Call them circles, call them dots, use a hole punch, use a template, draw them, scribble them, paint them, collage them. This is all about circles and how we make use of them.

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  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    1st of May:

    circle from Haptic Erni :-)

  • Willemien Visser

    wonderful! a circle in all dimensions -and even more ;)

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    On the App - Messier, today’s creativity prompt us make 12 circles of the same size on a piece of paper. Create something inside each one. Our daughter is here for work and staying with us. She was involved in creating the prompts based on her Creative Sprint. We worked in the garden today. Here are the results. Hers is way more consistent than mine! It was a lot of fun. PS she’s as happy about circles as I am.