Jennie Hinchcliff


San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
"Good Mail Day" co-author (2009), SF Correspondence Co-op founder (2011), Ex Postal Facto conference mastermind (2014).

Mail art keeps me involved in my favorite kinds of trouble, mainly the postal and paper persuasions.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Jennie Hinchcliff c/o
Red Letter Day
PO Box 170271
San Francisco, CA. 94117

(the best place to reach me online is through Instagram, listed above.)

Comment Wall:

  • Maurizio Follin

    I have pleasure to be your friend and I would invite you to join mail-art project 2008


    Quel sottile filo che, al di fuori ed al di sopra dei singoli progetti e delle esperienze personali, unisce l'opera di Ray Johnson all'attuale Mail Art
    That tenuous thread that, outside and above individual projects and personal experiences, connects the work of Ray Johnson to the current Mail Art

    Formato: libero / Format: free
    Tecnica: libera / Technique: free (2 & 3 dim., music, video, performance, poetry and small stories)
    Catalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website:

    Scadenza / dead line: 10-12-2008

    I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:
    Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
    30173 Favaro - Venezia - Italy

    Indicando nome, cognome, nazionalità ed indirizzo dell'artista + indirizzo e-mail ed eventuale sito web / please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address and web site if exist.
    Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con francobollo postale. All works must be send by post with postage stamps.
    Le opere ricevute non saranno restituite / Works of art we receive won't be given back.

    Per ulteriori informazioni :
    For more information :


  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome Jennie!
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    You are just too cute! ("Why I am involved in Mail-Art") How is the book coming along??
  • Keith A. Buchholz

    Hey Jennie !
  • Maurizio Follin

    Thank for your friendship


  • Gianni Simone

    No Jennie-chan, Reed-sama was referring to K14 (all about xerography) that I hope to finish before xmas so I can scam tons of free copies at my university. His essay is very, very good. I'll send you a copy if you send me a xerox of your heart...
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    Awesome, I'll keep two eyes on the postman. In fact yesterday we had a postman sub... young and fresh... (Don't tell my husband...)
  • mariano bellarosa

    thanks you're very kind.
  • Gianni Simone

    Yes darling, I got your beautiful card a couple of days ago. As we say in Italy, "class is not water" (Italians are notorious wine lovers...). How the hell did you make it?!
  • Claudio Romeo

  • Francis Van Maele

    that is nice to hear Jennie .. did you get it from John Held?
    on my website you can see all books from this collection.
    best wishes
  • Dan Taylor

  • Litsa Spathi / NOBODY

    Litsa Spathi wishes you Merry Christmas & a Happy 2009
  • Denis Charmot

    And it was not a rigged photo.
    Denis Charmot
  • Test Tower

    ....and a Happy New Year. I lived in SF for many years. I miss it. Are the Pods still making a Mail Art Book? How is that going?
  • Test Tower

  • Denis Charmot

    Hi Jennie
    Thank you very much. Something will go for you next week, after the holidays. I saw that you like origami.
    Denis Charmot
  • Test Tower

    I lived in SF on Sutter and then Bush from '76 to '85, when I moved to San Leandro, but still hung around there pretty much till about 2003 when I moved up to Washington State. I still love to visit there. My Dad used to live on Haight St. so I had my share of the unusual as a teenager in the sixties and early 70's there. By the way, did the (ahem!) mail art I sent to Podville make it into your book? Just wondering.
  • Ruud Janssen

    Here is the start of my experiment. Let's hope you will receive it....
  • Gik Juri

    "Dadahomeya news" is my new mail art zine, soon I'll distribute it in the mail art network and will place pages of zine at IUOMA site.
  • Test Tower

    I was just reading about Mark Pauline moving his Survival Research Lab from his old SF spot to a little north of Marin. Know who he is? I used to have a lot of fun hangin around those "Scientists" and helping out with his shows. Anyway, I have been trying to send you something for a few days now. Can't get to the Post Office because of the flooding up here. Gak! At least my house was spared from the catastrophe (by the hair of my chinny chin chin)! I'm gonna try to get down there again later today. Even if I make it there, I-5 is still closed, so be patient, something cool is on the way. And thanks for the Holiday mail!
  • Denis Charmot

    Hi Jennie
    Today I received your letter. Thank you very much. You can see on my blog: Did you receive mine?
  • Test Tower

    Your pic made me think you knew about SRL (odd isn't it)? I can't really recall your SRL friend, but that name sounds familiar. I was really into sound myself at the time, so I may have met him. Dunno.
  • Celestino Neto

    Hello Jennie,

    Convocatória Mail Art Call

    Wolf Project

  • Celestino Neto

    Dear friend I am leaving here is convocatória.


    Mail artists Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarre invite all interested artists around the world to participate in their international mail-art project:

    The Second Biennale International of Small Art - Venezuela
    Exhibition to all.
    No jury.
    Catalogue to all.
    No return.
    Size: Maximum Postcard size (10 x 15 cm.)
    Technique: Free.

    December 31, 2009.

