
Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
My interest are in all kind of visual art, mainly painting, visual poetry and mail art
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome Claudio!
  • Keyla Holmquist

    Hola Claudio!
    Un abrazo desde Venezuela amigo.
  • Maurizio Follin

    Hello Claudio
    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Hello my new mail art friend! Your work is very beautiful...
    I will be sending you something very soon!
  • Marion Bockelmann

    Thanks for contacting me, Claudio! Love your Rain Forest piece!
  • mariano bellarosa

    Ciao Claudio!
  • Bruno Chiarlone

    Ciao amigo,
    come stai?

    Bruno Chiarlone
  • Keyla Holmquist

    Hi Amigo Claudio!
    Hugs from Venezuela

    _______ _@Y°°°(felicitaciones por su trabajo de pintura)
  • El Taller de Zenon

    Gracias Claudio por la invitacion, que acepto encantado.
    Me gustaria enviarte algunas de nuestras convocatorias de arte postal, podrias pasarme tu direccion postal ?
    Mi enhorabuena tambien por tu trabajo de pintura, y me gustaria que echases un vistazo a las que tengo en la web :
    Hasta luego
  • mariano bellarosa

    hola Claudio!
  • Shivablack

    I will do my best..but today it´s a bit cloudy...I hope for some hard winds gone come to blow away those clouds..
  • Marion Bockelmann

    You mean big artwork like posters? Nope, nothing bigger than A4 so far - only a few giant abstract paintings for fun ...
    Thanks for your kind comment!
  • Marion Bockelmann

    Sounds interesting! Well, 18 x 10 cm isn´t too big, and yes, I´ve made a lot of artwork in a middle format - mostly book pages in Altered Books or tip-in pages for books. But as these are a special kind of mail art (and my favourite for a while now), I haven´t uploaded them here - you can find them on my blog or in my Flickr album.
  • Shivablack´s cold..but today it´s better..the fog is gone,only grey i imagine the sun behind it all..:-)
  • Ivan Zemtsov

    Thank you, Claudio! I'll visit your blog next week!
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Thank you for the invitation. Your page is very colored! All that I like
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Porque Republica de las Gaviotas?Y tambien deseo saber si te gusta la pintura de Miro?
  • Celestino Neto

    Dear friend I am leaving here is convocatória.


    Mail artists Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarre invite all interested artists around the world to participate in their international mail-art project:

    The Second Biennale International of Small Art - Venezuela
    Exhibition to all.
    No jury.
    Catalogue to all.
    No return.
    Size: Maximum Postcard size (10 x 15 cm.)
    Technique: Free.

    December 31, 2009.

    Send your Work to:

    II Bienal Internacional del Pequeño Formato,
    Apartado 54,
    Zona P. 2101A.
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Buenos días.. Gracias por tu mensaje, y gracias por tu bella mano coloreada. Hablo mal español pero trato de desenredarme.Le he apprendido al liceo pero después tengo regulierement tomé a coosos.. ¿ Sabe tú que en Burdeos o vi hay uno de los institutos Cervantes que difunde la cultura hispanohablante? Este instituto está instalado en la casa o murió el gran pintor español GOYA (uno de sus cuadros(tableros) célebres se llama" la laitiere de Bordeaux" No soy artista sino apprecie el arte (cinema, litterature, pintura, arquitectura) y practico el correo postal Te enviaré un "mail arte.".!Hasta pronto y excusa todos mis errores de lengua.....

  • Hélène LAGACHE

    me gusta e lugar virtual"republica de la gaviotas"..y el mundo del mar me encanta...
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Buenas tardes. Envié una foto del Instituto Cervantes porque está situado en la casa o murió Goya y para mostrarte que en Burdeos se gusta la cultura hispanohablante...
  • Celestino Neto

    My Projects

  • Björn Eriksson

    hello claudio! thanks for welcoming! i am right now trying to get the locus sonus feed working on another laptop i am running... it's about live field recordings (audio) sent in a network. more info at and you? what is happening? you're in chile, right? me in sweden/scandinavia.
    all the best, björn eriksson
  • Rachel Freeman

    Hi Claudio...I love your comment wall...your art is beautiful and I love the colors....thank you so much for the welcome to was such a nice surprise to start interacting with others so quickly...and I know some people too!
  • Rachel Freeman

    This website of yours that I visited: is is amazing. Your work has a very special expression of is so beautiful