Denis Charmot




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I was an artist and my works were not selling and began to take a lot of place at home. With mailart, I send my work around the world, it takes up less space.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1051 av Louis Coppel
74300 Thyez

Comment Wall:

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  • Isabelle Vannobel

    on a au moins une autre passion commune en plus du mail art, c'est les photos de concerts - j'ai reconnu quelques groupes que j'avais photographié ( lofo, mass hystéria).
    tu as une superbe galerie photographique. super .
    j'ai remarqué aussi des photos de La Ruda - je ne les ai jamais vu mais ma fille, qui joue dans un groupe de ska-punk, qui commence a bien tourner va faire leur première partie prochainement au Grand Mix à Tourcoing - j'aurai donc l'occasion de les mettre dans la boite.
    un jour, je prendrai le temps de les mettre en ligne - ( il me faudrait des journées de 48 h au moins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • Coyote

    Hi! I use several different cameras, but my biggest one is a Canon 30D with 6 lenses. I like to vary my subject focus, but my favorite subject is insects. And macro photography in general.
  • Ivan Zemtsov

    Thank you for your explanation, Denis!
  • Isabelle Vannobel

    merci pour le petit Renaud de Lofo - c'est mon groupe préféré, le prem's des prem's. j'hésite pas à faire des kms pour les voir.
  • Megan Sandover-Sly (triscuitbox) i posted your new year's greeting and other some new mail!
  • Ars Et Design

    OK! Muchas gracias! Os enviaré varias de las mías originales!
  • Peter Dowker

  • Keyla Holmquist

    Denis greetings from Venezuela.

    The 6th World's Poetry Festival 2009 will take place on june and july as a tribute to a venezuelan Poet named Juan Calzadilla (National Prize of Plastic Arts 1996).
    This event will be sponsored by Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura and Casa Nacional de las Letras Andrés Bello, so my art archive willheld:

    Everything received will be exhibited – Documentation [to all of you].
    Everything sent will be part of the MAIL ART ARCHIVE KEYLA HOLMQUIST.

    All the material has to be mailed to:

    Keyla Holmquist
    Apartado Postal 326
    Maracay 2101
    Estado Aragua VENEZUELA

    DEADLINE MAY 31,st 2009

    All the material should be sent perfectly packed in order to prevent damage and with a copy of a data card, stuck on the back of the package.




    Measures UP TO A4 MAXIMUM. The base or pedestal needed should be provided by the artist.



    Collage, visual poems, process poetry, illustrated poetry, labyrinth poems, phonetic poems, audible poems, semiotic, palindrome, holopoems, concrete poetry, video action, photo action, object poem, pseudovisual poetry, braille poetry.


    All videos will be admitted, shortfilms, photography, documentaries, animations that do not exceed 8 minutes of length and they must be delivered on CD or DVD format ready for its presentation.


    They will be admitted on CD or DVD format ready for its presentation including the credits, the photography, the list of the soundtrack that was used and the name of the author.


    the audio format admitted has to be:
    Wave 44,100 Hz 16 bit stereo
    Mp3 from 96 'til 320 KPSS
    If the expression is audible, high fidelity required.
  • Ian-Patrick McAllister

    Received your postcard a while back but just got to my mail today. It's a wonderful piece, thx. I'll be posting stuff out on Monday.
  • Daniel de Culla

    Denis, y yo más te deseo toda la felicidad. Y para mí, claro¡
  • Carla Cryptic

    Merci Denis! J'aime bien le serpent et les ATCs aussi. :)
  • lefebvre

    la matière principale de la bière c'est l'eau!!!!!!!
    bonne journée à toi, par ici il neige...
  • Rachel Freeman

    I am glad you liked the ATCs!
  • stan askew

    hello, denis ~
    i think your web site is fantastic! thank you for posting my card there.
    best wishes,
  • lefebvre

    Grazie mille, muchas gracias, merci beaucoup, thank you very much
    j'espère que tu vas participer
    a plus
  • Nicole Eippers

    Bonjour Denis,
    Je suis vraiment désolé pense que je vais sérieusement devoir penser à changer de colle !!!! Tout passe par le tri automatique ici....alors bonjour la délicatesse !!
    Je te souhaite une bonne journée
  • lefebvre

    merci pour la carte reçue ce matin. je vais la mettre en ligne tout de suite et à ta santé....
  • Megan Sandover-Sly (triscuitbox)

    i was just getting at the fact people have been pretending to be nice and really they have malicious intentions... or maybe just something snappy to say.'
  • Talking Bird

    Denis, I think the hostility you asked about started in the "IUOMA novel" group. Rod and Chantal and Medwolf used the group comments area to chat with each other, and Wilma was angry about that. She told them they should not make any comments that are not about the novel.
  • Talking Bird

