I have pleasure to be your friend and I would invite you to join mail-art project 2008
Quel sottile filo che, al di fuori ed al di sopra dei singoli progetti e delle esperienze personali, unisce l'opera di Ray Johnson all'attuale Mail Art
That tenuous thread that, outside and above individual projects and personal experiences, connects the work of Ray Johnson to the current Mail Art
Formato: libero / Format: free
Tecnica: libera / Technique: free (2 & 3 dim., music, video, performance, poetry and small stories)
Catalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website: http://itsonlymailartconcept.blogspot.com/
Scadenza / dead line: 10-12-2008
I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:
Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
30173 Favaro V.to - Venezia - Italy
Indicando nome, cognome, nazionalità ed indirizzo dell'artista + indirizzo e-mail ed eventuale sito web / please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address and web site if exist.
Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con francobollo postale. All works must be send by post with postage stamps.
Le opere ricevute non saranno restituite / Works of art we receive won't be given back.
Per ulteriori informazioni : http://itsonlymailartprog.blogspot.com/
For more information : http://itsonlymailartprog.blogspot.com/
Dag Guido, Ja inderdaad. Lijkt op facebook alleen slechts voor een heel speciale doelgroep. De site is nu ruim 2 weken in de lucht, heeft meer dan 20,000 hits en al 129 members. Het ontwikkeld zich erg snel. Bedankt voor je positieve woorden - Ruud
Thanks and congratulations for your welcome contribution to the project "Conceptual Continuity"
Your work has been published on http://itsonlymailartconcept.blogspot.com/
Click on your behalf to see if the link is the right one or you have one to be replaced
A huge hello
Couldn't agree with you more. It's like etchers suddenly discovering how to print in color instead of B/W. Keep the good works rocking and rolling.
Maurizio Follin
I have pleasure to be your friend and I would invite you to join mail-art project 2008
Quel sottile filo che, al di fuori ed al di sopra dei singoli progetti e delle esperienze personali, unisce l'opera di Ray Johnson all'attuale Mail Art
That tenuous thread that, outside and above individual projects and personal experiences, connects the work of Ray Johnson to the current Mail Art
Formato: libero / Format: free
Tecnica: libera / Technique: free (2 & 3 dim., music, video, performance, poetry and small stories)
Catalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website: http://itsonlymailartconcept.blogspot.com/
Scadenza / dead line: 10-12-2008
I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:
Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
30173 Favaro V.to - Venezia - Italy
Indicando nome, cognome, nazionalità ed indirizzo dell'artista + indirizzo e-mail ed eventuale sito web / please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address and web site if exist.
Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con francobollo postale. All works must be send by post with postage stamps.
Le opere ricevute non saranno restituite / Works of art we receive won't be given back.
Per ulteriori informazioni : http://itsonlymailartprog.blogspot.com/
For more information : http://itsonlymailartprog.blogspot.com/
Dec 1, 2008
Ruud Janssen
Dec 1, 2008
Maurizio Follin

MaurizioDec 3, 2008
Ruud Janssen
Dec 3, 2008
mariano bellarosa
Dec 4, 2008
Claudio Parentela
abracos&1000 strong hugs
Claudio Parentela
Dec 4, 2008
Maurizio Follin
Thanks and congratulations for your welcome contribution to the project "Conceptual Continuity"
Your work has been published on http://itsonlymailartconcept.blogspot.com/
Click on your behalf to see if the link is the right one or you have one to be replaced
A huge hello
Dec 9, 2008
Claudio Parentela
Dec 10, 2008
Guido Vermeulen
Dec 10, 2008
Litsa Spathi / NOBODY
"Merry X-mas & a happy new (y) ear!"- Fluxus and visual poem by Litsa Spathi created for her Fluxus Friends.
...ThanXs for your friendsheep!"
Dec 23, 2008
Carla Cryptic
Dec 23, 2008
Denis Charmot

And it was not a rigged photo.Denis Charmot
Dec 23, 2008
Ruud Janssen
Dec 24, 2008
Dec 24, 2008
Claudio Parentela
a big hug
Dec 25, 2008
Keiichi Nakamura
Have A Happy New Year 2009!
from Keiichi
Dec 28, 2008
Keiichi Nakamura
Dec 28, 2008
Claudio Romeo
Dec 28, 2008