Steve Random

71, Male

Raleigh, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I got started in the mail with a project before I found out it was a 'thing', my External Box Project. Then I met Jean Brown and she gave me a copy of her artist listings and the rest is ancient history
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
6320 Falcon Knoll Circle
Raleigh, NC
27616-8883 USA

Comment Wall:

  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Ruud Janssen

    Dear Steve,

    Yes, must have received something from you for sure. Recognize you name from the mail-art documentations I have in my archive. Carlo Pittore was always a pleasure to communicate with. The mail-interview I did with him was a surprise and gave a wealth of information. We were in contact for decades and he is missed. Somehow never came to the point to interview you, but that happens. So many mail-artists out there and so little time. Nowadays I can't afford investing that much time in large projects, but as you can see I am quite active in the digital world. The envelopes and postcards are still my favorite though. Thanks for your feedback. Now I have your address.....!
  • Valery Oisteanu

    Hi steve I also lost my memory since Ray Johnson suicide art and please forgive e but if you remember me I will eventualy remember you! Valery Oisteanu

  • E.F. Higgins III Doo Da Postage Works

    Hey, steve, ... Where You Been?

    How's the Weather there, & Who's that guy that did that
    Family Portrait of all those things on a Post Card? ... I wana think
    Don Mabley, but I might be wrong... Is Uncle Don still over your
    ways? I'm over in the City, but get out to Michigan in the Summer
    times. let me know how you are doing.
    wow! {Well, we ain't all Dead Yet.! Ha!}
  • joey Patrickt

    hi steve. 2009 - must be the re-connect year.
  • Stangroom

    Oh yeah, that's me...
    Spending too much time trying to get by.
    Making more paintings than mail, these days.
    Still trying to keep up with old friends...
    but everyone is online now.
  • Stangroom

    Steve- You sent me a copy of "Random Art Volume 1"
    a while back. Thank you.
    My bad for not acknowledging it earlier.
    Haven't seen Reed in a long time.
    In the old days we travelled to a number of Mail Art events together.
    I hope he's well...
  • Medwolf

    hola mi amigo, thank you for the hand shake..I knew ole zack well in the 70`s...I was in the 70`s known as "The Metis Poet" with much of my work published in New Breed magazine out of Regina Saskatchewan and David at that time was setting up "Art Cause Pub." in that same city and was how we came to be friends and then I lost touch with him and the world so to speak in the 80`s ..I would be very interested in hearing those tapes..would send you blanks for copies if that is at all question in all of this is "if the Oz is really dead..where is his grave?who planted him?who picked up his body? etc. etc. lol no one seems to know..not even his family..and so I think he never left Mexico nor did the great mail artist surrender..I think they took his truck and made it surrender,and it is now a big secret at a dump site in that vast amigo land..what do you think...keep smiling my friend is way big medicine
  • Creative Thing

    Satie had 100+ bumbershoots?
    I just got back from a week visit with M. Hyatt in Tucson, AZ. Big bike community there and lots of home made art & music as well.
    80+ temps in Feb. a big bonus.
    I did not need an umbrella.
  • Medwolf

    thank you my you have any pics of zack..I had many but had a fire and they were burned along with a lot of mail art...I do have a question for you..back in the day I shot some movies on ancient cree survival with APTN`s Metcom and have them on the old VHS do I go about transfering them to CD ?
  • Medwolf

    well Rod is sorta right lol I have several tee pee`s and stay in one a lot in the summer..I ran a cultural survival camp for years out in the sask wilderness and well hmm you can visit it at do think Rod did eat those crow`s lol he just wont admit it lmao..keep smiling
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Great photos here Steve, many old mail art friends. Don't s'pose you have a picture of Lon?
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Yes I would, thanks Steve, I'll send you CDs of my stuff in return. I miss that mad exchange groove with Lon, Carlo, Oz and a few others from the old school, these days everybody seems to have a penchant for rules. Please send your CD to my Maastricht address, I'm back home in my empire in two weeks. The folks from the EHF are fine people, lunch today made that clear enough.
    best greets
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    by the way, were you aware that there is a link to the mp3 of Mail Art DaDa Skank at the top of the lyrics file? You can hear Lon saying "I'm just beating on the bathroom floor!"
  • Reid Wood

    Thanks for the nice words.
    Dobrica's on facebook. Otherwise, you could try
    or snailmail at
    Ustinicka 152/73
    11050 Belgrade