    Megan did a very good thing. Wilma wanted people to stop making non-novel comments in the "IUOMA novel" group, so Megan set up a new place to talk about the disagreement. Now Wilma can't complain, but we have a chance to talk about something instead of pretending it didn't happen.
  • Nicole Eippers

    Bonjour Denis,
    Petit cochon arrivé hier...j'adore...merci et bisous
  • Gik Juri

    Yes, it's funny! By the way, I've seen here in Moscow in 2007 new works by American artist Valey Export, specialized primary in performance and installations, with Kalashnikov weapon too... Kalashnikov associates with negative Russian feelings, as I understood...
  • Gik Juri

    Interesting point.
  • Samuel Montalvetti

    me encanto el vagón poético.

  • Ivan Zemtsov

    Hi, Denis,

    I understand your perplexity. Don't worry about sizes! Every rule has exceptions!
  • Carla Cryptic

    Denis - I received your card today - thanks! :)
  • lefebvre

    Bonsoir Denis, pour le moment je n'ai pas reçu de Chimay cela ne devrait pas tarder, lundi ou mardi je guette ma boîte à lettres. c'est ce que je fais tous les jours j'adore attendre le facteur. et en ce moment ma boîte en reçoit beaucoup.
    a plus sébastien
  • Carla Cryptic

    No, I don't know her (Antonette G.) - I'll keep my eyes peeled. Thanks for the tip. :)
  • Carla Cryptic

    BTW, did you hear me sing yet!? :) If not, go here - it's not entirely representative but it is easily accessible!

    Carla at iCompositions
  • Servane

    Coucou Denis....Ne t'inquiète pas ! je passe plus de temps en ce moment à essayer de récupérer mon retard dans les réponses qu'à écrire à mes amis !... Ce week-end, j'ai inversé la tendance !... Bonne journée
  • Ars Et Design

    Bonjour Denis! J'ai reçu tes excellents ATC. Ils sont sorties par courrier les miennes.
    Merci Beaucoup, et si tu veux nous continuons à échanger.
  • Judy Skolnick

    Thanks for the card, I will think of a good return, how about a pretzel?
  • Judy Skolnick

    I like the big pretzls, hot and soft with mustard of course. Lots of fun to eat street food.
  • Pascal Minart - ARTOTEM

    Salut Denis,
    Très heureux d'être parmi vous... Mais pas eu le temps avant de revenir faire un tour... @+
  • Carla Cryptic

    I wonder why your ort program still works but mine disappeared from my page one day...? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

    Here's a greeting from me to you...

  • Judy Skolnick

    Love all of those folds
  • Judy Skolnick

    Glad you liked the card. Out taking more photos today if the rain lets up.
  • andytgeezer

    I've just sent a post to you in the REAL mail Dennis. Say thanks to Enzo for the last one for me!

  • Judy Skolnick

    Give my buddy Enzo a good massage for his wonderful paws
  • Nicole Eippers

    Bonjour Denis,
    Enzo, le petit "cochon" ! LOL... est bien arrivé ce matin , merci beaucoup, il est trop mignon.
  • Em

    Mushrooms - yes!
    Merci bien, D.
  • andytgeezer

    No problem Dennis, always a pleasure to bring a smile to a dog's face! Hope you don't mind me posting up Enzo's little pic on in my new your REAL wall section
  • andytgeezer


    Just a heads up to say that your/Enzo's card is up on my REAL washing machine alongside a work that is allegedly sent by the world famous graffiti artist Banksy. I am still finding this hard to take in, but it does certainly look to be the REAL deal.

    my REAL wall
  • andytgeezer

    Thanks - it was a late night idea that came to me, but I like the converging lines and reflection leading to that crazy Banksy centrepiece!
  • lefebvre

    Merci Denis pour la traduction en Roumain
    j'en ai deja reçu, un ce matin
  • Jean Pierre Desvigne

    Bonsoir Denis ,
    Merci pour le relais de l'appel bleu.
    A bientôt. JP
  • Joli

    Hi Denis!

    Thank you, and nice to see you too!

  • Celestino Neto

    Boa noite Denis, não recebi ainda, não sei o que aconteceu, ja era para ter chegado.
    Vi no seu blog, o envelope que enviou.
  • Peter Dowker

    Salut Denis,
    J'ai recu ta carte avec Enzo aujourhui. Merci!
    Funny, I was started one for you last night.
  • Gilles Le Corre

    Salut Denis,
    Je suis un couche tôt, mais un lève tôt aussi, on n'a rien sans rien. Merci pour l'accueil. Je ne promets pas d'être assidu, toujours à courir derrière la pendule, mais j'irai faire un tour sur le forum. Á plus !