    Send your Work to:

    II Bienal Internacional del Pequeño Formato,
    Apartado 54,
    Zona P. 2101A.
  • Test Tower

    Hi Jennie,
    Hey thanks for the mail. You can view it in it's new island paradise surroundings here:
    I hope your visit there is pleasant. I loved that card! Your friend, Test
  • Keyla Holmquist

    Hi Jennie, greetings from Venezuela.

    The 6th World's Poetry Festival 2009 will take place on june and july as a tribute to a venezuelan Poet named Juan Calzadilla (National Prize of Plastic Arts 1996).
    This event will be sponsored by Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura and Casa Nacional de las Letras Andrés Bello, so my art archive willheld:

    Everything received will be exhibited – Documentation [to all of you].
    Everything sent will be part of the MAIL ART ARCHIVE KEYLA HOLMQUIST.

    All the material has to be mailed to:

    Keyla Holmquist
    Apartado Postal 326
    Maracay 2101
    Estado Aragua VENEZUELA

    DEADLINE MAY 31,st 2009

    All the material should be sent perfectly packed in order to prevent damage and with a copy of a data card, stuck on the back of the package.




    Measures UP TO A4 MAXIMUM. The base or pedestal needed should be provided by the artist.



    Collage, visual poems, process poetry, illustrated poetry, labyrinth poems, phonetic poems, audible poems, semiotic, palindrome, holopoems, concrete poetry, video action, photo action, object poem, pseudovisual poetry, braille poetry.


    All videos will be admitted, shortfilms, photography, documentaries, animations that do not exceed 8 minutes of length and they must be delivered on CD or DVD format ready for its presentation.


    They will be admitted on CD or DVD format ready for its presentation including the credits, the photography, the list of the soundtrack that was used and the name of the author.


    the audio format admitted has to be:
    Wave 44,100 Hz 16 bit stereo
    Mp3 from 96 'til 320 KPSS
    If the expression is audible, high fidelity required.
  • stan askew

    hi jennie!

    good to get your message! looking forward to your next post. your last mailbox card is on my work table so i see it whenever i am making postal art. have completed some new collages and will send you something soon.

  • Keyla Holmquist

    thanks Jennie,
    I hope your shopping.
    Pass to friends and to anyone.
    I notice when I get it! Embrace.
  • Test Tower

    Hi Jennie,
    Glad to hear you are taking the 4D plunge! Just the notion of you joining in the fun has the distant jungle drums starting up. Looking forward to that. I'll be sending you a Heebee souvenier! Test
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    Thank you for the bag of GOODIES! Very cool! Just what I need to get me to work on some mail art collage pieces. I've been super busy with other work... but will come back to my love of mail art...
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    One of the little paintings that I did for a local shop.
  • Test Tower

    Hey there,
    That postcard you sent me was great! Thanks very much for that. I posted it on the Heebee blog just a moment ago and it gave me a big smile! You asked about the name "Test Tower". I first started using that moniker when my friend and I were doing sound for the live performances of the notorious art gang "The Architects of Doom" back in the 80's and early 90's in and around SF. I have an old poster and a booklet "Atomic Blast" made by The Architects (circa 1988), and was going to show you the rather interesting cover, but for some reason I can't upload it onto here right now. Frustrating! Aw well.........those were interesting times.
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    I made you a little mail art out of the red envelope you send me... hope it makes it!

  • Jennifer Kosharek

  • Jennifer Kosharek

    U know they do care! :-) ;-p Looking forward to your mail art! Chromatophore is coming to an end--this week... next years show is 100 add and pass books that I am making and hopefully people will add and mail all around... and then back to me August 2010. Haven't officially launched that yet but am busy making "Mail Sketch 2010 Books" Should i send you one??
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    CHROMATOPHORE the art show will be opening August 27th @ Studio 620. has put up some great information about the show and designed their own invite! Please check it out. Opening is 6:30-9 and will include over 300 pieces of mail art from 20 different countries. There will be interactive mail art tables featuring mail art calls, add and pass. There will be a raffle of donations from local businesses and artists including Hugo Porcaro, TestTower, Ginny Lloyd and more! There will be food, drinks and live music from local favorite--Rebecca Zapen. Check her out at . And last but not least a showing of artifacts from the first open air post office in St. Petersburg, FL. So as you can see from the line up--it's going to be a great night! Admission is free and none of the art is for sale.

    So what do you think? I'm currently compliling a program and after the show I hope to make a zine of the event. Will probably sell it on etsy to defray the cost. Join me for a night of mail art fun!!!!
  • Marianne Elson

    Hello Jennie,
    I am sending a little mail art your way :)

  • Leslie Wang

    Can wait to start sharing :)
  • Leslie Wang

    LOL... thanks :)
  • Erin Fae

    Oh thank you, USPS! My friday posted little impromptu letter arrived that fast?
  • Conny Vlaicu

    Dear Jennie,
    Thank you for your message.
    Your class totally got me hooked on mail art.
    Hopefully I will be able to attend more of your inspiring classes.
    Can't wait for your book to come out and of course I would love you to sign it!

    Take care,
  • Erin Fae

    Yippie! Oh, so pleased. I wanted to hand it to you, so for it to arrive by the time I'd returned from the seaside seems everso perfect.

    I await your thoughts on all and any matters. xo