetamailartfluxus. b.
  • Bruno Cassaglia

    volevo far richiesta di amicizia ma non ci riesco ...acc... così non possiamo fondare w. e. ....b.