  • Stangroom

    Steve... I guess I first met Carlo in 1992 at CrackerChuck's "Harmonic Networking " thing in New Hampshire.
    I then went and visited him numerous times in Bowdoinham. Sometimes alone and othertimes for gatherings, like when Angela and Peter Netmail from Germany came through delivering mail around the world.
    Actually, 92 was a big networking year for me... went to Hungary for a show and performance of my copier work
  • Stangroom

    Steve... yeah I heard about that thing with the photos. Carlo once called him an "ordinary" person (a bit of the garlic).
    I never stayed in the yurts... always slept upstairs, which I surmise had previously your place... one time with Bern Porter snoring next to me.
    Yes, we (a group) drew from the model up there on several occassions.
    Sometime I'll have to tell you about an interesting altercation between Mark Bloch and John Held.
  • Peter Kupas

    oh yess, randomness is most delightful at all times, isn't it?
    seriously, i do like exploring concepts like "random" "interference" "ambient" "data" "abstraction" and the likes! lookout for more fluff!
    i mean, stuff :)
  • C Mehrl Bennett

    photo from an old church courtyard in Merida MX in northern Yucatan peninsula
  • Robert Saunders

    Steve & Kelly CHAPEL HILL I remember that year Seems like a long time ago Basketball & blue Worked evening shift at copy shop first chance at Canon Color machine Love, R &K
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    There is something dodgy going on with this network? I invited you to be my friend on the 5th march and today I received an email saying you had invited me and yet there is no confirmation clikky window to be found. Do you reckon cross Atlantic entent has 'eyes' deciding who can actually be in contact with each other? Would a friendship between us be considered dangerous in some circles? How bloody marvellous is that?
  • Medwolf

    have been trying to add you as a friend but its not working lol
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    I was in the RAF and got posted here to an atom bunker under the hills on the Dutch/Belgian border, i fell in love with the city and came back here as soon as my contract was completed (I did 13 years as RAF medic) and have been living here ever since so that's 35 years now, still love Maastricht, 150 million years of history here, that has to be cool.
    So I see that Medwolf also has problems adding you as a friend, it's a plot no question! should we inform Ruud who is totally on top of problems like that.

  • H.R.Fricker

    hello steve. yes, exactly 25 years ago.. in nyc.
    I am still living at the same place, together with my wife. I am still making art (sometimes) see my photos on facebook. what's about you ? what have you done (or not) during these years ?
    are you on facebook too ? (I prefer facebook because a mail art group is like a ghetto to me..)
    greetings hr
  • Creative Thing

    I suppose the only ridable assemblage I have created is my built up single speed bike, which I found in a thrift store!
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    Seems to me they export a lot of spam frum Ghana which is where there are many ladies who want to be my friend. I ignored the lady. I keep meaning to ask Ruud why you and I are not permitted friendship but work has, up to now, intervened... I spent 4 hours hoeing my path today, bloody hard work which has turned my wrists to jelly, I met Anna Banana over the weekend, we didn't have jelly i had lamb and Anna had the smoked salmon, we talked about Dave Zack and Lon Spiegelman ah the good old days...
  • Rod Summers / VEC

    finally I see you on my friends list, I'll celebrate with a mug of tea.
  • Medwolf

    hmmm I am still trying to add you as a friend??
  • Medwolf

    thanks Steve I guess we r now friends lol and yupper the CD of ole Zack performing in mexico just landed..thank you very very was nice to hear his voice after so many years..keep smiling amigo..will send u something special real soon and ummm something is on its way but will send more soon and I put that package on my blog
  • RJ - Moderator

    Hi Steve Random. The CD arrived and contains lots of goodies. I published some photos on: with the correct source mentionings. Thanks for the great collection! - Ruus & Litsa
  • Donald Boyd

    That looks random, Steve. Do you like Nothing?
  • Donald Boyd

    The photos and works are very good! Thanks for posting them.
  • C Mehrl Bennett

    Questions on your previous description of keyboard performance: With a keyboard you are limited to using A thru G, correct?
    Or do you assign your own letters to each key on the keyboard?
    Thanks for my name poem - it's rare that anyone spells it write.
  • Robert Saunders

  • Robert Saunders

    JUNE 16 thru until 20th MORE INFO LATER OKOKOKPOE R.
  • Jennifer Kosharek

  • joey Patrickt

    i have a picture of ye olde Eat IT UP Magazine file cabinet. now a backyard sculpture.