Colin Edwards


Norwich, Norfolk

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Initially I was asked by author Tery Pratchett to work on some designs for a book promotion, but then i got the bug and have been designing my own worlds and their stamps ever since! it is great fun and a diversion from the day-to-day stuff of corporate ID and publishing, all too real!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Maria Fedorchuk

    Welcome on board!
  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Maura Di Giulio

    Welcome Colin!

    Would you like to partecipate on my Mail Art Call?
    Here informations:
    Mail art call : No oil in abruzzo!
    No return
    Technique free
    Size maximum A4
    All works must be sent by snail mail
    Deadline : 31 March 2010
    New deadline 31 july 2010
    Artworks arrived untill 12 april will be shown also at the first exhibition 18 April 2010
    So if you don’t feel like the Giants of the Oil say your No! a.s.a.p
    More info about the exhibition and documentation will follow...
    You can find info about the fight against oil and about Abruzzo on the following link:
    Send to :
    Maura Di Giulio
    Via Sant’Antonio 22
    66020 Pollutri (CH)
    Keep in touch
  • Bradford

    WELCOME COLIN! I hope you upload some of your artistamps soon. Have fun!

  • treena

    hi colin welcome to the iuoma i hope you enjoy it as much as i have