Jennifer Kosharek


St. Petersburg, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love to give. I love to create. I love mail.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
665 Jasmine Way South
Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

Comment Wall:

  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome Jennifer!
  • Maurizio Follin

    I have pleasure to be your friend and you participate to my new mail-art project



    Quel sottile filo che, al di fuori ed al di sopra dei singoli progetti e delle esperienze personali, unisce l'opera di Ray Johnson all'attuale Mail Art
    That tenuous thread that, outside and above individual projects and personal experiences, connects the work of Ray Johnson to the current Mail Art

    Formato: libero / Format: free
    Tecnica: libera / Technique: free (2 & 3 dim., music, video, performance, poetry and small stories)
    Catalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website:

    Scadenza / dead line: 10-12-2008

    I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:
    Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
    30173 Favaro - Venezia - Italy

    Indicando nome, cognome, nazionalità ed indirizzo dell'artista + indirizzo e-mail ed eventuale sito web / please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address and web site if exist.
    Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con francobollo postale. All works must be send by post with postage stamps.
    Le opere ricevute non saranno restituite / Works of art we receive won't be given back.

    Per ulteriori informazioni :
    For more information :


  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    LOVE like the sky gives the rain
  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    trying is not wet enough dewing is much moisture
  • Denis Charmot

    Last week something left for you.
    Denis Charmot

  • Denis Charmot

    Few years ago, I visited the Dali museum in St Petersburg. I think you have also visited. There was this day an exhibition of beautiful hologram. It is a beautiful museum.
  • Denis Charmot

  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    Happy Day Just before the day before TUESDAY yourselves. GLAD to HEAR that someone is FINALLY "entertained" Please Enter your favorite taint :: Off Blue, Near Yeller, Aquapatiend, Pretend Puce, Moreover Magenta, Peach More Rain, Rien Nevermauve, etc.
    If your favorite taint is etc. you may be a tain't Colour Bland.
  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    Ruudimental :: The Cyclamen Society exists to encourage cultivation and conservation, and to disseminate and extend knowledge of the genus Cyclamen and its species, forms and cultivars. It combines scientific study with all the activities of a society for enthusiasts who cultivate the plants.The Society was formed in England in January 1977 and now has over 1600 members. Although it is based in the United Kingdom, it has a world-wide membership with nearly 20% from outside the UK, spread across Europe (9.7%), North America (5%), South America, South Africa, Australia (2.7%), New Zealand (1%), China, Japan (2.8%) and the countries of the former USSR.
    MAIL ART MEETS CYCLAMEN a vicious spiral
  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    tain't taint if fitz a COLOR
  • Maurizio Follin

    Thank for your friendship

  • Denis Charmot

    Hi Jennifer
    Thank you very much for the commentary on my postcard Dodo Dada.
    Have a nice day.
    Denis Charmot
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Jennifer! Thanks for the compliment :-) Book is coming along, wrapping up photos and manuscript. Somewhere in there, I've managed to carve out little bit of time to make something for your CFE; keep an eye out!
  • Jack Lattemann

    Yes, I strongly identify with sock monkeys. There are at least half a dozen within ten feet of me. My alter ego is an entrepreneurial type named LoJack. He hit prime time in the artistamp world during Year of the Monkey. Do you have a laptop? Is it protected by LoJack?

    ~Jack at Cascadia Artpost
  • Jack Lattemann

    I'm new to this blog, and would like to upload a few LoJack photos that are JPEGs to prove he exists. What format do images have to be in to upload?
    ~Jack at Cascadia Artpost
  • Lorraine Kwan

    Glad to hear it arrived

  • Jack Lattemann

    Please use the Cascadia Artpost PO Box for mail-art. I don't have an affiliation with the gallery, only thought it was an interesting card to send. You'll be on the list to receive several new artistamps in January.
  • Jack Lattemann

    The background on Cascadia Artpost can be found at the blog I have just started at

    More will be posted over the next month.
  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    YOU HAVE YOUR SHOES ON BACKWARDS, Ha, If that were true my TOES would be in back !
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Your secret's safe with me! ;-)
  • antic-ham

    thanks!! good to see you !

  • Maurizio Follin

    Thanks and congratulations for your welcome contribution to the project "Conceptual Continuity"
    Your work has been published on
    Click on your behalf to see if the link is the right one or you have one to be replaced
    A huge hello
  • Claudio Parentela

    hello Jennifer!

  • Claudio Romeo

    Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for your help!
    I am writing to IUOMA when the cube arrives
    and I put in Blog...

  • Test Tower

    Hi Zoellie, Thanks for the welcome. The Test Tower Institute will be reissuing another Chroma for you on Monday. I can't believe the other one remains MIA. Ain't that sumpin'?
  • Litsa Spathi / NOBODY

    "Merry X-mas & a happy new (y) ear!"- Fluxus and visual poem by Litsa Spathi created for her Fluxus Friends.
    ...ThanXs for your friendsheep!"
  • Carla Cryptic

  • Denis Charmot

    And it was not a rigged photo.
    Denis Charmot
  • Test Tower

    Hi Zoellie, Sorry to hear that you that you are now a illness-stricken Mail Art Princess, but a Happy New Year knows no restraint! This is crack a few eggs and make a few omlettes in the year to come. Hope you feel better soon my fun friend. Test
  • Test Tower

  • Jennifer Kosharek

    I sent a piece of mailart to a girl named Erica--who I don't know but who is laying in a hospital trying not to have twin girls. She loved my mailart so much she hung it at the hospital... hopefully she can keep the two girls in until it is time for them to meet their mommy and daddy. I hope my encouragement and art help her to stay strong.... That is why I send mail art.

  • Claudio Romeo


  • Test Tower

    I really like the Lonely Mail Art Hearts Club you made. Lovely. Above is a new part of the zine. Couldn't wait!
  • Em

    I beat you to it and already made a piece which I will mail today!

    Great Minds Think Alike . . . .
  • Claudio Romeo

    Hi Jenny,
    thanks for the lovely picture on my comment wall!